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Created August 3, 2019 09:12
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ESP32 as Bluetooth Keyboard

ESP32 as Bluetooth Keyboard

With its built-in Bluetooth capabilities, the ESP32 can act as a Bluetooth keyboard. The below code is a minimal example of how to achieve it. It will generate the key strokes for a message whenever a button attached to the ESP32 is pressed.

For the example setup, a momentary button should be connected to pin 2 and to ground. Pin 2 will be configured as an input with pull-up.

In order to receive the message, add the ESP32 as a Bluetooth keyboard of your computer or mobile phone:

  1. Go to your computers/phones settings
  2. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on
  3. Scan for Bluetooth devices
  4. Connect to the device called "ESP32 Keyboard"
  5. Open an empty document in a text editor
  6. Press the button attached to the ESP32

The code has been written for the Arduino framework. I recommend using PlatformIO for development as it is far superior to the Arduino IDE while still taking full advantage of the Arduino ecosystem (libraries, support etc.)

* Sample program for ESP32 acting as a Bluetooth keyboard
* Copyright (c) 2019 Manuel Bl
* Licensed under MIT License
// This program lets an ESP32 act as a keyboard connected via Bluetooth.
// When a button attached to the ESP32 is pressed, it will generate the key strokes for a message.
// For the setup, a momentary button should be connected to pin 2 and to ground.
// Pin 2 will be configured as an input with pull-up.
// In order to receive the message, add the ESP32 as a Bluetooth keyboard of your computer
// or mobile phone:
// 1. Go to your computers/phones settings
// 2. Ensure Bluetooth is turned on
// 3. Scan for Bluetooth devices
// 4. Connect to the device called "ESP32 Keyboard"
// 5. Open an empty document in a text editor
// 6. Press the button attached to the ESP32
#define US_KEYBOARD 1
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "BLEDevice.h"
#include "BLEHIDDevice.h"
#include "HIDTypes.h"
#include "HIDKeyboardTypes.h"
// Change the below values if desired
#define BUTTON_PIN 2
#define MESSAGE "Hello from ESP32\n"
#define DEVICE_NAME "ESP32 Keyboard"
// Forward declarations
void bluetoothTask(void*);
void typeText(const char* text);
bool isBleConnected = false;
void setup() {
// configure pin for button
// start Bluetooth task
xTaskCreate(bluetoothTask, "bluetooth", 20000, NULL, 5, NULL);
void loop() {
if (isBleConnected && digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == LOW) {
// button has been pressed: type message
// Message (report) sent when a key is pressed or released
struct InputReport {
uint8_t modifiers; // bitmask: CTRL = 1, SHIFT = 2, ALT = 4
uint8_t reserved; // must be 0
uint8_t pressedKeys[6]; // up to six concurrenlty pressed keys
// Message (report) received when an LED's state changed
struct OutputReport {
uint8_t leds; // bitmask: num lock = 1, caps lock = 2, scroll lock = 4, compose = 8, kana = 16
// The report map describes the HID device (a keyboard in this case) and
// the messages (reports in HID terms) sent and received.
static const uint8_t REPORT_MAP[] = {
USAGE_PAGE(1), 0x01, // Generic Desktop Controls
USAGE(1), 0x06, // Keyboard
COLLECTION(1), 0x01, // Application
REPORT_ID(1), 0x01, // Report ID (1)
USAGE_PAGE(1), 0x07, // Keyboard/Keypad
USAGE_MINIMUM(1), 0xE0, // Keyboard Left Control
USAGE_MAXIMUM(1), 0xE7, // Keyboard Right Control
LOGICAL_MINIMUM(1), 0x00, // Each bit is either 0 or 1
REPORT_COUNT(1), 0x08, // 8 bits for the modifier keys
REPORT_SIZE(1), 0x01,
HIDINPUT(1), 0x02, // Data, Var, Abs
REPORT_COUNT(1), 0x01, // 1 byte (unused)
REPORT_SIZE(1), 0x08,
HIDINPUT(1), 0x01, // Const, Array, Abs
REPORT_COUNT(1), 0x06, // 6 bytes (for up to 6 concurrently pressed keys)
REPORT_SIZE(1), 0x08,
LOGICAL_MAXIMUM(1), 0x65, // 101 keys
HIDINPUT(1), 0x00, // Data, Array, Abs
REPORT_COUNT(1), 0x05, // 5 bits (Num lock, Caps lock, Scroll lock, Compose, Kana)
REPORT_SIZE(1), 0x01,
USAGE_PAGE(1), 0x08, // LEDs
USAGE_MINIMUM(1), 0x01, // Num Lock
USAGE_MAXIMUM(1), 0x05, // Kana
HIDOUTPUT(1), 0x02, // Data, Var, Abs
REPORT_COUNT(1), 0x01, // 3 bits (Padding)
REPORT_SIZE(1), 0x03,
HIDOUTPUT(1), 0x01, // Const, Array, Abs
END_COLLECTION(0) // End application collection
BLEHIDDevice* hid;
BLECharacteristic* input;
BLECharacteristic* output;
const InputReport NO_KEY_PRESSED = { };
* Callbacks related to BLE connection
class BleKeyboardCallbacks : public BLEServerCallbacks {
void onConnect(BLEServer* server) {
isBleConnected = true;
// Allow notifications for characteristics
BLE2902* cccDesc = (BLE2902*)input->getDescriptorByUUID(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902));
Serial.println("Client has connected");
void onDisconnect(BLEServer* server) {
isBleConnected = false;
// Disallow notifications for characteristics
BLE2902* cccDesc = (BLE2902*)input->getDescriptorByUUID(BLEUUID((uint16_t)0x2902));
Serial.println("Client has disconnected");
* Called when the client (computer, smart phone) wants to turn on or off
* the LEDs in the keyboard.
* bit 0 - NUM LOCK
* bit 1 - CAPS LOCK
* bit 2 - SCROLL LOCK
class OutputCallbacks : public BLECharacteristicCallbacks {
void onWrite(BLECharacteristic* characteristic) {
OutputReport* report = (OutputReport*) characteristic->getData();
Serial.print("LED state: ");
Serial.print((int) report->leds);
void bluetoothTask(void*) {
// initialize the device
BLEServer* server = BLEDevice::createServer();
server->setCallbacks(new BleKeyboardCallbacks());
// create an HID device
hid = new BLEHIDDevice(server);
input = hid->inputReport(1); // report ID
output = hid->outputReport(1); // report ID
output->setCallbacks(new OutputCallbacks());
// set manufacturer name
hid->manufacturer()->setValue("Maker Community");
// set USB vendor and product ID
hid->pnp(0x02, 0xe502, 0xa111, 0x0210);
// information about HID device: device is not localized, device can be connected
hid->hidInfo(0x00, 0x02);
// Security: device requires bonding
BLESecurity* security = new BLESecurity();
// set report map
hid->reportMap((uint8_t*)REPORT_MAP, sizeof(REPORT_MAP));
// set battery level to 100%
// advertise the services
BLEAdvertising* advertising = server->getAdvertising();
Serial.println("BLE ready");
void typeText(const char* text) {
int len = strlen(text);
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
// translate character to key combination
uint8_t val = (uint8_t)text[i];
if (val > KEYMAP_SIZE)
continue; // character not available on keyboard - skip
KEYMAP map = keymap[val];
// create input report
InputReport report = {
.modifiers = map.modifier,
.reserved = 0,
.pressedKeys = {
0, 0, 0, 0, 0
// send the input report
input->setValue((uint8_t*)&report, sizeof(report));
// release all keys between two characters; otherwise two identical
// consecutive characters are treated as just one key press
input->setValue((uint8_t*)&NO_KEY_PRESSED, sizeof(NO_KEY_PRESSED));
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Thanks @legitlee but I was asking @ctc-nick how/which json library he was using for the mapping buttons to pins.
I figured out my own solution in plain C using an array of structs. I am creating a control box for my golf simulator and have 13 buttons.

I defined the pins and keycodes in a header file

#define CLUB_UP_PIN      13 // gpio 13
#define CLUB_DOWN_PIN    12 // gpio 12
#define KEY_CLUB_UP      0x0c // letter i
#define KEY_CLUB_DOWN    0x0e // letter k

then in main I have

typedef struct {
    std::string name;
    int pin;
    uint8_t keycode;
    uint8_t modifier;
    bool state;
} Button;

Button buttons[BUTTONS] = {
    {"Club-Up",      CLUB_UP_PIN,     KEY_CLUB_UP,     KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Club-Down",    CLUB_DOWN_PIN,   KEY_CLUB_DOWN,   KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Fly-Over",     FLYOVER_PIN,     KEY_FLYOVER,     KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Scorecard",    SCORECARD_PIN,   KEY_SCORECARD,   KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Next-Hole",    HOLE_UP_PIN,     KEY_HOLE_UP,     KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Previous-Hole",HOLE_DOWN_PIN,   KEY_HOLE_DOWN,   KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Aim-Left",     AIM_LEFT_PIN,    KEY_AIM_LEFT,    KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Aim-Right",    AIM_RIGHT_PIN,   KEY_AIM_RIGHT,   KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Aim-Down",     AIM_DOWN_PIN,    KEY_AIM_DOWN,    KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Aim-Up",       AIM_UP_PIN,      KEY_AIM_UP,      KEY_NONE,  false},
    {"Mulligan",     MULLIGAN_PIN,    KEY_MULLIGAN,    KEY_LCTRL, false},
    {"Aimpoint",     AIMPOINT_PIN,    KEY_AIMPOINT,    KEY_NONE,  false}

then in setup()

int i;
    for(i = 0; i < BUTTONS; i ++) {

and in loop() I call


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ardmgtm commented Jul 22, 2024

can i control media use this, like playing/pause media, next/prev track, and volume up/down ?

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I am new to BLE/ESP32 and learning by trial & error.
What I'd like to do is to write a string to Windows/iOS where (as if my ESP32 device is a Bluetooth keyboard) the Windows cursor is poinint at. That can be a open Notepad or any login box.

When I compile the above code, it fails and gives the following message which, of course I do not have much understandin of them.
Currently I am using

  1. Arduino IDE 2.3.2 version
  2. Libraries offered by ESP32_BLE_Arduino v1.0,1
  3. It seems the error(s) is from BLEServer.h and/or BLEDevice that 'ringbuffer_type_t is not delarred, whatever it means???

Another concern I have is the resulting code size when it get to that point that it takes more then approx. 1.2meg. This BLE function is more of optional feature I am working on and should not replace any of the main tasks I am working on.

I appreciate in advance for any help I may get from your readers!!!

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solilu7 commented Aug 5, 2024

i've a problem with some android devices with some Andorid devices (10 12 and 13 version, all chinese brand, oukitel, ulefone, hugerock)
EP32-C3 boards, i have this behavior:

I connect Esp32 board to smatphone searching a new device, it connects.
Then i switch-off and then switch-on (or simply reboot) Esp32 board, on the smatphone ESP-32 appears on "device cennected" section just for an instant, then disappears (obviusly it is not connected).
if i want reconnect i have to repeat all procedure (searching ecc).

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Hi . thanks for this Code .
is possible to send Function Keys (FN) from F13 to F24 ?

Thank you

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