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IDL code to create the enormous correlation matrix plot from Sinha et al 2018
function return_left_edge, axis, index, value
common tick_block, fixed_value_left_x, fixed_value_right_x
if value lt n_elements(fixed_value_left_x) then begin
tickmark = string_logexp(fixed_value_left_x[value])
endif else begin
if value eq n_elements(fixed_right_x) then begin
tickmark = string_logexp(fixed_value_right_x[-1])
endif else begin
tickmark = 'N!Dgal!N'
RETURN, tickmark[0]
compile_opt idl2, strictarrsubs
common tick_block
lum_sample = 21
nseeds = 50
wp_nbins = 14
nrots = 4
generate_ps = 1
;;; [-0.2,1.0] for Mr21 and [-0.35,1.0] for Mr19 to compare with subsampled. [-0.2,1.0] to compare between lum. samples
;; if lum_sample eq 21 then begin
;; cbrange = [-0.2, 1.0]
;; endif else begin
;; cbrange = [-0.35, 1.0]
;; endelse
cbrange = [-0.4, 1.0]
ncolors = 256
cameron_mocks = 0
subsampled_mocks = 0
plot_mock_measurements = 1
highlight_stats = 1
plot_stat_extent_arrows = 1
plot_vertical_lines_with_arrows = 0 ;;; only takes effect when arrows are being plotted
case lum_sample of
gmf_nbins = 8
start_seed = 4001
;;; Cameron made the wp measurements for the -19
if cameron_mocks eq 1 then begin
cameron_wp = 1
wp_datadir = '/data0/cameron/data/lasdamas/main19_manodeep/rppi_s0.2t20_pimax40by10/proj/'
gmf_filebase = '/fs1/sinham/lasdamas/Consuelo/Mr19/best_box_fits/with_covariance/out2_SEED_irot_IROT_gmf_geometry.dat'
ngal_file = '/data2/cameron/data/lasdamas/main19_manodeep/out2_ncount.dat'
;;; these are the subsampled files from the correlation matrix
;;; plots
endif else begin
cameron_wp = 0
if subsampled_mocks eq 1 then begin
dir = '/fs1/sinham/lasdamas/Consuelo/Mr19/best_box_fits/with_covariance/subsampled/'
wp_filebase = dir + 'Consuelo_SEED_irot_IROT_geometry_subsampled.wp'
gmf_filebase = dir + 'Consuelo_SEED_irot_IROT_mock_geometry_subsampled.grps'
ngal_file = dir + 'makemock_ngal.dat'
endif else begin
dir = '/fs1/sinham/lasdamas/Consuelo/Mr19/best_box_fits/joint_correlation_matrix/'
wp_filebase = dir + 'Consuelo_SEED_irot_IROT_geometry.wp'
gmf_filebase = dir + 'Consuelo_SEED_irot_IROT_gmf_geometry.dat'
ngal_file = dir + 'makemock_ngal.dat'
sdss_wp_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr19_wp_northonly.dat'
sdss_gmf_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr19_fib0_gmf_northonly.dat'
sdss_ngal_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr19_ngal_northonly.dat'
volume = 5.555221d6 ;;approx volume of the mocks -- the real volume is (from Cameron through email) is 5.555221e+06
gmf_tickv = [5, 10, 20, 50, 200]
gmf_nbins = 6
start_seed = 2001
cameron_wp = 0
if subsampled_mocks eq 0 then begin
dir = "/fs1/sinham/lasdamas/Carmen/mocks_for_joint_covariance_matrix/"
wp_filebase = dir + 'Carmen_SEED_irot_IROT_geometry.wp'
gmf_filebase = dir + 'Carmen_SEED_irot_IROT_gmf_geometry.dat'
endif else begin
dir = "/fs1/sinham/lasdamas/Carmen/mocks_for_joint_covariance_matrix/subsampled/"
wp_filebase = dir + 'Carmen_SEED_irot_IROT_mock_geometry_subsampled.wp'
gmf_filebase = dir + 'Carmen_SEED_irot_IROT_mock_geometry_subsampled.grps'
ngal_file = dir + 'makemock_ngal.dat'
sdss_wp_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr21_wp_northonly.dat'
sdss_gmf_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr21_fib0_gmf_northonly.dat'
sdss_ngal_file = '/home/sinham/code/andreas/data/sdss_Mr21_ngal_northonly.dat'
volume = 7.837407d7
gmf_tickv = [5, 10, 20, 40]
print, 'ERROR: luminosity sample not supported'
if ((cameron_wp ne 0) && (lum_sample ne 19)) then stop
statistics_label = ['n!Dgal!N', 'w!Dp!N(r!Dp!N)', 'n(N)']
seeds = lindgen(nseeds) + start_seed
totnbins = wp_nbins+gmf_nbins+1
totnmocks = nseeds*nrots
if n_elements(model_data) eq 0 then $
model_data = dblarr(totnbins, totnmocks)
sdss_data = dblarr(totnbins)
get_lun, lun
idat = lonarr(5)
stat_bin = 0
if n_elements(all_ngal) eq 0 then begin
readcol, ngal_file, ngal, format = 'D', /silent
if n_elements(ngal) ne nseeds*nrots then stop
all_ngal = ngal
all_ngal /= volume
model_data[stat_bin, 0:totnmocks-1L] = all_ngal
if n_elements(all_wp) eq 0 then begin
all_wp = dblarr(wp_nbins, nseeds*nrots)
index = 0
for iseed = 0, nseeds-1 do begin
for irot = 0, nrots-1 do begin
if max(all_wp[*, index]) eq 0.0 then begin
case lum_sample of
if cameron_wp eq 1 then begin
file = wp_datadir + 'rppi_s0.2t20_pimax40by10.out2_'+strn(seeds[iseed]) + '_irot_' + strn(irot) + '.wp.dat'
readcol, file, wp, format = 'D', /silent
endif else begin
file = str_replace(wp_filebase, 'SEED', string(seeds[iseed], format = '(I0)'))
file = str_replace(file, 'IROT', string(irot, format = '(I0)'))
readcol, file, wp, format = 'X,X,X,D', /silent ;;; rpmin,rpmax,rpavg,wp,npairs -> format. Skip rpmin,rpmax and rpavg
if n_elements(wp) ne wp_nbins then stop
file = str_replace(wp_filebase, 'SEED', string(seeds[iseed], format = '(I0)'))
file = str_replace(file, 'IROT', string(irot, format = '(I0)'))
readcol, file, wp, format = 'X,X,X,D', /silent ;;; rpmin,rpmax,rpavg,wp,npairs -> format. Skip rpmin,rpmax and rpavg
if n_elements(wp) ne wp_nbins then stop
print, 'ERROR: luminosity sample not supported'
all_wp[0:wp_nbins-1L, index] = wp
model_data[stat_bin:stat_bin+wp_nbins-1L, index] = wp
stat_bin += wp_nbins
if n_elements(all_gmf) eq 0 then begin
all_gmf = dblarr(gmf_nbins, nseeds*nrots)
index = 0
readcol, sdss_gmf_file, gmf_bin_left, gmf_bin_right, sdss_gmf, format = 'D,D,D', /silent
if n_elements(gmf_bin_left) ne gmf_nbins or n_elements(gmf_bin_right) ne gmf_nbins then stop
bin_width = gmf_bin_right-gmf_bin_left
for iseed = 0, nseeds-1 do begin
for irot = 0, nrots-1 do begin
if max(all_gmf[*, index]) eq 0.0 then begin
file = str_replace(gmf_filebase, 'SEED', strn(seeds[iseed]))
file = str_replace(file, 'IROT', strn(irot))
readcol, file, ngalaxies, numgroups, format = 'D,D', /silent
gmf = dblarr(gmf_nbins)
for ibin = 0, gmf_nbins-1 do begin
ind = where(ngalaxies ge gmf_bin_left[ibin] and ngalaxies lt gmf_bin_right[ibin], cnt)
if cnt gt 0 then begin
gmf[ibin] = total(numgroups[ind], /double)/volume/bin_width[ibin]
all_gmf[0:gmf_nbins-1L, index] = gmf
model_data[stat_bin:stat_bin+gmf_nbins-1L, index] = gmf
print, iseed, format = '("Done reading groups for seed # ",I3)'
correlation_matrix = make_correlation_matrix(model_data)
mincov = min([correlation_matrix], max = maxcov)
print, mincov, maxcov
wait, 0.5
stat_bin = 0
readcol, sdss_ngal_file, sdss_ngal, sdss_ngal_error, format = 'D,D', /silent
sdss_data[stat_bin] = sdss_ngal
readcol, sdss_wp_file, fixed_value_left_x, fixed_value_right_x,sdss_wp, format = 'D,D,x,D', /silent
sdss_data[stat_bin:stat_bin+wp_nbins-1L] = sdss_wp
stat_bin += wp_nbins
fixed_left_x = lindgen(wp_nbins) + 1
fixed_right_x = fixed_left_x + 1
sdss_rp_left = fixed_value_left_x
sdss_rp_right = fixed_value_right_x
wp_tickv = [0.2,0.5, 1.0,2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0]
wp_ticknames = string(wp_tickv, format = '(F0.1)')
quadterp, double(fixed_value_left_x), double(fixed_left_x), wp_tickv, wp_xtickv
readcol, sdss_gmf_file, ngal_left, ngal_right,sdss_gmf, format = 'D,D,D', /silent
sdss_data[stat_bin:stat_bin+gmf_nbins-1L] = sdss_gmf
stat_bin += gmf_nbins
fixed_left_x = lindgen(gmf_nbins) + 1 + wp_nbins
fixed_right_x = fixed_left_x + 1
fixed_value_left_x = ngal_left
gmf_ticknames = string(gmf_tickv, format = '(I0)')
quadterp, double(fixed_value_left_x), fixed_left_x, gmf_tickv, gmf_xtickv
xtickv = [wp_xtickv, gmf_xtickv]
ticknames = [wp_ticknames, gmf_ticknames]
fixed_left_x = lindgen(totnbins)
fixed_right_x = fixed_left_x + 1
size = 1200
ps_size = 16
if generate_ps eq 1 then begin
set_plot, 'ps'
;; psfile = 'joint_count_in_bins_Mr'+strn(lum_sample)+'sample_bestHOD_from_amoeba_wp_with_ngal_from_mocks_gaussian_overlay.eps'
;; psfile = 'correlation_matrix_Mr'+strn(lum_sample)+'sample_bestHOD_from_amoeba_wp_with_ngal_from_mocks.eps'
;; psfile = 'joint_count_in_bins_Mr'+strn(lum_sample)+'sample_bestHOD_from_amoeba_wp_with_ngal_from_mocks_gaussian_overlay_subsampled.eps'
psfile = '../figures/joint_CorrMatrix_Mr' + strn(lum_sample)
if subsampled_mocks eq 1 then psfile = psfile + '_subsampled'
psfile = psfile + '.eps'
device, /decomposed, bits_per_pixel = 8, /color, /tt_font, /bold, file = psfile, xsize = ps_size, ysize = ps_size, /inches, /helvetica, /encap
endif else begin
window, xsize = size, ysize = size
tickinterval = 4
minor = tickinterval
xthick = 3
ythick = 3
thick = 6
charsize = 2
xticklen = 0.02
yticklen = 0.02
xrange = [0, totnbins]
yrange = xrange
cb_title = '[R!Di j!N]'
cb_title = tex2idl("[ $R_{ij}$ ]")
cb_title = ''
cb_charsize = 3
pos = [0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85]
cb_pos = [0.15, 0.88, 0.85, 0.91]
if n_elements(ncolors) eq 0 then $
ncolors = 256
cgloadct, 25, /brewer, /reverse, ncolors = ncolors
if n_elements(cbrange) eq 0 then $
cbrange = [mincov, maxcov]
ms_plotimage_varbins, correlation_matrix, fixed_left_x, fixed_right_x, fixed_left_x, fixed_right_x, cbrange, logcolor = 0, $
xrange = yrange, yrange = yrange, $
xminor = minor, yminor = minor, xtickinterval = tickinterval, ytickinterval = tickinterval, $
xthick = xthick, ythick = ythick, xticklen = xticklen, yticklen = yticklen, $
xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, xtickformat = '(A1)', ytickformat = '(A1)', $
position = pos, ncolors = ncolors, charsize = charsize
;;; highlight the bins if requested
if ((n_elements(highlight_stats) ne 0) && (highlight_stats eq 1)) then begin
;;; First draw a thick square around ngal
xarr = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0]
yarr = [0, 0, 1, 1, 0]
cgplots, xarr, yarr, thick = 2*thick, line = 0, color = 'black'
xarr = [1, 1+wp_nbins, 1+wp_nbins, 1, 1]
yarr = [1, 1, 1+wp_nbins, 1+wp_nbins, 1]
cgplots, xarr, yarr, thick = 2*thick, line = 0, color = 'black'
xarr = [1+wp_nbins, totnbins, totnbins, 1+wp_nbins, 1+wp_nbins]
yarr = [1+wp_nbins, 1+wp_nbins, totnbins, totnbins, 1+wp_nbins]
cgplots, xarr, yarr, thick = 2*thick, line = 0, color = 'black'
if plot_mock_measurements eq 1 then begin
for i = 0, totnbins-1 do begin
x1data = model_data[i, 0:totnmocks-1L]
sdss_x1data = sdss_data[i]
for j = 0, totnbins-1 do begin
x2data = model_data[j, 0:totnmocks-1L]
sdss_x2data = sdss_data[j]
color = cgcolor('black')
newpos = [i, j, i+1, j+1]
newpos_normal = double(newpos)
newpos_normal[0:1] = (convert_coord(newpos[0:1], /data, /to_normal))[0:1]
newpos_normal[2:3] = (convert_coord(newpos[2:3], /data, /to_normal))[0:1]
oldx = !x
oldy = !y
oldp = !p
if i eq j then begin
if min(x1data) ne max(x1data) then begin
;;; Find the yrange
histogauss, x1data, A, XX, YY, GX, GY, /noplot, /double
plot, [0], xrange = minmax([XX, GX]), yrange = [0, max([A[0], YY])*1.02], $
/noerase, position = newpos_normal, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, $
cgplots, XX, YY, line = 0, color = !black, thick = thick, noclip = 0
cgplots, GX, GY, line = 0, color = !white, thick = thick, noclip = 0
quadterp, gx, gy, sdss_x1data, yloc
cgplots, sdss_x1data, yloc, psym = 1, color = 'white', noclip = 0, symsize = 1.5
print, i, A[4], format = '("Bin # ",I2," gaussianity = ",F0.2)'
endif else begin
plot, [0], xrange = minmax(x1data), yrange = minmax(x2data), $
/noerase, position = newpos_normal, xstyle = 5, ystyle = 5, $
cgplots, x1data, x2data, psym = 16, color = color, noclip = 0, symsize = 0.4
cgplots, sdss_x1data, sdss_x2data, psym = 1, color = 'white', noclip = 0, symsize = 1.5
!x = oldx
!y = oldy
!p = oldp
cgcolorbar, range = cbrange, ncolors = ncolors, position = cb_pos, title = cb_title, /top, charsize = cb_charsize
axis, xaxis = 0, xticks = n_elements(xtickv)-1, xtickv = xtickv, xthick = xthick, xticklen = xticklen, xtickname = ticknames, charsize = charsize
axis, yaxis = 0, yticks = n_elements(xtickv)-1, ytickv = xtickv, ythick = ythick, yticklen = yticklen, ytickname = ticknames, charsize = charsize
axis, xaxis = 1, xticks = n_elements(xtickv)-1, xtickv = xtickv, xthick = xthick, xticklen = xticklen, xtickname = ticknames, charsize = charsize, xtickformat = '(A1)'
axis, yaxis = 1, yticks = n_elements(xtickv)-1, ytickv = xtickv, ythick = ythick, yticklen = yticklen, ytickname = ticknames, charsize = charsize, ytickformat = '(A1)'
axis_label_pos = -2.0
axis_label_charsize = 1.5*charsize
arrow_to_label_gap = 1
arrow_to_marker_gap = 0.05
if generate_ps eq 1 then begin
arrow_hsize = !D.X_SIZE / 64.
endif else begin
arrow_hsize = 10
arrow_thick = 0.3*thick
arrow_color = 'darkgray'
ngal_label = 'n!Dgal!N'
ngal_label_pos = 0.5*(0 + 1) ;;; mid-point of the entire ngal index range
ngal_align = 0.5
xyouts, ngal_label_pos, axis_label_pos, ngal_label, /data, alignment = ngal_align, charsize = axis_label_charsize
xyouts, axis_label_pos, ngal_label_pos, ngal_label, /data, alignment = ngal_align, charsize = axis_label_charsize, orientation = 90
wp_label = 'w!Dp!N(r!Dp!N)'
wp_start = 1 ;;; ngal is at index 0
wp_end = wp_start + wp_nbins
wp_label_pos = 0.5*(wp_start + wp_end) ;;; mid-point of the entire wp index range (wp[0] is at index 1, since ngal is at index 0)
xyouts, wp_label_pos, axis_label_pos, wp_label, /data, alignment = 0.5, charsize = axis_label_charsize
xyouts, axis_label_pos, wp_label_pos, wp_label, /data, alignment = 0.5, charsize = axis_label_charsize, orientation = 90
if plot_stat_extent_arrows eq 1 then begin
cgarrow, wp_label_pos - arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, wp_start + arrow_to_marker_gap, axis_label_pos, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, wp_label_pos + arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, wp_end - arrow_to_marker_gap, axis_label_pos, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, axis_label_pos, wp_label_pos - arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, wp_start + arrow_to_marker_gap, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, axis_label_pos, wp_label_pos + arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, wp_end - arrow_to_marker_gap, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
gmf_label = 'n(N)'
gmf_start = wp_end
gmf_end = gmf_start + gmf_nbins
gmf_label_pos = 0.5*(gmf_start + gmf_end) ;; mid-point of the gmf index range
xyouts, gmf_label_pos, axis_label_pos, gmf_label, /data, alignment = 0.5, charsize = axis_label_charsize
xyouts, axis_label_pos, gmf_label_pos, gmf_label, /data, alignment = 0.5, charsize = axis_label_charsize, orientation = 90
if plot_stat_extent_arrows eq 1 then begin
cgarrow, gmf_label_pos - arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, gmf_start + arrow_to_marker_gap, axis_label_pos, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, gmf_label_pos + arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, gmf_end - arrow_to_marker_gap, axis_label_pos, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, axis_label_pos, gmf_label_pos - arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, gmf_start + arrow_to_marker_gap, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
cgarrow, axis_label_pos, gmf_label_pos + arrow_to_label_gap, axis_label_pos, gmf_end - arrow_to_marker_gap, /data, /solid, thick = arrow_thick, hsize = arrow_hsize, color = arrow_color
;;; Now plot vertical lines marking the beginning and end of each stat
if (plot_stat_extent_arrows eq 1) && (plot_vertical_lines_with_arrows eq 1) then begin
vertical_marker_size = 0.2
vertical_marker_thick = 2*arrow_thick
ypos = [axis_label_pos - vertical_marker_size, axis_label_pos + vertical_marker_size]
cgplots, [0, 0], ypos, /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, [wp_start, wp_start], ypos, /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, [wp_end, wp_end], ypos, /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, [gmf_end, gmf_end], ypos, /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
;;; on the Y-axis -> involves simply swapping the x-y from the previous 4 lines
cgplots, ypos, [0, 0], /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, ypos, [wp_start, wp_start], /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, ypos, [wp_end, wp_end], /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
cgplots, ypos, [gmf_end, gmf_end], /data, thick = vertical_marker_thick, color = arrow_color
if !D.NAME eq 'PS' then begin
device, /close
set_plot, 'x'
free_lun, lun
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