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Created March 20, 2020 04:30
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debian 10 LTSP 20.3 install with chroot
- [-] Install *LTSP 20.3* on *debian10-ltsp*
- [X] Change to root
: su -
- [X] Configure PPA
The PPA gets updated before the repository (even debian testing)
: wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ltsp-ubuntu-ppa-bionic.list
: wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ltsp_ubuntu_ppa.gpg
: apt update
- [X] Install LTSP 20.3
Install ltsp and required packages
: apt install --install-recommends ltsp ltsp-binaries dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server openssh-server squashfs-tools ethtool net-tools epoptes
- [X] Add permissions for epoptes
: gpasswd -a <user> epoptes
: gpasswd -a map7 epoptes
- [X] Configure dnsmasq for tftp only (no DHCP)
: ltsp dnsmasq
- [X] Build chroot image
: ltsp image -m "-comp zstd" /
- [X] Configure NFS mounts
: ltsp nfs
- [X] Configure iPXE menu
: ltsp ipxe
- [X] Generate ltsp.img
: ltsp initrd
- [X] Test booting fat-client = 29secs iPXE -> Login with 10secs blank
- [X] Test booting with dd cache = 28secs iPXE => Login with 3secs blank
Create config
: install -m 0660 -g sudo /usr/share/ltsp/common/ltsp/ltsp.conf /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf
Add to /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf [clients] section
: PRE_INITRD_BOTTOM_IMAGE_TO_RAM="dd if=/root/images/x86_64.img of=/dev/null &"
Update settings
: ltsp initrd
The total time isn't that different from booting without cache as we have to copy over the entire
image to the thin clients RAM, but once that is done everything loads fast, including what ever it's
doing in the 'blank' part.
- [X] Create Chroot for LTSP clients
Why not use the root image? Because it's 180GB! Let's create a smaller version.
: cd /srv
: mkdir ltsp
: cd ltsp
: apt install debootstrap
: debootstrap buster x86_64
: chroot x86_64
: apt install --no-install-recommends linux-image-amd64 initramfs-tools
: passwd
: exit
Add the following line in /etc/exports
: /srv/ltsp/x86_64 *(rw,async,crossmnt,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,insecure)
To export it via NFS
: exportfs -ra
- [X] Chroot into image and install xfce4
Add the following to a script /srv/ltsp/ltsp-chroot-bind
: #!/bin/bash
: # Edit to suit
: CHROOT_PATH=/srv/ltsp/x86_64
: sudo mount -o bind /proc ${CHROOT_PATH}/proc
: sudo mount -o bind /dev ${CHROOT_PATH}/dev
: sudo mount -o bind /dev/pts ${CHROOT_PATH}/dev/pts
: sudo mount -o bind /sys ${CHROOT_PATH}/sys
: sudo chroot ${CHROOT_PATH} /bin/bash
: wait $CHROOT_PID
: echo "Unmounting chroot environment"
: sudo umount $CHROOT_PATH/sys
: sudo umount $CHROOT_PATH/dev/pts
: sudo umount $CHROOT_PATH/dev
: sudo umount $CHROOT_PATH/proc
Then run the script
: bash ./ltsp-chroot-bind
Install xfce4
: apt install xfce4
- [X] Build chroot image
: ltsp image -m "-comp zstd" x86_64
: ltsp initrd
NOTE: I remarked out the dd cache in /etc/ltsp/ltsp.conf for now.
- [ ] Test booting = fails
: mount: No such file or dir
: mount: invalid option --
: done.
: mount: No such file or dir
: run-init: opening console: No such file or dir
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map7 commented Mar 23, 2020

Had to install ltsp

  The PPA gets updated before the repository (even debian testing)
  : apt install wget
  : wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ltsp-ubuntu-ppa-bionic.list
  : wget -O /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ltsp_ubuntu_ppa.gpg
  : apt update

- [X] Install LTSP 20.3

  Install ltsp and required packages
  : apt install --install-recommends ltsp ltsp-binaries dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server openssh-server squashfs-tools ethtool net-tools epoptes

Then rebuilt image and it worked

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