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Last active May 4, 2023 14:47
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Sidekiq's bottlenecks

Sidekiq and background jobs

Getting started

In our gemfile, Sidekiq is configured to be at the edge of version 6, which is compatible with our server's Redis version. Background jobs are trackable via Sidekiq's dashboard, accessible here (for admins only, authentication is required).

Understanding Sidekiq and its challenges

This is the list of all the background jobs that manipulate our app's data. Most of them work on demand, some are triggered by CRON jobs set in Heroku.

Name Role/functionb Data direction Frequency
ApplicationUpdate Checks for changes in application status in Bullhorn (information only) To Rails app On demand
ApplicationUpdates Checks for changes in application status in Bullhorn and applies them in the rails app To Rails app Every 30 minutes
CheckAppDealt Unused, method not defined To Rails app On demand
CheckAppUpdate Checks for changes in application status in Bullhorn and applies them in the rails app To Rails app On demand
CoupleApplicationUpload Uploads user application to Bullhorn To BH On demand
CredentialRefreshJob Fetches Bullhorn tokens and updates the app credentials To Rails app On demand / Every 4 minutes
DailyReportGenerator Generates an internal report To Rails app On demand
DestroyAct Destroys Activity Log - internal In Rails app On demand
DestroyApp Deletes a candidate's application In Rails app On demand
GoogleIndexingJob Notifies Google when job pages are added or removed To Google On demand
JobApplicationUpload Uploads user application to Bullhorn To BH On demand
JobLoader Fetches an existing job's information on Bullhorn To Rails app On demand
NewJobLoaderJob Fetches a new job's information on Bullhorn To Rails app Every 20 minutes
RejectApplication Closes application on Bullhorn To BH On demand
UpdateOrCreateJob Creates a Job on the rails app with provided information In Rails app On demand
UpdateRegionsJob Retrieve job and update it region if Bullhorn region is different from app's region To Rails app On demand
UploadMissingCandidatesJob If user has no bullhorn_id, upload it to Bullhorn To BH On demand
UserCvUploadJob Uploads a CV to Bullhorn To BH On demand
UserRoleJob Updates user desired roles In Rails app On demand
UserUploadJob Uploads a user to Bullhorn To BH On demand

Sidekiq and Bullhorn

Several background jobs rely on interactions with Bullhorn's API. For them to work, it's important that SilverSwan remains logged in to Bullhorn via the silverswanrecruitment.api credentials accessible on Basecamp. When connection fails because the Bullhorn's API tokens are expired, a refresh is necessary. If the background jobs can no longer reach Bullhorn's API, they will start to pile up in the queue. The app must be reconnected via this link, a manual log in to Bullhorn might be required when accessing it.

Main Sidekiq bottlenecks : UserUpload job

Every 20 minutes, a CRON job triggers the UploadMissingCandidates background job on our server. In turn, this process triggers a parallel action : upload_candidate_to_bullhorn. This user method triggers a background job by doing UserUploadJob*.perform_later(id) that can get stuck in Sidekiq's queue. Let's see how this works.

The UserUpload background job, is simple : when a new user appears on the app, UploadMissingCandidates will tell UserUpload to ask Bullhorn if it exsists on the Bullhorn database by doing :

bh_candidate_search = api_get("/search/Candidate?query=email:#{}")

This returns a certain total of candidates. If the total is not greater than zero (response : {"total"=>0, "start"=>0, "count"=>0, "data"=>[]}), then it assumes does not exist yet on Bullhorn so it's safe to create it! So it runs :

response = api_put("/entity/Candidate", to_upload)
user.update_attribute(:bullhorn_id, response['changedEntityId'])

The first line of code generates a PUT request to the Bullhorn API that creates a user withe the information stored in the to_upload variable. The second line of code assigns the user its retrieved bullhorn_id given by response['changedEntityId']) .

The problem is that when we do a PUT request to create said candidate on Bullhorn, sometimes the API returns :

=> {"errorMessage"=>"error persisting an entity of type: Candidate", "errorMessageKey"=>"errors.cannotPersistEntity", "errorCode"=>500, "errors"=>[{"detailMessage"=>"", "propertyName"=>"", "severity"=>"ERROR", "type"=>"UNKNOWN_INTERNAL_ERROR"}], "entityName"=>"Candidate"}

That is because the following fields must be formatted correctly :

    to_upload = {
      firstName: user.first_name, //String
      lastName: user.last_name, //String
      name: user.full_name, //String
      gender: user.gender_initial, //String
      phone: user.phone_number, //String
      email:, //String
      dateOfBirth: user.dob.to_time.to_i * 1000, //Integer
      experience: user.experience, //Integer
      source: ["Silver Swan Search"], //Array 
      customTextBlock10:, //String
      customText15: user.nationality.truncate(100),
      customText13:','), //String
      customText18:','), //String
      customText17: user.source //String


  • Enforce strict validations on user model
  • Constraints applied on the onboarding/sign_up process
  • Constraints applied on the profile update/edit pages

Killing a job that is stuck on the queue

Sometimes, jobs can get stuck on a loop in Sidekiq's queue. To kill them:

  1. Make sure the data is persisted
  2. Execute this code in the servers console heroku run rails c --app=silver-swan-search
queue ="default")

queue.each do |job|
  argument = job.args.first['arguments']
  if argument = 'the_number_youre_after'
    puts "Job with argument #{argument} deleted"

Identifying the top 10 repeated jobs and killing them

job_frequency =
job_types = {}

queue.each do |job|
  argument = job.args.first['arguments']
  job_type = job.args.first['job_class']
  job_frequency[argument.first] += 1
  job_types[argument.first] = job_type

top_10_jobs = job_frequency.sort_by { |_k, v| -v }.first(10)
delete_list = []
top_10_jobs.each do |job|
  delete_list << job[0]

delete_list.each do |int|
  queue.each do |job|
    argument = job.args.first['arguments']
    if argument.include?(int)
      puts "Job with argument #{argument} deleted"
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