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Created April 30, 2011 14:14
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{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, ViewPatterns #-}
Asymptotic Improvement of Computations over Free Monadsより
module Main where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Cont (ContT, runContT)
import Criterion.Main (defaultMain, bgroup, bench, whnf)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a) deriving Show
-- 木のラベルを差し替える
subst :: Tree a -> (a -> Tree b) -> Tree b
subst (Leaf a) k = k a
subst (Node l r) k = Node (subst l k) (subst r k)
-- Treeとsubstはmonadになる
instance Monad Tree where
return = Leaf
(>>=) = subst
-- pred -> nはViewPatterns。元の論文ではn+kパターンを使っていた。
fullTree :: Int -> Tree Int
fullTree 1 = Leaf 1
fullTree (pred -> n) = do
i <- fullTree n
Node (Leaf (n - i)) (Leaf (i + 1))
-- 木をジグザグにたどり、葉の値を返す。zigzag . fullTreeはO(n^2)となる。
zigzag :: Tree Int -> Int
zigzag = zig
zig (Leaf n) = n
zig (Node l _) = zag l
zag (Leaf n) = n
zag (Node _ r) = zig r
-- CPS変換して高速化する
newtype CPSTree a = CPSTree (forall r. (a -> Tree r) -> Tree r)
rep :: Tree a -> CPSTree a
rep t = CPSTree (subst t)
abs :: CPSTree a -> Tree a
abs (CPSTree p) = p Leaf
instance Monad CPSTree where
return a = CPSTree (\h -> h a)
CPSTree p >>= k = CPSTree $ \h ->
p $ \a -> case k a of
CPSTree q -> q h
leafCPS :: a -> CPSTree a
leafCPS = return
nodeCPS :: CPSTree a -> CPSTree a -> CPSTree a
nodeCPS (CPSTree p1) (CPSTree p2) = CPSTree $ \h -> Node (p1 h) (p2 h)
improve :: CPSTree a -> Tree a
improve = Main.abs
-- zigzag . fullTreeCPSはO(n)
fullTreeCPS :: Int -> Tree Int
fullTreeCPS = improve . fullTree'
where fullTree' :: Int -> CPSTree Int
fullTree' 1 = leafCPS 1
fullTree' (pred -> n) = do
i <- fullTree' n
nodeCPS (leafCPS (n - i)) (leafCPS (i + 1))
-- 同じことをContモナドで
type TreeCont a = forall r. ContT r Tree a
leafCont :: a -> TreeCont a
leafCont = lift . return
nodeCont :: TreeCont a -> TreeCont a -> TreeCont a
nodeCont l r = lift $ Node (runContT l Leaf) (runContT r Leaf)
-- gizgaz . fullTreeContはO(n)
fullTreeCont :: Int -> Tree Int
fullTreeCont = flip runContT return . fullTree'
where fullTree' :: Int -> TreeCont Int
fullTree' 1 = leafCont 1
fullTree' (pred -> n) = do
i <- fullTree' n
nodeCont (leafCont (n - i)) (leafCont (i + 1))
-- 3種類のzigzag . fullTreeを比較する
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain [ bgroup "Normal" [ bench (show n) $ whnf (zigzag . fullTree) n | n <- ns]
, bgroup "CPS" [ bench (show n) $ whnf (zigzag . fullTreeCPS) n | n <- ns]
, bgroup "ContT" [ bench (show n) $ whnf (zigzag . fullTreeCont) n | n <- ns]
where ns = take 10 [100,200..]
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