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Created July 21, 2022 17:57
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SEETF 2022 - To Infinity
from tqdm import tqdm
p = 2**255 - 19
m = 314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628
cf = continued_fraction((m + 87 * p) / (1 + 63 * p))
s = "".join(["-" * x + "/" for x in cf])[:-1]
def calc(m, s):
for x in s:
if x == "-":
m -= 1
elif x == "+":
m += 1
elif x == "/":
m = 1 / m
raise Exception("Invalid")
return m
assert calc(GF(p)(m), s) == 0
# find small x,y such that (x/y)=m (mod p)
# because the length of continued fraction tends to be smaller when x,y are smaller
y, x = matrix([[1, m], [0, p]]).LLL()[0]
assert (x / y) % p == m
cf = continued_fraction(x / y)
s = "".join(["-" * x + "/" for x in cf])[:-1]
assert calc(GF(p)(m), s) == 0
# but smallest x,y not necessary have shortest answer
# need some bruteforce
u, v = matrix([[1, m], [0, p]]).LLL()
mn = 10000
niter = 100000
for _ in tqdm(range(niter)):
a = randint(1, 1000)
b = randint(1, 1000)
y, x = a * u + b * v
assert (x / y) % p == m
cf = continued_fraction(x / y)
s = "".join(["-" * x + "/" for x in cf])[:-1]
# print(len(s))
if len(s) < mn:
mna = a
mnb = b
mn = len(s)
mncf = cf
mns = s
print(mna, mnb)
# author writeup:
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