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Last active September 6, 2022 04:04
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"## Python Decorators For Dummies\n",
"> The Best Explanation You Can Ever Find"
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"import discord\n",
"client = discord.Client(intents=intents)\n",
"@client.event # take note of this line\n",
"async def on_ready():\n",
" print(f\"Logged in as {client.user}\")\n",
"@client.event # take note of this line\n",
"async def on_message(msg):\n",
" if msg.content == \"\":\n",
" pass\n",
"# ... SOME MORE CODE ..."
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"### A simple Python function"
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"def shout(word='yes'):\n",
" return word.capitalize() + '!'\n",
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"### Python function assigned to a variable"
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"scream = shout"
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"### Calling the function from a variable"
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"name 'shout' is not defined\n",
"source": [
"# deleting the shout() object\n",
"del shout\n",
"\t# trying to access the deleted shout() object\n",
" print(shout())\n",
"except NameError as e:\n",
" print(e)\n",
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"### Defining functions within functions"
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"def talk():\n",
" # Defining a function on the fly in `talk` ...\n",
" def whisper(word='yes'):\n",
" return word.lower() + '...'\n",
" # ... and using it right away!\n",
" print(whisper())\n",
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"### Internal functions don't exist beyond their scope"
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"name 'whisper' is not defined\n"
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" print(whisper())\n",
"except NameError as e:\n",
" print(e)"
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"### Function returning function"
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"def getTalk(kind='shout'):\n",
" # We define functions on the fly\n",
" def shout(word='yes'):\n",
" return word.capitalize() + '!'\n",
" def whisper(word='yes'):\n",
" return word.lower() + '...'\n",
" # Then we return one of them\n",
" if kind == 'shout':\n",
"\t # What happened here?\n",
" return shout \n",
" else:\n",
" return whisper"
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"<function getTalk.<locals>.shout at 0x000001C34384AA60>\n",
"source": [
"# Get the function and assign it to a variable\n",
"talk = getTalk() \n",
"# You can see that `talk` is here a function object:\n",
"# The object is the one returned by the function:\n",
"# And you can even use it directly if you feel wild:\n",
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"### Passing a function as parameter"
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"I do something before then I call the function you gave me\n",
"source": [
"def doSomethingBefore(func): \n",
" print(\"I do something before then I call the function you gave me\")\n",
" print(func())\n",
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"### Python Decorators The Hard Way"
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"def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate):\n",
" # Inside, the decorator defines a function on the fly: the wrapper.\n",
" # This function is going to be wrapped around the original function\n",
" # so it can execute code before and after it.\n",
" def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function():\n",
" \n",
" # Put here the code you want to be executed BEFORE the original \n",
" # function is called\n",
" print(\"Before the function runs\")\n",
" # Call the function from the parameter here (using parentheses)\n",
" a_function_to_decorate()\n",
" # Put here the code you want to be executed AFTER the original \n",
" # function is called\n",
" print(\"After the function runs\")\n",
" # At this point, `a_function_to_decorate` HAS NEVER BEEN EXECUTED.\n",
" # We return the wrapper function we have just created.\n",
" # The wrapper contains the function and the code to execute before\n",
" # ...and after. It’s ready to use!\n",
" return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function"
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"### Creating a standalone function"
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"I am a stand alone function, don’t you dare modify me\n"
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"def a_stand_alone_function():\n",
" print(\"I am a stand alone function, don’t you dare modify me\")\n",
"a_stand_alone_function() "
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"### Wrapping the standalone function around a decorator"
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"Before the function runs\n",
"I am a stand alone function, don’t you dare modify me\n",
"After the function runs\n"
"source": [
"a_stand_alone_function_decorated = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)\n",
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"Before the function runs\n",
"I am a stand alone function, don’t you dare modify me\n",
"After the function runs\n"
"source": [
"a_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)\n",
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"### Python decorators the Pythonic way"
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"Before the function runs\n",
"Leave me alone\n",
"After the function runs\n"
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"def another_stand_alone_function():\n",
" print(\"Leave me alone\")\n",
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"### A better example of Python decorators the naive way"
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"def bread(func):\n",
" def wrapper():\n",
" print(\"</''''''\\>\")\n",
" func()\n",
" print(\"<\\______/>\")\n",
" return wrapper\n",
"def ingredients(func):\n",
" def wrapper():\n",
" print(\"#tomatoes#\")\n",
" func()\n",
" print(\"~salad~\")\n",
" return wrapper\n",
"def sandwich(food='--ham--'):\n",
" print(food)\n",
"# Outputs: --ham--\n",
"sandwich = bread(ingredients(sandwich))\n",
"# sandwich is now reference to the decorator\n",
"# instead of the `--ham` string.\n",
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"### Python decorators the Pythonic way"
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"def sandwich(food=\"--ham--\"):\n",
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"### Unordered decorators"
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"def strange_sandwich(food='--ham--'):\n",
" print(food)\n",
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