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Created December 10, 2023 14:34
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How to do when Django signals isn't sending in production ?

Hello, I've encountered an issue with a Django project that I was running under CyberPanel 3.

Normally, under certain conditions, when new data is saved to the database, a new identifier is created for the field. While testing locally, it worked as expected, but in production, it failed to send.

After some research, I realized that signals must be loaded, either by adding them to the ready() method in the file, like this, and ensuring that the app is loaded into, as in my case: 'users.apps.UsersConfig'

class UsersConfig(AppConfig):
    default_auto_field = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'
    name = 'users'

    def ready(self):
        import users.signals

Alternatively, you can add a line to the file as follows:

default_app_config = 'users.apps.UsersConfig'

If the issue persists after loading these, make sure that the receiver callback arguments contain the weak attribute, which means the signals won't be garbage collected, like this:

@receiver(post_save, sender=Users, dispatch_uid="update_users", weak=False)

Also, ensure that the callback the receiver will use doesn't have the same name.


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