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Forked from MagicAndi/Install-Programs
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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# ==========================================================================
# Script Name: Install-Programs.ps1
# Author: Andy Parkhill
# Date Created: 27/03/2014
# Description: A simple environment setup script for my personal laptop.
# =========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Imported Modules
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Constants
# ==========================================================================
Set-Variable ScriptName -option Constant -value "Install-Programs.ps1"
# ==========================================================================
# Functions
# ==========================================================================
# ==========================================================================
# Main Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Opening $ScriptName Script."
# ==========================================================================
# Start of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
# Install Chocolatey
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
# Install Utilities
cinst notepadplusplus
cinst greenshot
cinst launchy
cinst ccleaner
cinst 7zip
#cinst windirstat
cinst wincdemu
#cinst keepass
cinst ChocolateyGUI
#cinst TeraCopy
#cinst Revo.Uninstaller
#cinst dropbox
#cinst PureTextPlus
#cinst tomighty
#cinst utorrent
#cinst sumo
#cinst f.lux
#cinst Recuva
#cinst sumatrapdf
#cinst cdburnerxp
#cinst windirstat
#cinst jing
# Install Browsers
cinst Firefox
cinst GoogleChrome
#cinst safari
# Install Browser Add-ons
cinst adblockplusfirefox
cinst adblockpluschrome
# Media
#cinst libreoffice
cinst vlc
#cinst skype
# Install DEV tools
#cinst fiddler
#cinst linqpad
cinst winmerge
cinst sysinternals
# # Team Foundation Server 2013 Express
# cinst VisualStudioTeamFoundationServerExpress2013
# # Express 2013 for Windows Desktop
# cinst VisualStudioExpress2013WindowsDesktop
# # Express 2013 for Windows (Windows 8 Apps)
# cinst VisualStudioExpress2013Windows
# # Express 2013 for Web
# cinst VisualStudio2013ExpressWeb
# # SQL Server
# cinst MsSqlServer2012Express
# cinst wepi # Web Platform installer
# cinst git
# cinst poshgit
# cinst gitextensions
# cinst instanteyedropper
# cinst wget
# cinst ilspy
# # Blogging
# cinst WindowsLiveWriter
# Tools to evaluate
# cinst rdcman
# cinst grepwin
# cinst roundhouse
# cinst NimbleText
# cinst papercut # Local SMTP server
# cinst dotPeek
# cinst FastCopy
# cinst RegShot
# cinst RegScanner
# cinst nodejs.install
# cinst ruby
# cinst python
# cinst PhantomJS
# cinst ScriptCs
# cinst curl
# cinst Wget
# cinst hg
# cinst Compass
# cinst Yeoman
# cinst teamviewer
# cinst vagrant
# cinst typescript.vs
# ==========================================================================
# End of Script Body
# ==========================================================================
Write-Host "Closing $ScriptName Script."
# Wait for input before closing.
# Write-Host "Press any key to continue..."
# $x = $Host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")
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