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Forked from keigoi/gist:5887184
Last active December 19, 2015 03:38
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{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Keigoi where
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans.Error
import Prelude hiding (putChar, getChar)
import qualified System.IO as IO
import Test.QuickCheck
-- Our DSL
class Monad t => CharActions t where
getChar :: t Char
putChar :: Char -> t ()
-- Running our DSL in IO
newtype R a = R { unR :: IO a } deriving (Monad)
runCharIO :: R a -> IO a
runCharIO = unR
instance CharActions R where
getChar = R IO.getChar
putChar c = R $ IO.putChar c
-- Example code
echo :: CharActions t => t ()
echo = do
getChar >>= putChar
echo1 :: CharActions t => t Int
echo1 = do
getChar >>= putChar
return 1
-- IO
main :: IO ()
main = runCharIO echo
-- Testing purely
copy :: String -> (Either String a, [String])
copy [] = (Left "Eof", [])
copy (c:cs) = (r, "GetChar":("PutChar " ++ show c):xs)
(r,xs) = copy cs
prop_echo :: String -> Bool
prop_echo xs = emulateCharIO echo xs == copy xs
test :: IO ()
test = quickCheck prop_echo
-- Running our DSL purely
newtype S a = S
{ unS :: ErrorT String (RWS () [String] String) a
} deriving Monad
emulateCharIO :: S a -> String -> (Either String a, [String])
emulateCharIO (S prog) xs = evalRWS (runErrorT prog) () xs
instance CharActions S where
getChar = S $ get >>= getchar
getchar [] = throwError "Eof"
getchar (x:xs) = tell ["GetChar"] >> put xs >> return x
putChar x = S $ tell ["PutChar " ++ show x]
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