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manzaloros / artillery-config.yaml
Created September 4, 2020 22:56
Service and Proxy Dev RPS setup/config details + results
# Change port for service/proxy
target: "http://localhost:3000"
- duration: 60
arrivalRate: 5
name: Warm up
- duration: 120
arrivalRate: 5
rampTo: 1000
name: Ramp up load
manzaloros / core-db-query-sample-results
Created September 2, 2020 19:46
reviews=# select * from "Reviews" join "Guitars" on "Reviews"."guitarId"= "Guitars"."id" where "Guitars".id = 21;
id | guitarId | rating | author | date | description | id | name | productId
manzaloros / .block
Created August 14, 2020 13:42 — forked from mbostock/.block
General Update Pattern, I
license: gpl-3.0
manzaloros / gist:0458e2ca50de392c1f841d775b3e95c5
Last active August 8, 2020 16:25
Working API call to product no. 1
"id": 1,
"url": "",
"description_id": 1,
"description": "Fuga est quibusdam molestias adipisci tenetur pariatur quis voluptas vitae maxime adipisci et voluptatem odit autem placeat id iste velit quam quibusdam cumque ipsam rerum iste fugit est molestias aut."