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Last active December 11, 2015 18:48
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;pg 102. Ex 3.22.c
(defn myfun [x y] (list (list x) y))
(myfun 'alpha 'beta)
(defn firstp? [ e collection] (= e (first collection)))--clojure uses ? instead of p for predicate (lisp convention)
(firstp? 'foo '(foo bar baz))
(firstp? 'boing '(foo bar baz)) -- clojure has false instead of nil
(defn mid-add1 [sentence] (list (first sentence) (+ 1 (second sentence)) (last sentence)))
(mid-add1 '(take 2 cookies))
(defn f-to-c [F] (/ (* 100 (- F 32)) 180.0))--180.0 otherwise you can get ratio instead of number
(f-to-c 132)
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