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Created November 1, 2016 08:08
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Backup of SeqComposer
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
#nowarn "52" // The value has been copied to ensure the original is not mutated by this operation
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
module IEnumerator =
let noReset() = raise (new System.NotSupportedException(SR.GetString(SR.resetNotSupported)))
let notStarted() = raise (new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.enumerationNotStarted)))
let alreadyFinished() = raise (new System.InvalidOperationException(SR.GetString(SR.enumerationAlreadyFinished)))
let check started = if not started then notStarted()
let dispose (r : System.IDisposable) = r.Dispose()
let cast (e : IEnumerator) : IEnumerator<'T> =
{ new IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current = unbox<'T> e.Current
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = unbox<'T> e.Current :> obj
member x.MoveNext() = e.MoveNext()
member x.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
match e with
| :? System.IDisposable as e -> e.Dispose()
| _ -> () }
/// A concrete implementation of an enumerator that returns no values
type EmptyEnumerator<'T>() =
let mutable started = false
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current =
check started
(alreadyFinished() : 'T)
interface System.Collections.IEnumerator with
member x.Current =
check started
(alreadyFinished() : obj)
member x.MoveNext() =
if not started then started <- true
member x.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = ()
let Empty<'T> () = (new EmptyEnumerator<'T>() :> IEnumerator<'T>)
let readAndClear r =
lock r (fun () -> match !r with None -> None | Some _ as res -> r := None; res)
let generateWhileSome openf compute closef : IEnumerator<'U> =
let started = ref false
let curr = ref None
let state = ref (Some(openf()))
let getCurr() =
check !started
match !curr with None -> alreadyFinished() | Some x -> x
let start() = if not !started then (started := true)
let dispose() = readAndClear state |> Option.iter closef
let finish() = (try dispose() finally curr := None)
{ new IEnumerator<'U> with
member x.Current = getCurr()
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box (getCurr())
member x.MoveNext() =
match !state with
| None -> false (* we started, then reached the end, then got another MoveNext *)
| Some s ->
match (try compute s with e -> finish(); reraise()) with
| None -> finish(); false
| Some _ as x -> curr := x; true
member x.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = dispose() }
type Singleton<'T>(v:'T) =
let mutable started = false
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current = v
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box v
member x.MoveNext() = if started then false else (started <- true; true)
member x.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = ()
let Singleton x = (new Singleton<'T>(x) :> IEnumerator<'T>)
let EnumerateThenFinally f (e : IEnumerator<'T>) =
{ new IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current = e.Current
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = (e :> IEnumerator).Current
member x.MoveNext() = e.MoveNext()
member x.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
module RuntimeHelpers =
[<Struct; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type internal StructBox<'T when 'T : equality>(value:'T) =
member x.Value = value
static member Comparer =
let gcomparer = HashIdentity.Structural<'T>
{ new IEqualityComparer<StructBox<'T>> with
member __.GetHashCode(v) = gcomparer.GetHashCode(v.Value)
member __.Equals(v1,v2) = gcomparer.Equals(v1.Value,v2.Value) }
let inline checkNonNull argName arg =
match box arg with
| null -> nullArg argName
| _ -> ()
let mkSeq f =
{ new IEnumerable<'U> with
member x.GetEnumerator() = f()
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (f() :> IEnumerator) }
[<NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type EmptyEnumerable<'T> =
| EmptyEnumerable
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member x.GetEnumerator() = IEnumerator.Empty<'T>()
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (IEnumerator.Empty<'T>() :> IEnumerator)
let Generate openf compute closef =
mkSeq (fun () -> IEnumerator.generateWhileSome openf compute closef)
let GenerateUsing (openf : unit -> ('U :> System.IDisposable)) compute =
Generate openf compute (fun (s:'U) -> s.Dispose())
let EnumerateFromFunctions opener moveNext current =
(fun x -> if moveNext x then Some(current x) else None)
(fun x -> match box(x) with :? System.IDisposable as id -> id.Dispose() | _ -> ())
// A family of enumerators that can have additional 'finally' actions added to the enumerator through
// the use of mutation. This is used to 'push' the disposal action for a 'use' into the next enumerator.
// For example,
// seq { use x = ...
// while ... }
// results in the 'while' loop giving an adjustable enumerator. This is then adjusted by adding the disposal action
// from the 'use' into the enumerator. This means that we avoid constructing a two-deep enumerator chain in this
// common case.
type IFinallyEnumerator =
abstract AppendFinallyAction : (unit -> unit) -> unit
/// A concrete implementation of IEnumerable that adds the given compensation to the "Dispose" chain of any
/// enumerators returned by the enumerable.
type FinallyEnumerable<'T>(compensation: unit -> unit, restf: unit -> seq<'T>) =
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member x.GetEnumerator() =
let ie = restf().GetEnumerator()
match ie with
| :? IFinallyEnumerator as a ->
| _ ->
IEnumerator.EnumerateThenFinally compensation ie
with e ->
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = ((x :> IEnumerable<'T>).GetEnumerator() :> IEnumerator)
/// An optimized object for concatenating a sequence of enumerables
type ConcatEnumerator<'T,'U when 'U :> seq<'T>>(sources: seq<'U>) =
let mutable outerEnum = sources.GetEnumerator()
let mutable currInnerEnum = IEnumerator.Empty()
let mutable started = false
let mutable finished = false
let mutable compensations = []
[<DefaultValue(false)>] // false = unchecked
val mutable private currElement : 'T
member x.Finish() =
finished <- true
match currInnerEnum with
| null -> ()
| _ ->
currInnerEnum <- null
match outerEnum with
| null -> ()
| _ ->
outerEnum <- null
let rec iter comps =
match comps with
| [] -> ()
| h::t ->
try h() finally iter t
compensations |> List.rev |> iter
compensations <- []
member x.GetCurrent() =
IEnumerator.check started
if finished then IEnumerator.alreadyFinished() else x.currElement
interface IFinallyEnumerator with
member x.AppendFinallyAction(f) =
compensations <- f :: compensations
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current = x.GetCurrent()
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box (x.GetCurrent())
member x.MoveNext() =
if not started then (started <- true)
if finished then false
let rec takeInner () =
// check the inner list
if currInnerEnum.MoveNext() then
x.currElement <- currInnerEnum.Current
// check the outer list
let rec takeOuter() =
if outerEnum.MoveNext() then
let ie = outerEnum.Current
// Optimization to detect the statically-allocated empty IEnumerables
match box ie with
| :? EmptyEnumerable<'T> ->
// This one is empty, just skip, don't call GetEnumerator, try again
| _ ->
// OK, this one may not be empty.
// Don't forget to dispose of the enumerator for the inner list now we're done with it
currInnerEnum <- ie.GetEnumerator()
takeInner ()
// We're done
takeInner ()
member x.Reset() = IEnumerator.noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() =
if not finished then
let EnumerateUsing (resource : 'T :> System.IDisposable) (rest: 'T -> #seq<'U>) =
(FinallyEnumerable((fun () -> match box resource with null -> () | _ -> resource.Dispose()),
(fun () -> rest resource :> seq<_>)) :> seq<_>)
let mkConcatSeq (sources: seq<'U :> seq<'T>>) =
mkSeq (fun () -> new ConcatEnumerator<_,_>(sources) :> IEnumerator<'T>)
let EnumerateWhile (g : unit -> bool) (b: seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =
let started = ref false
let curr = ref None
let getCurr() =
IEnumerator.check !started
match !curr with None -> IEnumerator.alreadyFinished() | Some x -> x
let start() = if not !started then (started := true)
let finish() = (curr := None)
(mkSeq (fun () ->
{ new IEnumerator<_> with
member x.Current = getCurr()
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box (getCurr())
member x.MoveNext() =
let keepGoing = (try g() with e -> finish (); reraise ()) in
if keepGoing then
curr := Some(b); true
finish(); false
member x.Reset() = IEnumerator.noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = () }))
let EnumerateThenFinally (rest : seq<'T>) (compensation : unit -> unit) =
(FinallyEnumerable(compensation, (fun () -> rest)) :> seq<_>)
let CreateEvent (add : 'Delegate -> unit) (remove : 'Delegate -> unit) (create : (obj -> 'Args -> unit) -> 'Delegate ) :IEvent<'Delegate,'Args> =
// Note, we implement each interface explicitly: this works around a bug in the CLR
// implementation on CompactFramework 3.7, used on Windows Phone 7
{ new obj() with
member x.ToString() = "<published event>"
interface IEvent<'Delegate,'Args>
interface IDelegateEvent<'Delegate> with
member x.AddHandler(h) = add h
member x.RemoveHandler(h) = remove h
interface System.IObservable<'Args> with
member x.Subscribe(r:IObserver<'Args>) =
let h = create (fun _ args -> r.OnNext(args))
add h
{ new System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = remove h } }
type GeneratedSequenceBase<'T>() =
let mutable redirectTo : GeneratedSequenceBase<'T> = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let mutable redirect : bool = false
abstract GetFreshEnumerator : unit -> IEnumerator<'T>
abstract GenerateNext : next:byref<IEnumerable<'T>> -> int // 0 = Stop, 1 = Yield, 2 = Goto
abstract Close: unit -> unit
abstract CheckClose: bool
abstract LastGenerated : 'T
//[<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode; System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute>]
member x.MoveNextImpl() =
let active =
if redirect then redirectTo
else x
let mutable target = null
match active.GenerateNext(&target) with
| 1 ->
| 2 ->
match target.GetEnumerator() with
| :? GeneratedSequenceBase<'T> as g when not active.CheckClose ->
redirectTo <- g
| e ->
redirectTo <-
{ new GeneratedSequenceBase<'T>() with
member x.GetFreshEnumerator() = e
member x.GenerateNext(_) = if e.MoveNext() then 1 else 0
member x.Close() = try e.Dispose() finally active.Close()
member x.CheckClose = true
member x.LastGenerated = e.Current }
redirect <- true
| _ (* 0 *) ->
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member x.GetEnumerator() = x.GetFreshEnumerator()
interface IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (x.GetFreshEnumerator() :> IEnumerator)
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member x.Current = if redirect then redirectTo.LastGenerated else x.LastGenerated
member x.Dispose() = if redirect then redirectTo.Close() else x.Close()
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box (if redirect then redirectTo.LastGenerated else x.LastGenerated)
//[<System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCode; System.Diagnostics.DebuggerStepThroughAttribute>]
member x.MoveNext() = x.MoveNextImpl()
member x.Reset() = raise <| new System.NotSupportedException()
namespace Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open System
open System.Diagnostics
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.LanguagePrimitives.IntrinsicOperators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices
open Microsoft.FSharp.Control
open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics
type CachedSeq<'T>(cleanup,res:seq<'T>) =
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = cleanup()
interface System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T> with
member x.GetEnumerator() = res.GetEnumerator()
interface System.Collections.IEnumerable with
member x.GetEnumerator() = (res :> System.Collections.IEnumerable).GetEnumerator()
member obj.Clear() = cleanup()
module Seq =
module Composer =
open IEnumerator
module Internal =
type PipeIdx = int
type ``PipeIdx?`` = Nullable<PipeIdx>
let emptyPipeIdx = Nullable ()
let inline getPipeIdx (maybePipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) = if maybePipeIdx.HasValue then maybePipeIdx.Value else 1
let inline makePipeIdx (pipeIdx:PipeIdx) = Nullable pipeIdx
type ICompletionChaining =
abstract OnComplete : PipeIdx -> unit
abstract OnDispose : unit -> unit
type IOutOfBand =
abstract StopFurtherProcessing : PipeIdx -> unit
type Consumer<'T,'U> () =
abstract ProcessNext : input:'T -> bool
abstract OnComplete : PipeIdx -> unit
abstract OnDispose : unit -> unit
default __.OnComplete _ = ()
default __.OnDispose () = ()
interface ICompletionChaining with
member this.OnComplete terminatingIdx =
this.OnComplete terminatingIdx
member this.OnDispose () =
try this.OnDispose ()
finally ()
[<Struct; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Values<'a,'b> =
val mutable _1 : 'a
val mutable _2 : 'b
new (a:'a, b: 'b) = {
_1 = a
_2 = b
[<Struct; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type Values<'a,'b,'c> =
val mutable _1 : 'a
val mutable _2 : 'b
val mutable _3 : 'c
new (a:'a, b:'b, c:'c) = {
_1 = a
_2 = b
_3 = c
type Folder<'T, 'U> =
inherit Consumer<'T,'T>
val mutable Value : 'U
new (init) = {
inherit Consumer<'T,'T>()
Value = init
type ISeqFactory<'T,'U> =
abstract PipeIdx : PipeIdx
abstract Create<'V> : IOutOfBand -> ``PipeIdx?`` -> Consumer<'U,'V> -> Consumer<'T,'V>
type ISeq<'T> =
inherit IEnumerable<'T>
abstract member Compose<'U> : (ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) -> ISeq<'U>
abstract member ForEach<'consumer when 'consumer :> Consumer<'T,'T>> : f:((unit->unit)->'consumer) -> 'consumer
open Internal
module Helpers =
// used for performance reasons; these are not recursive calls, so should be safe
// ** it should be noted that potential changes to the f# compiler may render this function
// ineffictive **
let inline avoidTailCall boolean = match boolean with true -> true | false -> false
// The f# compiler outputs unnecessary unbox.any calls in upcasts. If this functionality
// is fixed with the compiler then these functions can be removed.
let inline upcastSeq (t:#ISeq<'T>) : ISeq<'T> = (# "" t : ISeq<'T> #)
let inline upcastFactory (t:#ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) : ISeqFactory<'T,'U> = (# "" t : ISeqFactory<'T,'U> #)
let inline upcastEnumerable (t:#IEnumerable<'T>) : IEnumerable<'T> = (# "" t : IEnumerable<'T> #)
let inline upcastEnumerator (t:#IEnumerator<'T>) : IEnumerator<'T> = (# "" t : IEnumerator<'T> #)
let inline upcastEnumeratorNonGeneric (t:#IEnumerator) : IEnumerator = (# "" t : IEnumerator #)
let inline upcastICompletionChaining (t:#ICompletionChaining) : ICompletionChaining = (# "" t : ICompletionChaining #)
open Helpers
type [<AbstractClass>] SeqComponentFactory<'T,'U> (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) =
new() = SeqComponentFactory<'T,'U> (emptyPipeIdx)
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'U> with
member __.PipeIdx = getPipeIdx pipeIdx
member __.Create<'V> (_:IOutOfBand) (_:``PipeIdx?``) (_:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = failwith "library implementation error: Create on base factory should not be called"
and ComposedFactory<'T,'U,'V> private (first:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>, second:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>, secondPipeIdx:PipeIdx) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'V> (makePipeIdx secondPipeIdx)
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'V> with
member this.Create<'W> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'V,'W>) : Consumer<'T,'W> =
first.Create outOfBand pipeIdx (second.Create outOfBand (makePipeIdx secondPipeIdx) next)
static member Combine (first:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) (second:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeqFactory<'T,'V> =
ComposedFactory(first, second, first.PipeIdx+1) |> upcastFactory
and ChooseFactory<'T,'U> (filter:'T->option<'U>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Choose (filter, next)
and DistinctFactory<'T when 'T: equality> () =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Distinct (next)
and DistinctByFactory<'T,'Key when 'Key: equality> (keyFunction:'T-> 'Key) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast DistinctBy (keyFunction, next)
and ExceptFactory<'T when 'T: equality> (itemsToExclude: seq<'T>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Except (itemsToExclude, next)
and FilterFactory<'T> (filter:'T->bool) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> =
match next with
| :? SeqComponent<'T,'V> as next -> upcast next.CreateFilter filter
| _ -> upcast Filter (filter, next)
and IdentityFactory<'T> () =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
static let singleton = IdentityFactory<'T>()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member __.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = next
static member Instance = singleton
and MapFactory<'T,'U> (map:'T->'U) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> =
match next with
| :? SeqComponent<'U,'V> as next -> upcast next.CreateMap map
| _ -> upcast Map<_,_,_> (map, next)
and Map2FirstFactory<'First,'Second,'U> (map:'First->'Second->'U, input2:IEnumerable<'Second>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'First,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'First,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'First,'V> = upcast Map2First (map, input2, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and Map2SecondFactory<'First,'Second,'U> (map:'First->'Second->'U, input1:IEnumerable<'First>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'Second,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'Second,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'Second,'V> = upcast Map2Second (map, input1, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and Map3Factory<'First,'Second,'Third,'U> (map:'First->'Second->'Third->'U, input2:IEnumerable<'Second>, input3:IEnumerable<'Third>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'First,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'First,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'First,'V> = upcast Map3 (map, input2, input3, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and MapiFactory<'T,'U> (mapi:int->'T->'U) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Mapi (mapi, next)
and Mapi2Factory<'First,'Second,'U> (map:int->'First->'Second->'U, input2:IEnumerable<'Second>) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'First,'U> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'First,'U> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'U,'V>) : Consumer<'First,'V> = upcast Mapi2 (map, input2, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and PairwiseFactory<'T> () =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T*'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T*'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T*'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Pairwise (next)
and ScanFactory<'T,'State> (folder:'State->'T->'State, initialState:'State) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'State> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'State> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'State,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Scan<_,_,_> (folder, initialState, next)
and SkipFactory<'T> (count:int) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Skip (count, next)
and SkipWhileFactory<'T> (predicate:'T->bool) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast SkipWhile (predicate, next)
and TakeWhileFactory<'T> (predicate:'T->bool) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast TakeWhile (predicate, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and TakeFactory<'T> (count:int) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Take (count, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and TailFactory<'T> () =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Tail<'T,'V> (next)
and TruncateFactory<'T> (count:int) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T,'T> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T,'T> with
member this.Create<'V> (outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Truncate (count, outOfBand, next, getPipeIdx pipeIdx)
and WindowedFactory<'T> (windowSize:int) =
inherit SeqComponentFactory<'T, 'T[]> ()
interface ISeqFactory<'T, 'T[]> with
member this.Create<'V> (_outOfBand:IOutOfBand) (_pipeIdx:``PipeIdx?``) (next:Consumer<'T[],'V>) : Consumer<'T,'V> = upcast Windowed (windowSize, next)
and [<AbstractClass>] SeqComponent<'T,'U> (next:ICompletionChaining) =
inherit Consumer<'T,'U>()
// Seq.init(Infinite)? lazily uses Current. The only Composer component that can do that is Skip
// and it can only do it at the start of a sequence
abstract Skipping : unit -> bool
abstract CreateMap<'S> : map:('S->'T) -> SeqComponent<'S,'U>
abstract CreateFilter : filter:('T->bool) -> SeqComponent<'T,'U>
interface ICompletionChaining with
member this.OnComplete terminatingIdx =
this.OnComplete terminatingIdx
next.OnComplete terminatingIdx
member this.OnDispose () =
try this.OnDispose ()
finally next.OnDispose ()
default __.Skipping () = false
default this.CreateMap<'S> (map:'S->'T) = upcast Map<_,_,_> (map, this)
default this.CreateFilter (filter:'T->bool) = upcast Filter (filter, this)
and Choose<'T,'U,'V> (choose:'T->option<'U>, next:Consumer<'U,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
match choose input with
| Some value -> avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext value)
| None -> false
and Distinct<'T,'V when 'T: equality> (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let hashSet = HashSet<'T>(HashIdentity.Structural<'T>)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if hashSet.Add input then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
and DistinctBy<'T,'Key,'V when 'Key: equality> (keyFunction: 'T -> 'Key, next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let hashSet = HashSet<'Key>(HashIdentity.Structural<'Key>)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if hashSet.Add(keyFunction input) then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
and Except<'T,'V when 'T: equality> (itemsToExclude: seq<'T>, next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let cached = lazy(HashSet(itemsToExclude, HashIdentity.Structural))
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if cached.Value.Add input then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
and Filter<'T,'V> (filter:'T->bool, next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override this.CreateMap<'S> (map:'S->'T) = upcast MapThenFilter<_,_,_> (map, filter, next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if filter input then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
and FilterThenMap<'T,'U,'V> (filter:'T->bool, map:'T->'U, next:Consumer<'U,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if filter input then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (map input))
and Map<'T,'U,'V> (map:'T->'U, next:Consumer<'U,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override this.CreateFilter (filter:'T->bool) = upcast FilterThenMap (filter, map, next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (map input))
and Map2First<'First,'Second,'U,'V> (map:'First->'Second->'U, enumerable2:IEnumerable<'Second>, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'U,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'First,'V>(next)
let input2 = enumerable2.GetEnumerator ()
let map' = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt map
override __.ProcessNext (input:'First) : bool =
if input2.MoveNext () then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (map'.Invoke (input, input2.Current)))
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
override __.OnDispose () =
input2.Dispose ()
and Map2Second<'First,'Second,'U,'V> (map:'First->'Second->'U, enumerable1:IEnumerable<'First>, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'U,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'Second,'V>(next)
let input1 = enumerable1.GetEnumerator ()
let map' = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt map
override __.ProcessNext (input:'Second) : bool =
if input1.MoveNext () then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (map'.Invoke (input1.Current, input)))
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
override __.OnDispose () =
input1.Dispose ()
and Map3<'First,'Second,'Third,'U,'V> (map:'First->'Second->'Third->'U, enumerable2:IEnumerable<'Second>, enumerable3:IEnumerable<'Third>, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'U,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'First,'V>(next)
let input2 = enumerable2.GetEnumerator ()
let input3 = enumerable3.GetEnumerator ()
let map' = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_,_>.Adapt map
override __.ProcessNext (input:'First) : bool =
if input2.MoveNext () && input3.MoveNext () then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (map'.Invoke (input, input2.Current, input3.Current)))
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
override __.OnDispose () =
try input2.Dispose ()
finally input3.Dispose ()
and MapThenFilter<'T,'U,'V> (map:'T->'U, filter:'U->bool, next:Consumer<'U,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
let u = map input
if filter u then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext u)
and Mapi<'T,'U,'V> (mapi:int->'T->'U, next:Consumer<'U,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable idx = 0
let mapi' = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt mapi
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
idx <- idx + 1
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (mapi'.Invoke (idx-1, input)))
and Mapi2<'First,'Second,'U,'V> (map:int->'First->'Second->'U, enumerable2:IEnumerable<'Second>, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'U,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'First,'V>(next)
let mutable idx = 0
let input2 = enumerable2.GetEnumerator ()
let mapi2' = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_,_>.Adapt map
override __.ProcessNext (input:'First) : bool =
if input2.MoveNext () then
idx <- idx + 1
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext (mapi2'.Invoke (idx-1, input, input2.Current)))
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
override __.OnDispose () =
input2.Dispose ()
and Pairwise<'T,'V> (next:Consumer<'T*'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable isFirst = true
let mutable lastValue = Unchecked.defaultof<'T>
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if isFirst then
lastValue <- input
isFirst <- false
let currentPair = lastValue, input
lastValue <- input
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext currentPair)
and Scan<'T,'State,'V> (folder:'State->'T->'State, initialState: 'State, next:Consumer<'State,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt folder
let mutable foldResult = initialState
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
foldResult <- f.Invoke(foldResult, input)
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext foldResult)
and Skip<'T,'V> (skipCount:int, next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable count = 0
override __.Skipping () =
if count < skipCount then
count <- count + 1
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if count < skipCount then
count <- count + 1
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
override __.OnComplete _ =
if count < skipCount then
let x = skipCount - count
invalidOpFmt "tried to skip {0} {1} past the end of the seq"
[|SR.GetString SR.notEnoughElements; x; (if x=1 then "element" else "elements")|]
and SkipWhile<'T,'V> (predicate:'T->bool, next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable skip = true
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if skip then
skip <- predicate input
if skip then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
and Take<'T,'V> (takeCount:int, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'T,'V>, pipelineIdx:int) =
inherit Truncate<'T, 'V>(takeCount, outOfBand, next, pipelineIdx)
override this.OnComplete terminatingIdx =
if terminatingIdx < pipelineIdx && this.Count < takeCount then
let x = takeCount - this.Count
invalidOpFmt "tried to take {0} {1} past the end of the seq"
[|SR.GetString SR.notEnoughElements; x; (if x=1 then "element" else "elements")|]
and TakeWhile<'T,'V> (predicate:'T->bool, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'T,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if predicate input then
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
and Tail<'T, 'V> (next:Consumer<'T,'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable first = true
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if first then
first <- false
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
override this.OnComplete _ =
if first then
invalidArg "source" (SR.GetString(SR.notEnoughElements))
and Truncate<'T,'V> (truncateCount:int, outOfBand:IOutOfBand, next:Consumer<'T,'V>, pipeIdx:int) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let mutable count = 0
member __.Count = count
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
if count < truncateCount then
count <- count + 1
if count = truncateCount then
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext input)
outOfBand.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx
and Windowed<'T,'V> (windowSize: int, next:Consumer<'T[],'V>) =
inherit SeqComponent<'T,'V>(next)
let circularBuffer = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked windowSize
let mutable idx = 0
let mutable priming = windowSize - 1
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
circularBuffer.[idx] <- input
idx <- idx + 1
if idx = windowSize then
idx <- 0
if priming > 0 then
priming <- priming - 1
if windowSize < 32 then
let window = Array.init windowSize (fun i -> circularBuffer.[(idx+i) % windowSize])
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext window)
let window = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked windowSize
Array.Copy(circularBuffer, idx, window, 0, windowSize - idx)
Array.Copy(circularBuffer, 0, window, windowSize - idx, idx)
avoidTailCall (next.ProcessNext window)
type SeqProcessNextStates =
| InProcess = 0
| NotStarted = 1
| Finished = 2
type Result<'T>() =
let mutable haltedIdx = 0
member val Current = Unchecked.defaultof<'T> with get, set
member val SeqState = SeqProcessNextStates.NotStarted with get, set
member __.HaltedIdx = haltedIdx
interface IOutOfBand with
member __.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx = haltedIdx <- pipeIdx
// SetResult<> is used at the end of the chain of SeqComponents to assign the final value
type SetResult<'T> (result:Result<'T>) =
inherit Consumer<'T,'T>()
override __.ProcessNext (input:'T) : bool =
result.Current <- input
type OutOfBand() =
let mutable haltedIdx = 0
interface IOutOfBand with member __.StopFurtherProcessing pipeIdx = haltedIdx <- pipeIdx
member __.HaltedIdx = haltedIdx
module ForEach =
let enumerable (enumerable:IEnumerable<'T>) (outOfBand:OutOfBand) (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
use enumerator = enumerable.GetEnumerator ()
while (outOfBand.HaltedIdx = 0) && (enumerator.MoveNext ()) do
consumer.ProcessNext enumerator.Current |> ignore
let array (array:array<'T>) (outOfBand:OutOfBand) (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
let mutable idx = 0
while (outOfBand.HaltedIdx = 0) && (idx < array.Length) do
consumer.ProcessNext array.[idx] |> ignore
idx <- idx + 1
let list (alist:list<'T>) (outOfBand:OutOfBand) (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
let rec iterate lst =
match outOfBand.HaltedIdx, lst with
| 0, hd :: tl ->
consumer.ProcessNext hd |> ignore
iterate tl
| _ -> ()
iterate alist
let unfold (generator:'S->option<'T*'S>) state (outOfBand:OutOfBand) (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
let rec iterate current =
match outOfBand.HaltedIdx, generator current with
| 0, Some (item, next) ->
consumer.ProcessNext item |> ignore
iterate next
| _ -> ()
iterate state
let makeIsSkipping (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
match consumer with
| :? SeqComponent<'T,'U> as c -> c.Skipping
| _ -> fun () -> false
let init f (terminatingIdx:int) (outOfBand:OutOfBand) (consumer:Consumer<'T,'U>) =
let mutable idx = -1
let isSkipping = makeIsSkipping consumer
let mutable maybeSkipping = true
while (outOfBand.HaltedIdx = 0) && (idx < terminatingIdx) do
if maybeSkipping then
maybeSkipping <- isSkipping ()
if (not maybeSkipping) then
consumer.ProcessNext (f (idx+1)) |> ignore
idx <- idx + 1
let execute (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) (current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) executeOn =
let pipeline = OutOfBand()
let result = f (fun () -> (pipeline:>IOutOfBand).StopFurtherProcessing (current.PipeIdx+1))
let consumer = current.Create pipeline emptyPipeIdx result
executeOn pipeline consumer
(upcastICompletionChaining consumer).OnComplete pipeline.HaltedIdx
(upcastICompletionChaining consumer).OnDispose ()
module Enumerable =
type Empty<'T>() =
let current () = failwith "library implementation error: Current should never be called"
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member __.Current = current ()
interface IEnumerator with
member __.Current = current ()
member __.MoveNext () = false
member __.Reset (): unit = noReset ()
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose () = ()
type EmptyEnumerators<'T>() =
static let element : IEnumerator<'T> = upcast (new Empty<'T> ())
static member Element = element
type EnumeratorBase<'T>(result:Result<'T>, seqComponent:ICompletionChaining) =
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() : unit =
seqComponent.OnDispose ()
interface IEnumerator with
member this.Current : obj = box ((upcastEnumerator this)).Current
member __.MoveNext () = failwith "library implementation error: derived class should implement (should be abstract)"
member __.Reset () : unit = noReset ()
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member __.Current =
if result.SeqState = SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess then result.Current
match result.SeqState with
| SeqProcessNextStates.NotStarted -> notStarted()
| SeqProcessNextStates.Finished -> alreadyFinished()
| _ -> failwith "library implementation error: all states should have been handled"
and [<AbstractClass>] EnumerableBase<'T> () =
let derivedClassShouldImplement () =
failwith "library implementation error: derived class should implement (should be abstract)"
abstract member Append<'T> : (seq<'T>) -> IEnumerable<'T>
default this.Append source = upcastEnumerable (AppendEnumerable [this; source])
interface IEnumerable with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator =
let genericEnumerable = upcastEnumerable this
let genericEnumerator = genericEnumerable.GetEnumerator ()
upcastEnumeratorNonGeneric genericEnumerator
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'T> = derivedClassShouldImplement ()
interface ISeq<'T> with
member __.Compose _ = derivedClassShouldImplement ()
member __.ForEach _ = derivedClassShouldImplement ()
and Enumerator<'T,'U>(source:IEnumerator<'T>, seqComponent:Consumer<'T,'U>, result:Result<'U>) =
inherit EnumeratorBase<'U>(result, seqComponent)
let rec moveNext () =
if (result.HaltedIdx = 0) && source.MoveNext () then
if seqComponent.ProcessNext source.Current then
moveNext ()
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.Finished
(upcastICompletionChaining seqComponent).OnComplete result.HaltedIdx
interface IEnumerator with
member __.MoveNext () =
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
moveNext ()
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() =
source.Dispose ()
(upcastICompletionChaining seqComponent).OnDispose ()
and Enumerable<'T,'U>(enumerable:IEnumerable<'T>, current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
inherit EnumerableBase<'U>()
interface IEnumerable<'U> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'U> =
let result = Result<'U> ()
upcastEnumerator (new Enumerator<'T,'U>(enumerable.GetEnumerator(), current.Create result emptyPipeIdx (SetResult<'U> result), result))
interface ISeq<'U> with
member __.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeq<'V> =
upcastSeq (new Enumerable<'T,'V>(enumerable, ComposedFactory.Combine current next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) =
ForEach.execute f current (ForEach.enumerable enumerable)
and ConcatEnumerator<'T, 'Collection when 'Collection :> seq<'T>> (sources:seq<'Collection>) =
let mutable state = SeqProcessNextStates.NotStarted
let main = sources.GetEnumerator ()
let mutable active = EmptyEnumerators.Element
let rec moveNext () =
if active.MoveNext () then
elif main.MoveNext () then
active.Dispose ()
active <- main.Current.GetEnumerator ()
moveNext ()
state <- SeqProcessNextStates.Finished
interface IEnumerator<'T> with
member __.Current =
if state = SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess then active.Current
match state with
| SeqProcessNextStates.NotStarted -> notStarted()
| SeqProcessNextStates.Finished -> alreadyFinished()
| _ -> failwith "library implementation error: all states should have been handled"
interface IEnumerator with
member this.Current = box ((upcastEnumerator this)).Current
member __.MoveNext () =
state <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
moveNext ()
member __.Reset () = noReset ()
interface IDisposable with
member __.Dispose() =
main.Dispose ()
active.Dispose ()
and AppendEnumerable<'T> (sources:list<seq<'T>>) =
inherit EnumerableBase<'T>()
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'T> =
upcastEnumerator (new ConcatEnumerator<_,_> (sources |> List.rev))
override this.Append source =
upcastEnumerable (AppendEnumerable (source :: sources))
interface ISeq<'T> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) : ISeq<'U> =
upcastSeq (Enumerable<'T,'V>(this, next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'T,'T>) =
ForEach.execute f IdentityFactory.Instance (ForEach.enumerable this)
and ConcatEnumerable<'T, 'Collection when 'Collection :> seq<'T>> (sources:seq<'Collection>) =
inherit EnumerableBase<'T>()
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'T> =
upcastEnumerator (new ConcatEnumerator<_,_> (sources))
interface ISeq<'T> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) : ISeq<'U> =
upcastSeq (Enumerable<'T,'V>(this, next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'T,'T>) =
ForEach.execute f IdentityFactory.Instance (ForEach.enumerable this)
let create enumerable current =
upcastSeq (Enumerable(enumerable, current))
module EmptyEnumerable =
type Enumerable<'T> () =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'T>()
static let singleton = Enumerable<'T>() :> ISeq<'T>
static member Instance = singleton
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'T> = IEnumerator.Empty<'T>()
override this.Append source =
upcastEnumerable (Enumerable.Enumerable<'T,'T> (source, IdentityFactory.Instance))
interface ISeq<'T> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) : ISeq<'U> =
upcastSeq (Enumerable.Enumerable<'T,'V>(this, next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'T,'T>) =
ForEach.execute f IdentityFactory.Instance (ForEach.enumerable this)
module Array =
type Enumerator<'T,'U>(delayedArray:unit->array<'T>, seqComponent:Consumer<'T,'U>, result:Result<'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumeratorBase<'U>(result, seqComponent)
let mutable idx = 0
let mutable array = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
let mutable initMoveNext = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
initMoveNext <-
fun () ->
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
array <- delayedArray ()
initMoveNext <- ignore
let rec moveNext () =
if (result.HaltedIdx = 0) && idx < array.Length then
idx <- idx+1
if seqComponent.ProcessNext array.[idx-1] then
moveNext ()
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.Finished
(upcastICompletionChaining seqComponent).OnComplete result.HaltedIdx
interface IEnumerator with
member __.MoveNext () =
initMoveNext ()
moveNext ()
type Enumerable<'T,'U>(delayedArray:unit->array<'T>, current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'U>()
interface IEnumerable<'U> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'U> =
let result = Result<'U> ()
upcastEnumerator (new Enumerator<'T,'U>(delayedArray, current.Create result emptyPipeIdx (SetResult<'U> result), result))
interface ISeq<'U> with
member __.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeq<'V> =
upcastSeq (new Enumerable<'T,'V>(delayedArray, ComposedFactory.Combine current next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) =
ForEach.execute f current (ForEach.array (delayedArray ()))
let createDelayed (delayedArray:unit->array<'T>) (current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
upcastSeq (Enumerable(delayedArray, current))
let create (array:array<'T>) (current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
createDelayed (fun () -> array) current
let createDelayedId (delayedArray:unit -> array<'T>) =
createDelayed delayedArray IdentityFactory.Instance
let createId (array:array<'T>) =
create array IdentityFactory.Instance
module List =
type Enumerator<'T,'U>(alist:list<'T>, seqComponent:Consumer<'T,'U>, result:Result<'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumeratorBase<'U>(result, seqComponent)
let mutable list = alist
let rec moveNext current =
match result.HaltedIdx, current with
| 0, head::tail ->
if seqComponent.ProcessNext head then
list <- tail
moveNext tail
| _ ->
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.Finished
(upcastICompletionChaining seqComponent).OnComplete result.HaltedIdx
interface IEnumerator with
member __.MoveNext () =
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
moveNext list
type Enumerable<'T,'U>(alist:list<'T>, current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'U>()
interface IEnumerable<'U> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'U> =
let result = Result<'U> ()
upcastEnumerator (new Enumerator<'T,'U>(alist, current.Create result emptyPipeIdx (SetResult<'U> result), result))
interface ISeq<'U> with
member __.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeq<'V> =
upcastSeq (new Enumerable<'T,'V>(alist, ComposedFactory.Combine current next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) =
ForEach.execute f current (ForEach.list alist)
let create alist current =
upcastSeq (Enumerable(alist, current))
module Unfold =
type Enumerator<'T,'U,'State>(generator:'State->option<'T*'State>, state:'State, seqComponent:Consumer<'T,'U>, result:Result<'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumeratorBase<'U>(result, seqComponent)
let mutable current = state
let rec moveNext () =
match result.HaltedIdx, generator current with
| 0, Some (item, nextState) ->
current <- nextState
if seqComponent.ProcessNext item then
moveNext ()
| _ -> false
interface IEnumerator with
member __.MoveNext () =
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
moveNext ()
type Enumerable<'T,'U,'GeneratorState>(generator:'GeneratorState->option<'T*'GeneratorState>, state:'GeneratorState, current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'U>()
interface IEnumerable<'U> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'U> =
let result = Result<'U> ()
upcastEnumerator (new Enumerator<'T,'U,'GeneratorState>(generator, state, current.Create result emptyPipeIdx (SetResult<'U> result), result))
interface ISeq<'U> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeq<'V> =
upcastSeq (new Enumerable<'T,'V,'GeneratorState>(generator, state, ComposedFactory.Combine current next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) =
ForEach.execute f current (ForEach.unfold generator state)
module Init =
// The original implementation of "init" delayed the calculation of Current, and so it was possible
// to do MoveNext without it's value being calculated.
// I can imagine only two scenerios where that is possibly sane, although a simple solution is readily
// at hand in both cases. The first is that of an expensive generator function, where you skip the
// first n elements. The simple solution would have just been to have a map ((+) n) as the first operation
// instead. The second case would be counting elements, but that is only of use if you're not filtering
// or mapping or doing anything else (as that would cause Current to be evaluated!) and
// so you already know what the count is!! Anyway, someone thought it was a good idea, so
// I have had to add an extra function that is used in Skip to determine if we are touching
// Current or not.
let getTerminatingIdx (count:Nullable<int>) =
// we are offset by 1 to allow for values going up to System.Int32.MaxValue
// System.Int32.MaxValue is an illegal value for the "infinite" sequence
if count.HasValue then
count.Value - 1
type Enumerator<'T,'U>(count:Nullable<int>, f:int->'T, seqComponent:Consumer<'T,'U>, result:Result<'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumeratorBase<'U>(result, seqComponent)
let isSkipping =
ForEach.makeIsSkipping seqComponent
let terminatingIdx =
getTerminatingIdx count
let mutable maybeSkipping = true
let mutable idx = -1
let rec moveNext () =
if (result.HaltedIdx = 0) && idx < terminatingIdx then
idx <- idx + 1
if maybeSkipping then
// Skip can only is only checked at the start of the sequence, so once
// triggered, we stay triggered.
maybeSkipping <- isSkipping ()
if maybeSkipping then
moveNext ()
elif seqComponent.ProcessNext (f idx) then
moveNext ()
elif (result.HaltedIdx = 0) && idx = System.Int32.MaxValue then
raise <| System.InvalidOperationException (SR.GetString(SR.enumerationPastIntMaxValue))
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.Finished
(upcastICompletionChaining seqComponent).OnComplete result.HaltedIdx
interface IEnumerator with
member __.MoveNext () =
result.SeqState <- SeqProcessNextStates.InProcess
moveNext ()
type Enumerable<'T,'U>(count:Nullable<int>, f:int->'T, current:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'U>()
interface IEnumerable<'U> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'U> =
let result = Result<'U> ()
upcastEnumerator (new Enumerator<'T,'U>(count, f, current.Create result emptyPipeIdx (SetResult<'U> result), result))
interface ISeq<'U> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'U,'V>) : ISeq<'V> =
upcastSeq (new Enumerable<'T,'V>(count, f, ComposedFactory.Combine current next))
member this.ForEach (createResult:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'U,'U>) =
let terminatingIdx = getTerminatingIdx count
ForEach.execute createResult current (ForEach.init f terminatingIdx)
let upto lastOption f =
match lastOption with
| Some b when b<0 -> failwith "library implementation error: upto can never be called with a negative value"
| _ ->
let unstarted = -1 // index value means unstarted (and no valid index)
let completed = -2 // index value means completed (and no valid index)
let unreachable = -3 // index is unreachable from 0,1,2,3,...
let finalIndex = match lastOption with
| Some b -> b // here b>=0, a valid end value.
| None -> unreachable // run "forever", well as far as Int32.MaxValue since indexing with a bounded type.
// The Current value for a valid index is "f i".
// Lazy<_> values are used as caches, to store either the result or an exception if thrown.
// These "Lazy<_>" caches are created only on the first call to current and forced immediately.
// The lazy creation of the cache nodes means enumerations that skip many Current values are not delayed by GC.
// For example, the full enumeration of Seq.initInfinite in the tests.
// state
let index = ref unstarted
// a Lazy node to cache the result/exception
let current = ref (Unchecked.defaultof<_>)
let setIndex i = index := i; current := (Unchecked.defaultof<_>) // cache node unprimed, initialised on demand.
let getCurrent() =
if !index = unstarted then notStarted()
if !index = completed then alreadyFinished()
match box !current with
| null -> current := Lazy<_>.Create(fun () -> f !index)
| _ -> ()
// forced or re-forced immediately.
{ new IEnumerator<'U> with
member x.Current = getCurrent()
interface IEnumerator with
member x.Current = box (getCurrent())
member x.MoveNext() =
if !index = completed then
elif !index = unstarted then
setIndex 0
else (
if !index = System.Int32.MaxValue then raise <| System.InvalidOperationException (SR.GetString(SR.enumerationPastIntMaxValue))
if !index = finalIndex then
setIndex (!index + 1)
member self.Reset() = noReset()
interface System.IDisposable with
member x.Dispose() = () }
type EnumerableDecider<'T>(count:Nullable<int>, f:int->'T) =
inherit Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'T>()
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () : IEnumerator<'T> =
// we defer back to the original implementation as, as it's quite idiomatic in it's decision
// to calculate Current in a lazy fashion. I doubt anyone is really using this functionality
// in the way presented, but it's possible.
upto (if count.HasValue then Some (count.Value-1) else None) f
interface ISeq<'T> with
member this.Compose (next:ISeqFactory<'T,'U>) : ISeq<'U> =
upcastSeq (Enumerable<'T,'V>(count, f, next))
member this.ForEach (f:(unit->unit)->#Consumer<'T,'T>) =
ForEach.execute f IdentityFactory.Instance (ForEach.enumerable (upcastEnumerable this))
open RuntimeHelpers
let toComposer (source:seq<'T>) : ISeq<'T> =
checkNonNull "source" source
match source with
| :? ISeq<'T> as s -> s
| :? array<'T> as a -> upcastSeq (Array.Enumerable((fun () -> a), IdentityFactory.Instance))
| :? list<'T> as a -> upcastSeq (List.Enumerable(a, IdentityFactory.Instance))
| _ -> upcastSeq (Enumerable.Enumerable<'T,'T>(source, IdentityFactory.Instance))
let inline foreach f (source:ISeq<_>) =
source.ForEach f
let inline compose factory (source:ISeq<'T>) =
source.Compose factory
let empty<'T> = EmptyEnumerable.Enumerable<'T>.Instance
let unfold (generator:'State->option<'T * 'State>) (state:'State) : ISeq<'T> =
upcastSeq (new Unfold.Enumerable<'T,'T,'State>(generator, state, IdentityFactory.Instance))
let initInfinite<'T> (f:int->'T) : ISeq<'T> =
upcastSeq (new Init.EnumerableDecider<'T>(Nullable (), f))
let init<'T> (count:int) (f:int->'T) : ISeq<'T> =
if count < 0 then invalidArgInputMustBeNonNegative "count" count
elif count = 0 then empty else
upcastSeq (new Init.EnumerableDecider<'T>(Nullable count, f))
let iter f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Consumer<'T,'T> () with
override this.ProcessNext value =
f value
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> ignore
let tryItem i (source:ISeq<'T>) =
if i < 0 then None else
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, Values<int, Option<'T>>> (Values<_,_> (0, None)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 = i then
this.Value._2 <- Some value
halt ()
this.Value._1 <- this.Value._1 + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun item -> item.Value._2
let iteri f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt f
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Folder<'T, int> (0) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
f.Invoke(this.Value, value)
this.Value <- this.Value + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> ignore
let exists f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, bool> (false) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if f value then
this.Value <- true
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun exists -> exists.Value
let inline contains element (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, bool> (false) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if element = value then
this.Value <- true
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun contains -> contains.Value
let forall f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, bool> (true) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if not (f value) then
this.Value <- false
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun forall -> forall.Value
let filter<'T> (f:'T->bool) (source:ISeq<'T>) : ISeq<'T> =
|> compose (FilterFactory f)
let map<'T,'U> (f:'T->'U) (source:ISeq<'T>) : ISeq<'U> =
|> compose (MapFactory f)
let mapi f source =
|> compose (MapiFactory f)
let choose f source =
|> compose (ChooseFactory f)
let indexed source =
|> compose (MapiFactory (fun i x -> i,x))
let tryPick f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, Option<'U>> (None) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
match f value with
| (Some _) as some ->
this.Value <- some
halt ()
| None -> ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun pick -> pick.Value
let tryFind f (source:ISeq<'T>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Folder<'T, Option<'T>> (None) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if f value then
this.Value <- Some value
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun find -> find.Value
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ICloneableExtensions
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers
let mkDelayedSeq (f: unit -> IEnumerable<'T>) = mkSeq (fun () -> f().GetEnumerator())
let inline indexNotFound() = raise (new System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException(SR.GetString(SR.keyNotFoundAlt)))
let toComposer (source:seq<'T>): Composer.Internal.ISeq<'T> =
Composer.toComposer source
let inline foreach f (source:seq<_>) =
Composer.foreach f (toComposer source)
let delay f = mkDelayedSeq f
let unfold (generator:'State->option<'T * 'State>) (state:'State) : seq<'T> =
Composer.unfold generator state
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let empty<'T> = (EmptyEnumerable :> seq<'T>)
let initInfinite<'T> (f:int->'T) : IEnumerable<'T> =
Composer.initInfinite f
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let init<'T> (count:int) (f:int->'T) : IEnumerable<'T> =
Composer.init count f
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let iter f (source : seq<'T>) =
Composer.iter f (toComposer source)
let item i (source : seq<'T>) =
if i < 0 then invalidArgInputMustBeNonNegative "index" i else
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Composer.Internal.Values<int, bool, 'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_,_> (0, false, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 = i then
this.Value._2 <- true
this.Value._3 <- value
halt ()
this.Value._1 <- this.Value._1 + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
override this.OnComplete _ =
if not this.Value._2 then
let index = i - this.Value._1 + 1
invalidArgFmt "index"
"{0}\nseq was short by {1} {2}"
[|SR.GetString SR.notEnoughElements; index; (if index=1 then "element" else "elements")|]
|> fun item -> item.Value._3
let tryItem i (source:seq<'T>) =
Composer.tryItem i (toComposer source)
let nth i (source : seq<'T>) = item i source
let iteri f (source:seq<'T>) =
Composer.iteri f (toComposer source)
let exists f (source:seq<'T>) =
Composer.exists f (toComposer source)
let inline contains element (source:seq<'T>) =
Composer.contains element (toComposer source)
let forall f (source:seq<'T>) =
Composer.forall f (toComposer source)
let iter2 f (source1 : seq<_>) (source2 : seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<_,_> () with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if (e2.MoveNext()) then
f.Invoke(value, e2.Current)
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> ignore
let iteri2 f (source1 : seq<_>) (source2 : seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<_,int> (0) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if (e2.MoveNext()) then
f.Invoke(this.Value, value, e2.Current)
this.Value <- this.Value + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> ignore
// Build an IEnumerble by wrapping/transforming iterators as they get generated.
let revamp f (ie : seq<_>) = mkSeq (fun () -> f (ie.GetEnumerator()))
let revamp2 f (ie1 : seq<_>) (source2 : seq<_>) =
mkSeq (fun () -> f (ie1.GetEnumerator()) (source2.GetEnumerator()))
let revamp3 f (ie1 : seq<_>) (source2 : seq<_>) (source3 : seq<_>) =
mkSeq (fun () -> f (ie1.GetEnumerator()) (source2.GetEnumerator()) (source3.GetEnumerator()))
let private seqFactory createSeqComponent (source:seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
match source with
| :? Composer.Internal.ISeq<'T> as s -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (s.Compose createSeqComponent)
| :? array<'T> as a -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.create a createSeqComponent)
| :? list<'T> as a -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.List.create a createSeqComponent)
| _ -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Enumerable.create source createSeqComponent)
let filter<'T> (f:'T->bool) (source:seq<'T>) : seq<'T> =
Composer.filter f (toComposer source)
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let where f source = filter f source
let map<'T,'U> (f:'T->'U) (source:seq<'T>) : seq<'U> = f (toComposer source)
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let mapi f source =
Composer.mapi f (toComposer source)
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let mapi2 f source1 source2 =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
source1 |> seqFactory (Composer.Mapi2Factory (f, source2))
let map2<'T,'U,'V> (f:'T->'U->'V) (source1:seq<'T>) (source2:seq<'U>) : seq<'V> =
checkNonNull "source1" source1
match source1 with
| :? Composer.Internal.ISeq<'T> as s -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (s.Compose (Composer.Map2FirstFactory (f, source2)))
| _ -> source2 |> seqFactory (Composer.Map2SecondFactory (f, source1))
let map3 f source1 source2 source3 =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
checkNonNull "source3" source3
source1 |> seqFactory (Composer.Map3Factory (f, source2, source3))
let choose f source =
Composer.choose f (toComposer source)
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let indexed source =
Composer.indexed (toComposer source)
|> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable
let zip source1 source2 =
map2 (fun x y -> x,y) source1 source2
let zip3 source1 source2 source3 =
map2 (fun x (y,z) -> x,y,z) source1 (zip source2 source3)
let cast (source: IEnumerable) =
checkNonNull "source" source
mkSeq (fun () -> IEnumerator.cast (source.GetEnumerator()))
let tryPick f (source : seq<'T>) =
Composer.tryPick f (toComposer source)
let pick f source =
match tryPick f source with
| None -> indexNotFound()
| Some x -> x
let tryFind f (source : seq<'T>) =
Composer.tryFind f (toComposer source)
let find f source =
match tryFind f source with
| None -> indexNotFound()
| Some x -> x
let take count (source : seq<'T>) =
if count < 0 then invalidArgInputMustBeNonNegative "count" count
(* Note: don't create or dispose any IEnumerable if n = 0 *)
if count = 0 then empty else
source |> seqFactory (Composer.TakeFactory count)
let isEmpty (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
match source with
| :? ('T[]) as a -> a.Length = 0
| :? list<'T> as a -> a.IsEmpty
| :? ICollection<'T> as a -> a.Count = 0
| _ ->
use ie = source.GetEnumerator()
not (ie.MoveNext())
let concat (sources:seq<#seq<'T>>) : seq<'T> =
checkNonNull "sources" sources
upcast Composer.Enumerable.ConcatEnumerable sources
let length (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
match source with
| :? ('T[]) as a -> a.Length
| :? ('T list) as a -> a.Length
| :? ICollection<'T> as a -> a.Count
| _ ->
use e = source.GetEnumerator()
let mutable state = 0
while e.MoveNext() do
state <- state + 1
let fold<'T,'State> f (x:'State) (source:seq<'T>) =
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,'State> (x) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value <- f.Invoke (this.Value, value)
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun folded -> folded.Value
let fold2<'T1,'T2,'State> f (state:'State) (source1: seq<'T1>) (source2: seq<'T2>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<_,'State> (state) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if (e2.MoveNext()) then
this.Value <- f.Invoke(this.Value, value, e2.Current)
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun fold -> fold.Value
let reduce f (source : seq<'T>) =
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(true, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 then
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- value
this.Value._2 <- f.Invoke (this.Value._2, value)
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
|> fun reduced -> reduced.Value._2
let replicate count x =
if count < 0 then invalidArg "count" (SR.GetString(SR.inputMustBeNonNegative))
seq { for _ in 1 .. count -> x }
let append (source1: seq<'T>) (source2: seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source1" source1
checkNonNull "source2" source2
match source1 with
| :? Composer.Enumerable.EnumerableBase<'T> as s -> s.Append source2
| _ -> Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (new Composer.Enumerable.AppendEnumerable<_>([source2; source1]))
let collect f sources = map f sources |> concat
let compareWith (f:'T -> 'T -> int) (source1 : seq<'T>) (source2: seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,int> (0) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if not (e2.MoveNext()) then
this.Value <- 1
halt ()
let c = f.Invoke (value, e2.Current)
if c <> 0 then
this.Value <- c
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value = 0 && e2.MoveNext() then
this.Value <- -1 })
|> fun compare -> compare.Value
let ofList (source : 'T list) =
(source :> seq<'T>)
let toList (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
Microsoft.FSharp.Primitives.Basics.List.ofSeq source
// Create a new object to ensure underlying array may not be mutated by a backdoor cast
let ofArray (source : 'T array) =
checkNonNull "source" source
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createId source)
let toArray (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
match source with
| :? ('T[]) as res -> (res.Clone() :?> 'T[])
| :? ('T list) as res -> List.toArray res
| :? ICollection<'T> as res ->
// Directly create an array and copy ourselves.
// This avoids an extra copy if using ResizeArray in fallback below.
let arr = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked res.Count
res.CopyTo(arr, 0)
| _ ->
let res = ResizeArray<_>(source)
let foldArraySubRight (f:OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<'T,_,_>) (arr: 'T[]) start fin acc =
let mutable state = acc
for i = fin downto start do
state <- f.Invoke(arr.[i], state)
let foldBack<'T,'State> f (source : seq<'T>) (x:'State) =
checkNonNull "source" source
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
let arr = toArray source
let len = arr.Length
foldArraySubRight f arr 0 (len - 1) x
let foldBack2<'T1,'T2,'State> f (source1 : seq<'T1>) (source2 : seq<'T2>) (x:'State) =
let zipped = zip source1 source2
foldBack ((<||) f) zipped x
let reduceBack f (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
let arr = toArray source
match arr.Length with
| 0 -> invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
| len ->
let f = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(f)
foldArraySubRight f arr 0 (len - 2) arr.[len - 1]
let singleton x = mkSeq (fun () -> IEnumerator.Singleton x)
let truncate n (source: seq<'T>) =
if n <= 0 then empty else
source |> seqFactory (Composer.TruncateFactory n)
let pairwise<'T> (source:seq<'T>) : seq<'T*'T> =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.PairwiseFactory ())
let scan<'T,'State> f (z:'State) (source : seq<'T>): seq<'State> =
let first = [|z|] :> IEnumerable<'State>
let rest = source |> seqFactory (Composer.ScanFactory (f, z))
upcast Composer.Enumerable.ConcatEnumerable [|first; rest;|]
let tryFindBack f (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
source |> toArray |> Array.tryFindBack f
let findBack f source =
checkNonNull "source" source
source |> toArray |> Array.findBack f
let scanBack<'T,'State> f (source : seq<'T>) (acc:'State) =
checkNonNull "source" source
mkDelayedSeq(fun () ->
let arr = source |> toArray
let res = Array.scanSubRight f arr 0 (arr.Length - 1) acc
res :> seq<_>)
let tryFindIndex p (source:seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Composer.Internal.Values<Option<int>, int>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(None, 0)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if p value then
this.Value._1 <- Some(this.Value._2)
halt ()
this.Value._2 <- this.Value._2 + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun tried -> tried.Value._1
let findIndex p (source:seq<_>) =
match tryFindIndex p source with
| None -> indexNotFound()
| Some x -> x
let tryFindIndexBack f (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
source |> toArray |> Array.tryFindIndexBack f
let findIndexBack f source =
checkNonNull "source" source
source |> toArray |> Array.findIndexBack f
// windowed : int -> seq<'T> -> seq<'T[]>
let windowed windowSize (source: seq<_>) =
if windowSize <= 0 then invalidArgFmt "windowSize" "{0}\nwindowSize = {1}"
[|SR.GetString SR.inputMustBePositive; windowSize|]
source |> seqFactory (Composer.WindowedFactory (windowSize))
let cache (source : seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
// Wrap a seq to ensure that it is enumerated just once and only as far as is necessary.
// This code is required to be thread safe.
// The necessary calls should be called at most once (include .MoveNext() = false).
// The enumerator should be disposed (and dropped) when no longer required.
// The state is (prefix,enumerator) with invariants:
// * the prefix followed by elts from the enumerator are the initial sequence.
// * the prefix contains only as many elements as the longest enumeration so far.
let prefix = ResizeArray<_>()
let enumeratorR = ref None : IEnumerator<'T> option option ref // nested options rather than new type...
// None = Unstarted.
// Some(Some e) = Started.
// Some None = Finished.
let oneStepTo i =
// If possible, step the enumeration to prefix length i (at most one step).
// Be speculative, since this could have already happened via another thread.
if not (i < prefix.Count) then // is a step still required?
// If not yet started, start it (create enumerator).
match !enumeratorR with
| None -> enumeratorR := Some (Some (source.GetEnumerator()))
| Some _ -> ()
match (!enumeratorR).Value with
| Some enumerator -> if enumerator.MoveNext() then
enumerator.Dispose() // Move failed, dispose enumerator,
enumeratorR := Some None // drop it and record finished.
| None -> ()
let result =
unfold (fun i ->
// i being the next position to be returned
// A lock is needed over the reads to prefix.Count since the list may be being resized
// NOTE: we could change to a reader/writer lock here
lock enumeratorR (fun () ->
if i < prefix.Count then
Some (prefix.[i],i+1)
oneStepTo i
if i < prefix.Count then
Some (prefix.[i],i+1)
None)) 0
let cleanup() =
lock enumeratorR (fun () ->
begin match !enumeratorR with
| Some (Some e) -> IEnumerator.dispose e
| _ -> ()
enumeratorR := None)
(new CachedSeq<_>(cleanup, result) :> seq<_>)
let allPairs source1 source2 =
checkNonNull "source1" source1
checkNonNull "source2" source2
let cached = cache source2
source1 |> collect (fun x -> cached |> map (fun y -> x,y))
[<CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1709:IdentifiersShouldBeCasedCorrectly"); CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1707:IdentifiersShouldNotContainUnderscores"); CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Naming","CA1704:IdentifiersShouldBeSpelledCorrectly")>]
let readonly (source:seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
mkSeq (fun () -> source.GetEnumerator())
let inline groupByImpl (comparer:IEqualityComparer<'SafeKey>) (keyf:'T->'SafeKey) (getKey:'SafeKey->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "seq" seq
let dict = Dictionary<_,ResizeArray<_>> comparer
// Previously this was 1, but I think this is rather stingy, considering that we are already paying
// for at least a key, the ResizeArray reference, which includes an array reference, an Entry in the
// Dictionary, plus any empty space in the Dictionary of unfilled hash buckets.
let minimumBucketSize = 4
// Build the groupings
seq |> iter (fun v ->
let safeKey = keyf v
let mutable prev = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
match dict.TryGetValue (safeKey, &prev) with
| true -> prev.Add v
| false ->
let prev = ResizeArray ()
dict.[safeKey] <- prev
prev.Add v)
// Trim the size of each result group, don't trim very small buckets, as excessive work, and garbage for
// minimal gain
dict |> iter (fun group -> if group.Value.Count > minimumBucketSize then group.Value.TrimExcess())
// Return the sequence-of-sequences. Don't reveal the
// internal collections: just reveal them as sequences
dict |> map (fun group -> (getKey group.Key, readonly group.Value))
// We avoid wrapping a StructBox, because under 64 JIT we get some "hard" tailcalls which affect performance
let groupByValueType (keyf:'T->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) = seq |> groupByImpl HashIdentity.Structural<'Key> keyf id
// Wrap a StructBox around all keys in case the key type is itself a type using null as a representation
let groupByRefType (keyf:'T->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) = seq |> groupByImpl StructBox<'Key>.Comparer (fun t -> StructBox (keyf t)) (fun sb -> sb.Value)
let groupBy (keyf:'T->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) =
if (typeof<'Key>).GetTypeInfo().IsValueType
if typeof<'Key>.IsValueType
then mkDelayedSeq (fun () -> groupByValueType keyf seq)
else mkDelayedSeq (fun () -> groupByRefType keyf seq)
let distinct source =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.DistinctFactory ())
let distinctBy keyf source =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.DistinctByFactory keyf)
let sortBy keyf source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let delayedSort () =
let array = source |> toArray
Array.stableSortInPlaceBy keyf array
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createDelayedId delayedSort)
let sort source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let delayedSort () =
let array = source |> toArray
Array.stableSortInPlace array
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createDelayedId delayedSort)
let sortWith f source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let delayedSort () =
let array = source |> toArray
Array.stableSortInPlaceWith f array
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createDelayedId delayedSort)
let inline sortByDescending keyf source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let inline compareDescending a b = compare (keyf b) (keyf a)
sortWith compareDescending source
let inline sortDescending source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let inline compareDescending a b = compare b a
sortWith compareDescending source
let inline countByImpl (comparer:IEqualityComparer<'SafeKey>) (keyf:'T->'SafeKey) (getKey:'SafeKey->'Key) (source:seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
let dict = Dictionary comparer
// Build the groupings
source |> iter (fun v ->
let safeKey = keyf v
let mutable prev = Unchecked.defaultof<_>
if dict.TryGetValue(safeKey, &prev)
then dict.[safeKey] <- prev + 1
else dict.[safeKey] <- 1)
dict |> map (fun group -> (getKey group.Key, group.Value))
// We avoid wrapping a StructBox, because under 64 JIT we get some "hard" tailcalls which affect performance
let countByValueType (keyf:'T->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) = seq |> countByImpl HashIdentity.Structural<'Key> keyf id
// Wrap a StructBox around all keys in case the key type is itself a type using null as a representation
let countByRefType (keyf:'T->'Key) (seq:seq<'T>) = seq |> countByImpl StructBox<'Key>.Comparer (fun t -> StructBox (keyf t)) (fun sb -> sb.Value)
let countBy (keyf:'T->'Key) (source:seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
if (typeof<'Key>).GetTypeInfo().IsValueType
if typeof<'Key>.IsValueType
then mkDelayedSeq (fun () -> countByValueType keyf source)
else mkDelayedSeq (fun () -> countByRefType keyf source)
let inline sum (source:seq<'a>) : 'a =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'a,'a> (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value <- Checked.(+) this.Value value
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun sum -> sum.Value
let inline sumBy (f : 'T -> ^U) (source: seq<'T>) : ^U =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,'U> (LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero< ^U>) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value <- Checked.(+) this.Value (f value)
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun sum -> sum.Value
let inline average (source: seq< ^a>) : ^a =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'a, Composer.Internal.Values<'a, int>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero, 0)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value._1 <- Checked.(+) this.Value._1 value
this.Value._2 <- this.Value._2 + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._2 = 0 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString })
|> fun total -> LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt< ^a> total.Value._1 total.Value._2
let inline averageBy (f : 'T -> ^U) (source: seq< 'T >) : ^U =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,Composer.Internal.Values<'U, int>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(LanguagePrimitives.GenericZero, 0)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value._1 <- Checked.(+) this.Value._1 (f value)
this.Value._2 <- this.Value._2 + 1
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._2 = 0 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString })
|> fun total -> LanguagePrimitives.DivideByInt< ^U> total.Value._1 total.Value._2
let inline min (source: seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(true, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 then
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- value
elif value < this.Value._2 then
this.Value._2 <- value
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
|> fun min -> min.Value._2
let inline minBy (f : 'T -> 'U) (source: seq<'T>) : 'T =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'U,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_,_>(true,Unchecked.defaultof<'U>,Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
match this.Value._1, f value with
| true, valueU ->
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- valueU
this.Value._3 <- value
| false, valueU when valueU < this.Value._2 ->
this.Value._2 <- valueU
this.Value._3 <- value
| _ -> ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
|> fun min -> min.Value._3
let inline minValBy (f : 'T -> 'U) (source: seq<'T>) : 'U =
checkNonNull "source" source
use e = source.GetEnumerator()
if not (e.MoveNext()) then
invalidArg "source" InputSequenceEmptyString
let first = e.Current
let mutable acc = f first
while e.MoveNext() do
let currv = e.Current
let curr = f currv
if curr < acc then
acc <- curr
let inline max (source: seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_>(true, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 then
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- value
elif value > this.Value._2 then
this.Value._2 <- value
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
|> fun max -> max.Value._2
let inline maxBy (f : 'T -> 'U) (source: seq<'T>) : 'T =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T,Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'U,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<_,_,_>(true,Unchecked.defaultof<'U>,Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
match this.Value._1, f value with
| true, valueU ->
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- valueU
this.Value._3 <- value
| false, valueU when valueU > this.Value._2 ->
this.Value._2 <- valueU
this.Value._3 <- value
| _ -> ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
|> fun min -> min.Value._3
let inline maxValBy (f : 'T -> 'U) (source: seq<'T>) : 'U =
checkNonNull "source" source
use e = source.GetEnumerator()
if not (e.MoveNext()) then
invalidArg "source" InputSequenceEmptyString
let first = e.Current
let mutable acc = f first
while e.MoveNext() do
let currv = e.Current
let curr = f currv
if curr > acc then
acc <- curr
let takeWhile p (source: seq<_>) =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.TakeWhileFactory p)
let skip count (source: seq<_>) =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.SkipFactory count)
let skipWhile p (source: seq<_>) =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.SkipWhileFactory p)
let forall2 p (source1: seq<_>) (source2: seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let p = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(p)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<_,bool> (true) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if (e2.MoveNext()) then
if not (p.Invoke(value, e2.Current)) then
this.Value <- false
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun all -> all.Value
let exists2 p (source1: seq<_>) (source2: seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source2" source2
use e2 = source2.GetEnumerator()
let p = OptimizedClosures.FSharpFunc<_,_,_>.Adapt(p)
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<_,bool> (false) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if (e2.MoveNext()) then
if p.Invoke(value, e2.Current) then
this.Value <- true
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun exists -> exists.Value
let tryHead (source : seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Option<'T>> (None) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
this.Value <- Some value
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun head -> head.Value
let head (source : seq<_>) =
match tryHead source with
| None -> invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
| Some x -> x
let tail (source: seq<'T>) =
source |> seqFactory (Composer.TailFactory ())
let tryLast (source : seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun _ ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T>> (Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T>(true, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 then
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- value
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *) })
|> fun tried ->
if tried.Value._1 then
Some tried.Value._2
let last (source : seq<_>) =
match tryLast source with
| None -> invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
| Some x -> x
let exactlyOne (source : seq<_>) =
|> foreach (fun halt ->
{ new Composer.Internal.Folder<'T, Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T, bool>> (Composer.Internal.Values<bool,'T, bool>(true, Unchecked.defaultof<'T>, false)) with
override this.ProcessNext value =
if this.Value._1 then
this.Value._1 <- false
this.Value._2 <- value
this.Value._3 <- true
halt ()
Unchecked.defaultof<_> (* return value unsed in ForEach context *)
member this.OnComplete _ =
if this.Value._1 then
invalidArg "source" LanguagePrimitives.ErrorStrings.InputSequenceEmptyString
elif this.Value._3 then
invalidArg "source" (SR.GetString(SR.inputSequenceTooLong)) })
|> fun one -> one.Value._2
let rev source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let delayedReverse () =
let array = source |> toArray
Array.Reverse array
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createDelayedId delayedReverse)
let permute f (source:seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
let delayedPermute () =
|> toArray
|> Array.permute f
Composer.Helpers.upcastEnumerable (Composer.Array.createDelayedId delayedPermute)
let mapFold<'T,'State,'Result> (f: 'State -> 'T -> 'Result * 'State) acc source =
checkNonNull "source" source
let arr,state = source |> toArray |> Array.mapFold f acc
readonly arr, state
let mapFoldBack<'T,'State,'Result> (f: 'T -> 'State -> 'Result * 'State) source acc =
checkNonNull "source" source
let array = source |> toArray
let arr,state = Array.mapFoldBack f array acc
readonly arr, state
let except (itemsToExclude: seq<'T>) (source: seq<'T>) =
checkNonNull "itemsToExclude" itemsToExclude
source |> seqFactory (Composer.ExceptFactory itemsToExclude)
let chunkBySize chunkSize (source : seq<_>) =
checkNonNull "source" source
if chunkSize <= 0 then invalidArgFmt "chunkSize" "{0}\nchunkSize = {1}"
[|SR.GetString SR.inputMustBePositive; chunkSize|]
seq { use e = source.GetEnumerator()
let nextChunk() =
let res = Array.zeroCreateUnchecked chunkSize
res.[0] <- e.Current
let i = ref 1
while !i < chunkSize && e.MoveNext() do
res.[!i] <- e.Current
i := !i + 1
if !i = chunkSize then
res |> Array.subUnchecked 0 !i
while e.MoveNext() do
yield nextChunk() }
let splitInto count source =
checkNonNull "source" source
if count <= 0 then invalidArgFmt "count" "{0}\ncount = {1}"
[|SR.GetString SR.inputMustBePositive; count|]
mkDelayedSeq (fun () ->
source |> toArray |> Array.splitInto count :> seq<_>)
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