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Created May 6, 2012 20:21
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Small exercise on filtering records by a criteria with multiple values in AND.
(ns filtering.core
(:require clojure.set))
(def records [{:id 10 :cat 12 :div 16}
{:id 10 :cat 11 :div 15}
{:id 11 :cat 12 :div 18}
{:id 11 :cat 22 :div 19}])
(defn has-all? [criteria records]
(letfn [(take-vals [criteria records]
(reduce conj #{} (map (key criteria) records)))]
(clojure.set/subset? (val criteria) (take-vals criteria records))))
(defn satisfy? [criteria records-id]
(if (has-all? criteria records-id)
(defn filter-by-criteria [criteria records]
(letfn [(get-id [records]
(reduce conj #{} (map :id records)))
(take-by-id [id records]
(filter #(= (:id %) id) records))]
(reduce into
(map #(satisfy? (first criteria) (take-by-id % records))
(get-id records)))))
;; Esempi
(filter-by-criteria {:div #{18 19}} records)
(filter-by-criteria {:cat #{12}} records)
(filter-by-criteria {:div #{11 12}} records)
(defn random-records
"Genera molti record per num id."
[num molt]
(let [take-random (fn [] (inc (rand-int 100)))]
(map #(hash-map :id % :cat (take-random) :div (take-random))
(reduce into (map #(repeat molt %) (range num))))))
;; Esempio con timing
;(time (filter-by-criteria {:div #{18 19}} (random-records 1000 10)))
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