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Last active December 18, 2015 16:59
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tab-dependend OptionsMenu
// create a tab-dependend OptionsMenu
function createOptionsMenu(e){
var menu =;
// tab-dependend part
case tab1:
// all menuItems for Tab 1
var menuItem_settings = menu.add({
title: L('settings'),
showAsAction : Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER // this goes into overflow menu
menuItem_settings.addEventListener('click', function(){
alert('clicked: Settings');
// now, let's create an action for this Tab
// (it will appear in the usual Menu on older APIs)
var menuItem_about = menu.add({
title: L('about'),
icon: 'images/action_about.png',
showAsAction : Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_ALWAYS // this is shown as Action
menuItem_about.addEventListener('click', function(){
alert('clicked: About');
case tab2:
// all menuItems for Tab 2
var menuItem_settings = menu.add({
title: L('refresh'),
showAsAction : Ti.Android.SHOW_AS_ACTION_NEVER // this goes into overflow menu
menuItem_settings.addEventListener('click', function(){
alert('clicked: Refresh');
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