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Created August 20, 2009 15:31
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Save maoe/171132 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import Data.List
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Checkers
-- catamorphisms
cata :: b -> (a -> b -> b) -> [a] -> b
cata b f [] = b
cata b f (a:as) = f a (cata b f as)
cataLength :: [a] -> Int
cataLength = cata 0 (<+>)
where a <+> n = 1 + n
cataFilter p = cata [] (<+>)
where a <+> as
| p a = a:as
| otherwise = as
-- anamorphisms
ana :: (b -> (a, b)) -> (b -> Bool) -> b -> [a]
ana g p b
| p b = []
| otherwise = a:ana g p b'
where (a, b') = g b
anaZip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
anaZip = curry (ana g p)
where p ([], _) = True
p (_, []) = True
p _ = False
g ((a:as), (b:bs)) = ((a, b), (as, bs))
anaIterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
anaIterate f = ana g (const False)
where g a = (a, f a)
map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map' f [] = []
map' f (a:as) = f a:map' f as
cataMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
cataMap f = cata [] (<+>)
where a <+> bs = (f a):bs
anaMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
anaMap f = ana g p
where p [] = True
p _ = False
g (a:as) = (f a, as)
-- Hylomorphisms
hylo c f g p a
| p a = c
| otherwise = f b (hylo c f g p a')
where (b, a') = g a
fac :: Int -> Int
fac 0 = 1
fac (n + 1) = (n + 1) * fac n
hyloFac :: Int -> Int
hyloFac = hylo 1 (*) g p
where p n = n == 0
g (n + 1) = (1 + n, n)
-- Paramorphisms
numPara b f 0 = b
numPara b f (n + 1) = f n (numPara b f n)
listPara b f [] = b
listPara b f (a:as) = f a (as, listPara b f as)
paraFac :: Int -> Int
paraFac = numPara 1 f
where f n m = (1 + n) * m
paraTails :: [a] -> [[a]]
paraTails = listPara ([]:[]) f
where f a (as, tls) = (a:as):tls
-- Tests
prop_cataLength :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_cataLength xs = length xs == cataLength xs
prop_cataFilter :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_cataFilter x xs = filter p xs == cataFilter p xs
where p = (== x)
prop_anaZip :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
prop_anaZip xs ys = zip xs ys == anaZip xs ys
prop_anaIterate :: Int -> Int -> Bool
prop_anaIterate x y = and $ take 100 $ zipWith (==) (iterate (+x) y) (anaIterate (+x) y)
prop_map' :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
prop_map' xs y = and $ take 100 $ zipWith (==) (map (+y) xs) (map' (+y) xs)
prop_cataMap :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
prop_cataMap xs y = and $ take 100 $ zipWith (==) (map (+y) xs) (cataMap (+y) xs)
prop_anaMap :: [Int] -> Int -> Bool
prop_anaMap xs y = and $ take 100 $ zipWith (==) (map (+y) xs) (anaMap (+y) xs)
prop_hyloFac :: NonNegative Int -> Bool
prop_hyloFac x = fac x' == hyloFac x'
where NonNegative x' = x
prop_paraFac :: NonNegative Int -> Bool
prop_paraFac x = fac x' == paraFac x'
where NonNegative x' = x
prop_paraTails :: [Int] -> Bool
prop_paraTails xs = tails xs == paraTails xs
batch :: TestBatch
batch = ( "morphism tests"
, [ ("catamorphism - length", property $ prop_cataLength)
, ("catamorphism - filter", property $ prop_cataFilter)
, ("anamorphism - zip", property $ prop_anaZip)
, ("anamorphism - iterate", property $ prop_anaIterate)
, ("recursion - map", property $ prop_map')
, ("catamorphism - map", property $ prop_cataMap)
, ("anamorphism - map", property $ prop_anaMap)
-- , ("hylomorphism - fac", property $ prop_hyloFac)
-- , ("paramorphism - fac", property $ prop_paraFac)
, ("paramorphism - tails", property $ prop_paraTails)
main = quickBatch batch
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