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Created March 18, 2009 06:26
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Small CLI tool to make adding selfmarks easier.
# @see
options = {'host' => ''}
key_file = File.expand_path("~/.config/sm.key")
require 'optparse'
op ={|o|
o.on('-u', '--url STRING', 'URL of the page you want to selfmark'
){|url| options['uri'] = url }
o.on('-m', '--title STRING', 'Page title (automatic if Hpricot available)'
){|title| options['title'] = title }
o.on('-n', '--note STRING', 'Notes to yourself about the page'
){|note| options['notes'] = note }
o.on('-t', '--tags tag1,tag2,tag3', Array, 'Tags associated with the page'
){|tags| options['tags'] = tags }
o.separator ' '
o.on('-k', '--key', "API key, else fallback to --file-key"
){|key| options['api_key'] = key }
o.on('-f', '--key-file', "Use contents of #{key_file} as API key"
){|file| key_file = file }
o.on('-H', '--host', 'URL of the uri/add_window_add of your selfmarks'
){|host| options['host'] = host }
o.on('-q', '--quiet', "Only inform about errors"
){ options['quiet'] = true }
o.separator ' '
o.on('-h', '--help', 'Display this list'
){ puts o; exit }
o.on('-v', '--version', "I'll tell you my version"
){ puts 'sm 2009.03.18 © manveru'; exit }
if ARGV.empty?; puts op; exit 1; end
options['api_key'] ||={|io| io.gets.strip }
options['uri'] ||= ARGV.shift
fail "No url given" unless options['uri']
fail "No API key found" unless options['api_key']
begin # try to get the title of the page via hpricot
require 'hpricot'
require 'open-uri'
options['title'] = Hpricot(open(options['uri'])).at(:title).inner_text.strip
rescue LoadError
fail "Please supply a title or install hpricot"
end unless options['title']
host = URI(options.delete('host'))
options['tags'] = [*options['tags']].join(',')
response = Net::HTTP.post_form(host, options)
message ='{()}"', ' ').strip
fail(message) if message =~ /^error/
puts message unless options['quiet']
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