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Last active July 2, 2016 22:57
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Dashing widgets for Active Directory
#requires -version 2.0
#this script assumes all users have the same policy and does
#not take fine grained password policies into account.
#The -Next parameter indicates how many days to check. In other words
#user accounts with expiring passwords in the next X days. The script
#defaults to the user domain, but you can specify another search base
#by using a distinguished name like ou=employees,dc=jdhlab,dc=local
[ValidateScript({$_ -ge 1})]
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
#get current domain password policy
#save the password age in days
#calculate our starting and ending dates
Write-Host "Finding users under $SearchBase with passwords set between $($Start.Date) and $($End.Date)" -ForegroundColor Green
function Send-Widget($Widget,[string[]]$Users)
$lines = ""
foreach ($User in $Users)
If($lines.length -gt 1)
$lines += ","
$line = $User -replace "=", ":"
$line = $line -replace ";", ","
$line = $line -replace "@", ""
$lines += $line
$lines = "{'auth_token': 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN', 'status': 'normal', 'items': [" + $lines + "], 'service': 'Active Directory' }"
$lines = $lines -replace "'", "`""
Write-Host $lines
$url = "http://YOUR_DASHBOARD_SERVER/widgets/" + $Widget
Invoke-WebRequest $url -ContentType "application/json" -Method Post -Body $lines
function Send-Widget-Set([string[]]$Expiring,[string[]]$Expired,[string[]]$Locked)
$Widget = "active_directory_users"
$lines = ""
foreach ($l in $Locked)
If($lines.length -gt 1)
$lines += ","
$line = $l -replace "=", ":"
$line = $line -replace ";", ","
$line = $line -replace "@", ""
$lines += $line
foreach ($e in $Expired)
If($lines.length -gt 1)
$lines += ","
$line = $e -replace "=", ":"
$line = $line -replace ";", ","
$line = $line -replace "@", ""
$lines += $line
foreach ($e in $Expiring)
If($lines.length -gt 1)
$lines += ","
$line = $e -replace "=", ":"
$line = $line -replace ";", ","
$line = $line -replace "@", ""
$lines += $line
$status = "normal"
If($Expired.length -gt 0)
$status = "warning"
If($Locked.length -gt 0)
$status = "critical"
$lines = "{'auth_token': 'YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN', 'status': '" + $status + "', 'items': [" + $lines + "], 'service': 'Active Directory' }"
$lines = $lines -replace "'", "`""
Write-Host $lines
$url = "http://YOUR_DASHBOARD_SERVER/widgets/" + $Widget
Invoke-WebRequest $url -ContentType "application/json" -Method Post -Body $lines
#Use a Try/Catch to handle any errors.
#get all users with passwords that have not expired and was set between
#the start and end dates. Only get enabled accounts with passwords that can expire.
#you can select as many other properties as you'd like
# $hello = Get-ADUser -searchBase $SearchBase -filter {
# Enabled -eq $True -AND PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False -AND PasswordLastSet -ge $Start.Date -AND PasswordLastSet -le $End.Date
# } -properties * |
# Select DistinguishedName,PasswordLastSet,
# @{Name="PasswordAge";Expression={(Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet }}, @{Name="DaysLeft";Expression={$days - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet)}}
$expiring = Get-ADUser -searchBase $SearchBase -filter {
Enabled -eq $True -AND PasswordNeverExpires -eq $False -AND PasswordLastSet -ge $Start.Date -AND PasswordLastSet -le $End.Date
} -properties * | sort-object -property PasswordLastSet |
Select @{Name="'label'"; Expression = {"'" + $_.Name.substring(0,[Math]::Min(18,$_.Name.Length)) + "'"}},
@{Name="'value'";Expression={(&{If((($days) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) -gt 1 ) {"'" + [string](($days) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) + " days'"} Else { (&{If( (($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours) -gt 1 ) { "'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours)) + " hours'" } Else { "'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24 * 60) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalMinutes)) + " min'" }}) }}) }}
# "'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours)) + " hours'"
# (&{If( (($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours) -gt 1 ) { "'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours)) + " hours'" } Else { "'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24 * 60) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalMinutes)) + " min'" }})
# @{Name="'value'";Expression={(&{If((($days) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) -gt 1 ) {"'" + [string](($days) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) + " days'"} Else {"'" + [string][Math]::Floor((($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours)) + " hours'"}}) }}
# @{Name="'value'";Expression={"'" + [string][Math]::Round((($days * 24) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).TotalHours)) + " days'"}}
# @{Name="'value'";Expression={"'" + [string](($days) - ((Get-Date) - $_.PasswordLastSet).Days) + " days'"}}
Send-Widget -Widget "expiring_users" -Users $expiring
$expired = Get-ADUser -searchBase $SearchBase -Filter { Enabled -eq $True } -properties * | where {$_.PasswordExpired} | sort-object -property PasswordLastSet |
Select @{Name="'label'"; Expression = {"'" + $_.Name.substring(0,[Math]::Min(18,$_.Name.Length)) + "'"}},
Send-Widget -Widget 'expired_users' -Users $expired
$locked = Search-ADAccount -LockedOut | Select @{Name="'label'"; Expression = {"'" + $_.Name.substring(0,[Math]::Min(18,$_.Name.Length)) + "'"}}, @{Name="'value'";Expression={"'Locked'"}}
Send-Widget -Widget 'locked_users' -Users $locked
Send-Widget-Set -Expiring $expiring -Expired $expired -Locked $locked
#there was a problem so display a warning and the exception message
Write-Warning "Failed to query user accounts in $searchbase."
Write-Warning $_.Exception.Message
#end of script
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