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Forked from daimatz/shBrushHaskell.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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* Haskell Brushe for SyntaxHighlighter 3.0
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Haskell = function()
var constants = 'True False Nothing Just Left Right LT EQ GT';
var datatypes = 'Bool Maybe Either Ordering Char String Int Integer Float Double Rational ' +
'IO ReadS ShowS FilePath IOError Monad Functor Show Read' +
'Eq Ord Enum Bounded Num Real Integral Fractional Floating RealFrac RealFloat';
var functions = 'abs acos acosh all and any appendFile applyM asTypeOf asin asinh atan atan2 atanh ' +
'break catch ceiling compare concat concatMap const cos cosh curry cycle ' +
'decodeFloat div divMod drop dropWhile elem encodeFloat enumFrom enumFromThen ' +
'enumFromThenTo enumFromTo error even exp exponent fail filter flip floatDigits ' +
'floatRadix floatRange floor fmap foldl foldl1 foldr foldr1 fromEnum fromInteger ' +
'fromIntegral fromRational fst gcd getChar getContents getLine head id init interact ' +
'ioError isDenormalized isIEEE isInfinite isNaN isNegativeZero iterate last lcm ' +
'length lex lines log logBase lookup map mapM mapM_ max maxBound maximum maybe min ' +
'minBound minimum mod negate not notElem null odd or otherwise pi pred print product ' +
'properFraction putChar putStr putStrLn quot quotRem read readFile readIO readList ' +
'readLn readParen reads readsPrec realToFrac recip rem repeat replicate return ' +
'reverse round scaleFloat scanl scanl1 scanr scanr1 seq sequence sequence_ show ' +
'showChar showList showParen showString shows showsPrec significand signum sin sinh ' +
'snd span splitAt sqrt subtract succ sum tail take takeWhile tan tanh toEnum ' +
'toInteger toRational truncate uncurry undefined unlines until unwords unzip unzip3 ' +
'userError words writeFile zip zip3 zipWith zipWith3';
var keywords = 'as case of class data default deriving do forall foreign hiding ' +
'if then else import instance let in mdo module newtype qualified type where';
this.findMatches = function(regexList, code) {
this.code = code;
return SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter.prototype.findMatches.apply(this, [regexList, code]);
this.regexList = [
{ regex: /{-#[\s\S]*?#-}/g, css: 'preprocessor' },
{ regex: /--.*/g, css: 'comments' }, // one line comments
{ regex: /{-(?!\$)[\s\S]*?-}/gm, css: 'comments' }, // multiline comments
{ regex: /'.'/g, css: 'string' }, // chars
{ regex: SyntaxHighlighter.regexLib.doubleQuotedString, css: 'string' }, // strings
{ regex: /(-|!|#|\$|%|&|\*|\+|\/|<|=|>|\?|@|\^|\||~|:|\.|\\|_)+/g, css: 'keyword bold' },
{ regex: /`[a-z][a-z0-9_']*`/g, css: 'keyword bold' }, // infix operators
{ regex: /\b(\d+|0x[0-9a-f]+)\b/gi, css: 'value' }, // integer
{ regex: /\b\d+(\.\d*)?([eE][+-]?\d+)?\b/gi, css: 'value' }, // floating number
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(constants), 'g'), css: 'color1 bold' },
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(datatypes), 'g'), css: 'color1 bold' },
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(functions), 'g'), css: 'functions bold' },
{ regex: new RegExp(this.getKeywords(keywords), 'gm'), css: 'keyword bold' }
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Haskell.prototype = new SyntaxHighlighter.Highlighter();
SyntaxHighlighter.brushes.Haskell.aliases = ['haskell', 'hs'];
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