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Last active October 10, 2023 08:19
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  • Save manutheblacker/8a6b5245946c3a769098812bb29113bf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Exporting magento2 products details + webkul marketplace data
SELECT * FROM `marketplace_product`
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity` ON catalog_product_entity.entity_id = marketplace_product.mageproduct_id
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_index_price` ON catalog_product_index_price.entity_id = marketplace_product.mageproduct_id
INNER JOIN `marketplace_userdata` ON marketplace_userdata.seller_id=marketplace_product.seller_id
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity_varchar` ON catalog_product_entity_varchar.entity_id=marketplace_product.mageproduct_id
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