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Created May 14, 2013 11:26
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Cropping image - grails controller
package com.images
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage
import javax.imageio.ImageIO
import grails.converters.JSON
class CroopingController {
def s3ImageService
def confirmImage(){
def photoS3Object =
def imageCrooped = cropping(photoS3Object)
render ("ok_cropped" as JSON)
private cropping(photoFromS3){
def posx = parseIntTheValueDoubleAsString(params.dimension_x)
def posy = parseIntTheValueDoubleAsString(params.dimension_y)
def width = parseIntTheValueDoubleAsString(params.dimension_w)
def height = parseIntTheValueDoubleAsString(params.dimension_h)
BufferedImage image =
def position_y = calculatePositonHeight(height,posy,image.height)
def position_x = calculatePositonWidth(width,posx,image.width)
return image.getSubimage( position_x, position_y , width , height )
private withException(closure){
log.error "Error when cropping image",all
render ("error_cropped" as JSON)
private parseIntTheValueDoubleAsString(value){
Double.parseDouble(value) as Integer
private calculatePositonHeight(height,posy,heightOriginal){
return heightOriginal - height
return posy
private calculatePositonWidth(width,posx,widthOriginal){
return widthOriginal - width
return posx
private isHeightOutOfRaster(height,posy,heightOriginal){
height + posy > heightOriginal
private isWidthOutOfRaster(width,posx,widthOriginal){
width + posx > widthOriginal
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