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Last active December 10, 2018 06:41
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A slow Scala solution for
import scala.collection.mutable
class LRUCache(_capacity: Int) {
var head: Option[Int] = None
var tail: Option[Int] = None
var count = 0
val cache = mutable.Map.empty[Int, Node]
def get(key: Int): Int = {
cache.get(key).map { n =>
moveToEnd(key, n)
def put(key: Int, value: Int): Unit = {
if (cache.contains(key)) {
val n = cache(key).copy(value = value)
cache += key -> n
moveToEnd(key, n)
} else {
if (count >= _capacity) {
head = head.flatMap { k =>
val newHead = cache(k) { nk =>
cache += nk -> cache(nk).copy(prev = None)
cache -= k
count -= 1
cache += key -> Node(tail, None, value))
count += 1
if (head.isEmpty) {
head = Some(key)
tail.foreach { k =>
cache += k -> cache(k).copy(next = Some(key))
tail = Some(key)
private def moveToEnd(key: Int, n: Node): Unit = {
if (count > 1 && {
n.prev.foreach { k =>
cache += k -> cache(k).copy(next =
} { k =>
cache += k -> cache(k).copy(prev = n.prev)
if (n.prev.isEmpty) {
head =
tail.foreach { k =>
cache += k -> cache(k).copy(next = Some(key))
cache += key -> n.copy(prev = tail, next = None)
tail = Some(key)
case class Node(prev: Option[Int], next: Option[Int], value: Int)
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