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Forked from JcBernack/BigDecimal.cs
Created April 8, 2019 04:43
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using System;
using System.Numerics;
namespace Common
/// <summary>
/// Arbitrary precision decimal.
/// All operations are exact, except for division. Division never determines more digits than the given precision.
/// Source:
/// Based on
/// Author: Jan Christoph Bernack (contact: jc.bernack at
/// License: public domain
/// </summary>
public struct BigDecimal
: IComparable
, IComparable<BigDecimal>
/// <summary>
/// Specifies whether the significant digits should be truncated to the given precision after each operation.
/// </summary>
public static bool AlwaysTruncate = false;
/// <summary>
/// Sets the maximum precision of division operations.
/// If AlwaysTruncate is set to true all operations are affected.
/// </summary>
public static int Precision = 50;
public BigInteger Mantissa { get; set; }
public int Exponent { get; set; }
public BigDecimal(BigInteger mantissa, int exponent)
: this()
Mantissa = mantissa;
Exponent = exponent;
if (AlwaysTruncate)
/// <summary>
/// Removes trailing zeros on the mantissa
/// </summary>
public void Normalize()
if (Mantissa.IsZero)
Exponent = 0;
BigInteger remainder = 0;
while (remainder == 0)
var shortened = BigInteger.DivRem(Mantissa, 10, out remainder);
if (remainder == 0)
Mantissa = shortened;
/// <summary>
/// Truncate the number to the given precision by removing the least significant digits.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The truncated number</returns>
public BigDecimal Truncate(int precision)
// copy this instance (remember it's a struct)
var shortened = this;
// save some time because the number of digits is not needed to remove trailing zeros
// remove the least significant digits, as long as the number of digits is higher than the given Precision
while (NumberOfDigits(shortened.Mantissa) > precision)
shortened.Mantissa /= 10;
// normalize again to make sure there are no trailing zeros left
return shortened;
public BigDecimal Truncate()
return Truncate(Precision);
public BigDecimal Floor()
return Truncate(BigDecimal.NumberOfDigits(Mantissa) + Exponent);
public static int NumberOfDigits(BigInteger value)
// do not count the sign
//return (value * value.Sign).ToString().Length;
// faster version
return (int)Math.Ceiling(BigInteger.Log10(value * value.Sign));
#region Conversions
public static implicit operator BigDecimal(int value)
return new BigDecimal(value, 0);
public static implicit operator BigDecimal(double value)
var mantissa = (BigInteger) value;
var exponent = 0;
double scaleFactor = 1;
while (Math.Abs(value * scaleFactor - (double)mantissa) > 0)
exponent -= 1;
scaleFactor *= 10;
mantissa = (BigInteger)(value * scaleFactor);
return new BigDecimal(mantissa, exponent);
public static implicit operator BigDecimal(decimal value)
var mantissa = (BigInteger)value;
var exponent = 0;
decimal scaleFactor = 1;
while ((decimal)mantissa != value * scaleFactor)
exponent -= 1;
scaleFactor *= 10;
mantissa = (BigInteger)(value * scaleFactor);
return new BigDecimal(mantissa, exponent);
public static explicit operator double(BigDecimal value)
return (double)value.Mantissa * Math.Pow(10, value.Exponent);
public static explicit operator float(BigDecimal value)
return Convert.ToSingle((double)value);
public static explicit operator decimal(BigDecimal value)
return (decimal)value.Mantissa * (decimal)Math.Pow(10, value.Exponent);
public static explicit operator int(BigDecimal value)
return (int)(value.Mantissa * BigInteger.Pow(10, value.Exponent));
public static explicit operator uint(BigDecimal value)
return (uint)(value.Mantissa * BigInteger.Pow(10, value.Exponent));
#region Operators
public static BigDecimal operator +(BigDecimal value)
return value;
public static BigDecimal operator -(BigDecimal value)
value.Mantissa *= -1;
return value;
public static BigDecimal operator ++(BigDecimal value)
return value + 1;
public static BigDecimal operator --(BigDecimal value)
return value - 1;
public static BigDecimal operator +(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return Add(left, right);
public static BigDecimal operator -(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return Add(left, -right);
private static BigDecimal Add(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent > right.Exponent
? new BigDecimal(AlignExponent(left, right) + right.Mantissa, right.Exponent)
: new BigDecimal(AlignExponent(right, left) + left.Mantissa, left.Exponent);
public static BigDecimal operator *(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return new BigDecimal(left.Mantissa * right.Mantissa, left.Exponent + right.Exponent);
public static BigDecimal operator /(BigDecimal dividend, BigDecimal divisor)
var exponentChange = Precision - (NumberOfDigits(dividend.Mantissa) - NumberOfDigits(divisor.Mantissa));
if (exponentChange < 0)
exponentChange = 0;
dividend.Mantissa *= BigInteger.Pow(10, exponentChange);
return new BigDecimal(dividend.Mantissa / divisor.Mantissa, dividend.Exponent - divisor.Exponent - exponentChange);
public static BigDecimal operator %(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left - right * (left / right).Floor();
public static bool operator ==(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent == right.Exponent && left.Mantissa == right.Mantissa;
public static bool operator !=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent != right.Exponent || left.Mantissa != right.Mantissa;
public static bool operator <(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent > right.Exponent ? AlignExponent(left, right) < right.Mantissa : left.Mantissa < AlignExponent(right, left);
public static bool operator >(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent > right.Exponent ? AlignExponent(left, right) > right.Mantissa : left.Mantissa > AlignExponent(right, left);
public static bool operator <=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent > right.Exponent ? AlignExponent(left, right) <= right.Mantissa : left.Mantissa <= AlignExponent(right, left);
public static bool operator >=(BigDecimal left, BigDecimal right)
return left.Exponent > right.Exponent ? AlignExponent(left, right) >= right.Mantissa : left.Mantissa >= AlignExponent(right, left);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the mantissa of value, aligned to the exponent of reference.
/// Assumes the exponent of value is larger than of reference.
/// </summary>
private static BigInteger AlignExponent(BigDecimal value, BigDecimal reference)
return value.Mantissa * BigInteger.Pow(10, value.Exponent - reference.Exponent);
#region Additional mathematical functions
public static BigDecimal Exp(double exponent)
var tmp = (BigDecimal)1;
while (Math.Abs(exponent) > 100)
var diff = exponent > 0 ? 100 : -100;
tmp *= Math.Exp(diff);
exponent -= diff;
return tmp * Math.Exp(exponent);
public static BigDecimal Pow(double basis, double exponent)
var tmp = (BigDecimal)1;
while (Math.Abs(exponent) > 100)
var diff = exponent > 0 ? 100 : -100;
tmp *= Math.Pow(basis, diff);
exponent -= diff;
return tmp * Math.Pow(basis, exponent);
public override string ToString()
return string.Concat(Mantissa.ToString(), "E", Exponent);
public bool Equals(BigDecimal other)
return other.Mantissa.Equals(Mantissa) && other.Exponent == Exponent;
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj))
return false;
return obj is BigDecimal && Equals((BigDecimal) obj);
public override int GetHashCode()
return (Mantissa.GetHashCode()*397) ^ Exponent;
public int CompareTo(object obj)
if (ReferenceEquals(obj, null) || !(obj is BigDecimal))
throw new ArgumentException();
return CompareTo((BigDecimal) obj);
public int CompareTo(BigDecimal other)
return this < other ? -1 : (this > other ? 1 : 0);
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