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Last active February 4, 2016 00:27
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Implementing a type-level collapsible function
* For type-level calculations, it might help to think of a prolog implementation
* of `collapse`. We inline the use of `splitAt` and `reduceLeft`, for saving
* some lines
* // it is true that collapsing a list with no ints gives the list back as remainder
* collapse(ls, nil, op, nil, ls).
* // we can collapse a list for a given `Nat n`, if we can split the input
* // list, reduce the prefix (over the `op` operator), recursively collapse the
* // suffix, and then concatenate everything
* collapse(ls, n :: ns, op, col :: res, rem) :-
* split(ls, n, pre, suf),
* reduce(pre, op, col),
* collapse(suf, ns, res, rem).
import shapeless._
import ops.hlist._
* Let's create some proofs that stuff is collapsible
* The Collapsible trait will be the interface. The underlying proof,
* as seen in the prolog implementation will have 4 parameters, and will
* be known as `Collapsible0`. This is in line with the design of stuff
* in shapeless
trait Collapsible[L <: HList, NatL <: HList, Op <: Poly] {
* The result type of this collapsible list
type Out
* the apply function, that will collapse the list
def apply(ls: L, ns: NatL, op: Op): Out
* a companion object for Collapsible
object Collapsible {
* An auxiliary type that gives us the return type as a parameter too, a la shapeless
type Aux[L <: HList, NatL <: HList, Op <: Poly, Res] = Collapsible[L, NatL, Op] {
type Out = Res
* given proof of collapsibility, we can apply it
* the proof is implicit, which is the means in Scala to perform search for
* the right proof.
def apply[L <: HList, NatL <: HList, Op <: Poly]
(implicit collapsible: Collapsible[L, NatL, Op]): Aux[L, NatL, Op, collapsible.Out]
= collapsible
* The term-level computation. Recall the prolog implementation above:
* We need proof that a list of elements is collapsible, and gives us some result
* as well as a remaining list. Hence we need proof of a `Collapsible0`.
implicit def collapse[
L <: HList,
NatL <: HList,
Op <: Poly,
ResultL <: HList,
Remaining <: HList](
implicit collapsible0: Collapsible0[L, NatL, Op, ResultL, Remaining]
): Aux[L, NatL, Op, (ResultL, Remaining)] =
new Collapsible[L, NatL, Op] {
type Out = (ResultL, Remaining)
def apply(ls: L, ns: NatL) = collapsible0(ls, ns)
* Collapsible0 is a type representing the complete proof for
* collapsibility. Inspired by shapeless' `Split0`
trait Collapsible0[L <: HList, NatL <: HList, Op <: Poly,
ResultL <: HList, Remaining <: HList] {
def apply(ls: L, ns: NatL, op: Op): (ResultL, Remaining)
* takes care of the case where an empty list of nats is provided
* i.e. it is true that collapsing with a empty list of nats just returns
* the original list as a remainder
implicit def collapseEmptyList[L <: HList, Op <: Poly] =
new Collapsible0[L, HNil, Op, HNil, L] {
def apply(ls: L, ns: HNil) = (HNil, ls)
* The recursive collapse
implicit def collapseRec[
L <: HList,
N <: Nat, NS <: HList,
Op <: Poly,
Col1, CollapseRest <: HList,
Pre <: HList, Rem <: HList,
Remaining <: HList](
implicit splittable: Split.Aux[L, N, Pre, Rem],
reducible: RightReducer.Aux[Pre, Op, Col1],
recCollapse: Collapsible0[Rem, NS, Op, CollapseRest, Remaining]
): Collapsible0[L, N :: NS, Op, Col1 :: CollapseRest, Remaining] =
new Collapsible0[L, N :: NS, Op, Col1 :: CollapseRest, Remaining] {
def apply(ls: L, ns: N :: NS) = {
* collapsing the first part of the list only
val (pre, collapse1Rest) = ls.split[N]
val collapse1 = reducible(pre) //COMPILES NOW, YAY
val (collapseRest, remainingN) = recCollapse(collapse1Rest, ns.tail)
(collapse1 :: collapseRest, remainingN)
* a typecheck test
object listCollapser extends Poly {
implicit def list1lit2[A, B] = use((ls1: List[A], ls2: List[B]) => ls1 ++ ls2)
import shapeless.Nat._
type PList[A, B, C] = List[A] :: List[B] :: List[C] :: HNil
def collapseTest[A, B, C](ls: PList[A, B, C])
(implicit collapsible: Collapsible.Aux[PList[A, B, C],
_2 :: HNil,
(List[Any] :: HNil, List[C] :: HNil)]) =
collapsible(ls, _2 :: HNil)
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