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Last active October 9, 2017 12:19
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How to divide poolygon into voronoi sub-polygons
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint, Point, Polygon
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
1. buffer di max 20 m intorno al poligono building
2. selezione dei punti contenuti nel buffer
3. suddivizione del poligono originario in aree di voronoi come qui di seguito
4. assegnazione per ogni poligono di voronoi delle caratteristiche del punto
def get_bigger(polygon):
return Polygon(polygon.exterior.coords)
def voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor, radius=None):
Reconstruct infinite voronoi regions in a 2D diagram to finite
vor : Voronoi
Input diagram
radius : float, optional
Distance to 'points at infinity'.
regions : list of tuples
Indices of vertices in each revised Voronoi regions.
vertices : list of tuples
Coordinates for revised Voronoi vertices. Same as coordinates
of input vertices, with 'points at infinity' appended to the
if vor.points.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("Requires 2D input")
new_regions = []
new_vertices = vor.vertices.tolist()
center = vor.points.mean(axis=0)
if radius is None:
radius = vor.points.ptp().max()
# Construct a map containing all ridges for a given point
all_ridges = {}
for (p1, p2), (v1, v2) in zip(vor.ridge_points, vor.ridge_vertices):
all_ridges.setdefault(p1, []).append((p2, v1, v2))
all_ridges.setdefault(p2, []).append((p1, v1, v2))
# Reconstruct infinite regions
for p1, region in enumerate(vor.point_region):
vertices = vor.regions[region]
if all(v >= 0 for v in vertices):
# finite region
# reconstruct a non-finite region
ridges = all_ridges[p1]
new_region = [v for v in vertices if v >= 0]
for p2, v1, v2 in ridges:
if v2 < 0:
v1, v2 = v2, v1
if v1 >= 0:
# finite ridge: already in the region
# Compute the missing endpoint of an infinite ridge
t = vor.points[p2] - vor.points[p1] # tangent
t /= np.linalg.norm(t)
n = np.array([-t[1], t[0]]) # normal
midpoint = vor.points[[p1, p2]].mean(axis=0)
direction = np.sign( - center, n)) * n
far_point = vor.vertices[v2] + direction * radius
# sort region counterclockwise
vs = np.asarray([new_vertices[v] for v in new_region])
c = vs.mean(axis=0)
angles = np.arctan2(vs[:,1] - c[1], vs[:,0] - c[0])
new_region = np.array(new_region)[np.argsort(angles)]
# finish
return new_regions, np.asarray(new_vertices)
def get_max_dim(poly):
cc = [i for i in poly.boundary.coords]
return max([max([i[0] for i in cc])-min([i[0] for i in cc]), max([i[1] for i in cc])-min([i[1] for i in cc])])
points = [[1,1], [3,1.1], [2,.5]]
points = np.array(points)
vor = Voronoi(points)
rect = np.array([[0,0], [4,0], [4,1], [0,1]])
pts = MultiPoint([Point(i) for i in rect])
mask = pts.convex_hull
regions, vertices = voronoi_finite_polygons_2d(vor, 2*get_max_dim(mask))
new_vertices = []
for region in regions:
polygon = vertices[region]
shape = list(polygon.shape)
shape[0] += 1
p = Polygon(np.append(polygon, polygon[0]).reshape(*shape)).intersection(mask)
poly = np.array(list(zip(p.boundary.coords.xy[0][:-1], p.boundary.coords.xy[1][:-1])))
plt.fill(*zip(*poly), alpha=0.4)
plt.plot(points[:,0], points[:,1], 'ko')
plt.title("Clipped Voronois")
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