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Created July 20, 2022 12:06
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FCSC 2022 - Some challenge about python hash that I don't remember its name
p1 = 11400714785074694791
p2 = 14029467366897019727
p5 = 2870177450012600261
mask = (1 << 64) - 1
def rol(x, l):
return ((x << l) | (x >> (64 - l))) & mask
def tuplehash(tup):
acc = p5
for x in tup:
lane = hash(x)
acc += lane * p2
acc &= mask
acc = rol(acc, 31)
acc *= p1
acc &= mask
acc += len(tup) ^ (p5 ^ 3527539)
acc &= mask
if acc & (1 << 63):
acc -= 1 << 64
return acc
from random import randint
def find_preimage_tuple(target):
while True:
M = 2**64
a = randint(1, 1 << 60)
t = rol(((target - (2 ^ p5 ^ 3527539)) & mask) * pow(p1, -1, M) % M, 33)
s = (rol((p5 + a * p2) & mask, 31) * p1) & mask
b = (t - s) * pow(p2, -1, M) % M
if hash(a) == a and hash(b) == b and hash((a,b)) == target:
return (a,b)
# FCSC{658232b18ebebc53c42dd373c6e9bc788f1fd5693cf8a45bcafbff46dae42e24}
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