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Last active October 2, 2019 19:38
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import app, { Component, EventOptions } from 'apprun';
function doChildEv(ev: Event) {"childSetState", ev);
function getComponent(el) {
while (el) {
if (el && el._component) {
return el._component
el = el.parentElement
export class CompositeComponent extends Component {
public setState(state, options: EventOptions
= { render: true, history: false}) {
super.setState(state, options);
if (state) {
if (!(state instanceof Promise)) {
var element = document.getElementById(this.element)
if (element) {
element.parentElement.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('childSetStateD', {detail: this, bubbles: true}));
render(element: HTMLElement, node) {
super.render(element, node)
// use a named function to avoid listener duplication
element.addEventListener("childSetStateD", doChildEv)
export class TreeComponent extends CompositeComponent {
view = (state) => {
var li = <li>
 <button onclick={() =>"-1")}>-1</button>
      <button onclick={() =>"+1")}>+1</button>
if (state['sub']) {
{> app.createElement(TreeComponent, childState))}
return li
  update = {
    '+1': (state) => {
var sub = state.sub?state.sub.slice():[]
sub.push({"id": `_${}`, "num": state.num + "." + (sub.length+1), "sub": []})
return {...state, sub}
    '-1': (state) => {
var sub = state.sub || []
var len = sub.length
if (len) {
sub = sub.slice(0, len-1)
return {...state, sub}
childSetState: (state, event) => {
if (state === undefined)
const child = event.detail
const childState = {...child.state}
// if the element was rendered, children was added to props in
// so remove it here. Otherwise, besides spurious updates,
// we'll get a bug when children is assigned as a prop in
delete childState.children
const child_id = // could use child.element
const sub = state.sub.slice()
const idx = sub.findIndex((substate)=> == child_id)
if (idx >= 0 && childState != sub[idx]) {
// avoid loop with deep compare
if (JSON.stringify(childState) === JSON.stringify(sub[idx])) {
sub.splice(idx, 1, childState)
return {...state, sub}
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