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Created April 23, 2013 17:44
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  • Save mape/1cb2a722e7b25d5a5555 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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e: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
bash-3.2$ a[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386019,
i: 623,
d: 3748,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386020,
i: 1680,
d: 3747,
c: 1599 }
bash-3.2$ a[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386021,
d: 3747,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738161110,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386022,
d: 3748,
u: 43,
t: 1366738161174,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386023, i: 733, d: 3748, c: 379 }
bash-3.2$ a[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386024,
i: 440,
d: 3747,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386025,
i: 1654,
d: 3746,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386026, i: 1596, d: 3745, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386027,
d: 3745,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738161341,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386028,
d: 3746,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738161341,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386029,
d: 3747,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738161341,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386030,
d: 3748,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738161341,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386031,
d: 3749,
u: 33,
t: 1366738161395,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
bash-3.2$ a[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386032,
i: 623,
d: 3749,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386033,
i: 1680,
d: 3748,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386034,
d: 3748,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738162918,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386035,
d: 3749,
u: 43,
t: 1366738162925,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386036, i: 733, d: 3749, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386037,
i: 440,
d: 3748,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386038,
i: 1654,
d: 3747,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386039, i: 1596, d: 3746, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386040,
d: 3746,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738163067,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386041,
d: 3747,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738163067,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386042,
d: 3748,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738163129,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386043,
d: 3749,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738163130,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386044,
d: 3750,
u: 33,
t: 1366738163187,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386045,
i: 623,
d: 3750,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386046,
i: 1680,
d: 3749,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386047,
d: 3749,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738163370,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386048,
d: 3750,
u: 43,
t: 1366738163370,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386049, i: 733, d: 3750, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386050,
i: 440,
d: 3749,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386051,
i: 1654,
d: 3748,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386052, i: 1596, d: 3747, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386053,
d: 3747,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738164388,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386054,
d: 3748,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738164388,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386055,
d: 3749,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738164388,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386056,
d: 3750,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738164388,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386057,
d: 3751,
u: 33,
t: 1366738164388,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386058,
i: 623,
d: 3751,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386059,
i: 1680,
d: 3750,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386060,
d: 3750,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738164523,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386061,
d: 3751,
u: 43,
t: 1366738164587,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386062, i: 733, d: 3751, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386063,
i: 440,
d: 3750,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386064,
i: 1654,
d: 3749,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386065, i: 1596, d: 3748, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386066,
d: 3748,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738164649,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386067,
d: 3749,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738164649,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386068,
d: 3750,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738164649,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386069,
d: 3751,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738164762,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386070,
d: 3752,
u: 33,
t: 1366738164762,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386071,
i: 623,
d: 3752,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386072,
i: 1680,
d: 3751,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386073,
d: 3751,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738165843,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386074,
d: 3752,
u: 43,
t: 1366738165843,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386075, i: 733, d: 3752, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386076,
i: 440,
d: 3751,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386077,
i: 1654,
d: 3750,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386078, i: 1596, d: 3749, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386079,
d: 3749,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738165920,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386080,
d: 3750,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738165920,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386081,
d: 3751,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738165920,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386082,
d: 3752,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738165977,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386083,
d: 3753,
u: 33,
t: 1366738165978,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386084,
i: 623,
d: 3753,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386085,
i: 1680,
d: 3752,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386086,
d: 3752,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738166151,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386087,
d: 3753,
u: 43,
t: 1366738166151,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386088, i: 733, d: 3753, c: 379 }
bash-3.2$ [Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386089,
i: 440,
d: 3752,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386090,
i: 1654,
d: 3751,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386091, i: 1596, d: 3750, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386092,
d: 3750,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738166332,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386093,
d: 3751,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738166333,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386094,
d: 3752,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738167302,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386095,
d: 3753,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738167303,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386096,
d: 3754,
u: 33,
t: 1366738167303,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386097,
i: 623,
d: 3754,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386098,
i: 1680,
d: 3753,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386099,
d: 3753,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738167381,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386100,
d: 3754,
u: 43,
t: 1366738167443,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386101, i: 733, d: 3754, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386102,
i: 440,
d: 3753,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386103,
i: 1654,
d: 3752,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386104, i: 1596, d: 3751, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386105,
d: 3751,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738167516,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386106,
d: 3752,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738167517,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386107,
d: 3753,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738167517,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386108,
d: 3754,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738167625,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386109,
d: 3755,
u: 33,
t: 1366738167626,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386110,
i: 623,
d: 3755,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386111,
i: 1680,
d: 3754,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386112,
d: 3754,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738167743,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386113,
d: 3755,
u: 43,
t: 1366738167743,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386114, i: 733, d: 3755, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386115,
i: 440,
d: 3754,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386116,
i: 1654,
d: 3753,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386117, i: 1596, d: 3752, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386118,
d: 3752,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738168775,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386119,
d: 3753,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738168775,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386120,
d: 3754,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738168775,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1656,
g: 1386121,
d: 3755,
u: 3261,
t: 1366738168847,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 },
20 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 618,
g: 1386122,
d: 3756,
u: 33,
t: 1366738168916,
[ { _readableState: '_$_{..}',
readable: true,
domain: null,
_events: '_$_{..}',
_maxListeners: 10,
socket: '_$_{..}',
'...': 1 } ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a619:
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
b622: true,
b620: true,
g: 1386123,
i: 623,
d: 3756,
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
x: undefined,
c: 1660 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { l1673: 0,
a1657: 'get',
{ protocol: null,
slashes: null,
auth: null,
host: null,
port: null,
hostname: null,
'...': 1 },
a1661: '/',
{ get: '_$_[..]',
post: '_$_[..]',
put: '_$_[..]',
head: '_$_[..]',
delete: '_$_[..]',
options: '_$_[..]',
'...': 1 },
a1663: 20,
b1665: true,
b1666: false,
b1664: false,
a1672: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
b1671: [ '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '_$_{..}', '...' ],
a1674: 20,
g: 1386124,
i: 1680,
d: 3755,
c: 1599 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 364,
g: 1386125,
d: 3755,
u: 776270,
t: 1366738169094,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 732,
g: 1386126,
d: 3756,
u: 43,
t: 1366738169094,
a: [ 'default %s', 500 ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386127, i: 733, d: 3756, c: 379 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { b365: false,
a368: '/',
a369: '/',
a370: '_$_undefined',
b372: true,
b371: true,
b374: '_$_undefined',
b377: {},
b378: false,
b380: '_$_undefined',
b383: false,
a382: 'Error: This socket is closed.\n at Socket._write (net.js:603:19)\n at doWrite (_stream_writable.js:211:10)\n at writeOrBuffer (_stream_writable.js:201:5)\n at Socket.Writable.write (_stream_writable.js:172:11)\n at Socket.write (net.js:581:40)\n at Console.warn (console.js:61:16)\n at next (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/proto.js:144:57)\n at pass (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:107:65)\n at nextRoute (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:100:20)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:164:24)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)\n at callbacks (/Users/mape/project/node_modules/express/lib/router/index.js:167:22)',
b385: true,
g: 1386128,
i: 440,
d: 3755,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { a1598: '_$_undefined',
a1597: '_$_undefined',
b1600: true,
g: 1386129,
i: 1654,
d: 3754,
v: {},
x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { g: 1386130, i: 1596, d: 3753, v: {}, x: 1 }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1634,
g: 1386131,
d: 3753,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738169214,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1594,
g: 1386132,
d: 3754,
u: 776623,
t: 1366738169214,
a: [ {} ] }
[Error: This socket is closed.] { i: 1593,
g: 1386133,
d: 3755,
u: 776531,
t: 1366738169214,
a: [ 20, {} ] }
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