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Created May 8, 2012 09:16
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module Main where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import FRP.Euphoria.Collection
import FRP.Euphoria.Event
import FRP.Euphoria.Signal
import FRP.Elerea.Simple (stateful)
sigtest :: SignalGen (Signal a) -> IO [a]
sigtest gen = do
step <- start gen
replicateM 15 step
countdownE :: Int -> SignalGen (Event ())
countdownE time = do
timerS <- stateful (Just time) tick
return $ const () <$> filterE isNothing (eachSample timerS)
tick prev = do
t <- prev
guard $ t > 0
return $ t - 1
makeTimersE :: [(Int, (String, Int))]
-> SignalGen (Event (String, Event ()))
makeTimersE timerData = do
countS <- stateful 0 (+1)
let timerE = flattenE $ fmap occurencesAt $ eachSample countS
generatorE $ setTimer <$> timerE
occurencesAt :: Int -> [(String, Int)]
occurencesAt t = map snd $ filter (\(u, _) -> t == u) timerData
setTimer :: (String, Int) -> SignalGen (String, Event ())
setTimer (name, count) = do
timer <- countdownE count
return (name, timer)
timers :: [(Int, (String, Int))]
-> SignalGen (Collection Int String)
timers timerData = do
timerEvent <- makeTimersE timerData
simpleCollection 0 timerEvent
collectionToListSignal :: SignalGen (Collection k a) -> SignalGen (Signal [a])
collectionToListSignal coll =
fmap (map snd) . collectionToDiscreteList <$> coll >>= discreteToSignal
main :: IO ()
main = do
xs <- sigtest $ collectionToListSignal $
timers [ (0, ("a", 3))
, (1, ("b", 5))
, (1, ("c", 3))
, (3, ("d", 4))
mapM_ print xs
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