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Created November 18, 2011 22:17
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package util
import play.cache.CacheImpl
import models.salatContext._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions.asJavaMap
import com.mongodb.casbah.Imports._
import com.mongodb.WriteResult
import{Every, Job}
import controllers.ErrorReporter
* Antwerp -> Rotterdam implementation of a MongoCache for Play
* TODO -> incr, decr
* @author Manuel Bernhardt <>
class MongoCacheImpl extends CacheImpl {
val K = "k"
val V = "v"
val E = "e"
val cache = connection("mongoCache")
cache.ensureIndex(MongoDBObject(K -> 1))
def add(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) {
cache.insert(MongoDBObject(K -> key, V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)))
def safeAdd(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) = {
val writeResult: WriteResult = cache.insert(MongoDBObject(K -> key, V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)), WriteConcern.Safe)
def set(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) {
cache.update(MongoDBObject(K -> key), MongoDBObject(K -> key, V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)), true, false)
def safeSet(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) = {
val writeResult: WriteResult = cache.update(MongoDBObject(K -> key), MongoDBObject(K -> key, V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)), true, false, WriteConcern.Safe)
def replace(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) {
cache.update(MongoDBObject(K -> key) ++ E $gt (System.currentTimeMillis()), MongoDBObject(V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)))
def safeReplace(key: String, value: AnyRef, expiration: Int) = {
val writeResult: WriteResult = cache.update(MongoDBObject(K -> key) ++ E $gt (System.currentTimeMillis()), MongoDBObject(V -> ser(value), E -> expirationTime(expiration)), false, false, WriteConcern.Safe)
def get(key: String) = cache.findOne(MongoDBObject(K -> key) ++ E $gt (System.currentTimeMillis())) match {
case None => null
case Some(dbo) => deser(dbo.get(V).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]])
def get(keys: Array[String]) = cache.find(K $in (keys) ++ E $gt (System.currentTimeMillis())).map(dbo => (dbo.get(K).toString -> deser(dbo.get(V).asInstanceOf[Array[Byte]]))).toMap[String, AnyRef]
def incr(key: String, by: Int) = 0L
def decr(key: String, by: Int) = 0L
def clear() {
def delete(key: String) {
cache.remove(MongoDBObject(K -> key))
def safeDelete(key: String) = {
val writeResult: WriteResult = cache.remove(MongoDBObject(K -> key), WriteConcern.Safe)
def stop() {}
private def expirationTime(seconds: Int) = seconds * 1000 + System.currentTimeMillis()
private def ser(o: AnyRef) = {
val baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val oos = new ObjectOutputStream(baos)
private def deser(o: Array[Byte]) = {
val bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(o)
val ois = new ObjectInputStream(bais)
val daObject = ois.readObject()
class MongoCacheCleaner extends Job {
override def doJob() {
val cache = connection("mongoCache")
cache.remove("e" $lt (System.currentTimeMillis()))
override def onException(e: Throwable) {
ErrorReporter.reportError(getClass.getName, e, "Error cleaning mongoCache")
package util;
import play.cache.Cache;
import play.cache.CacheImpl;
* @author Manuel Bernhardt <>
public class ScalaCacheAccessor {
public static void set(CacheImpl cacheImpl) {
Cache.forcedCacheImpl = cacheImpl;
Cache.cacheImpl = cacheImpl;
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