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Last active November 10, 2016 20:03
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Use this endpoint to fetch an array of candidate objects.

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params


    ids=[integer,...] example:ids=5,26,43

    language=(es|en) example:language=en

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Content: : An example object using candidate_id = 124243
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    "election_data": {},
    "contest_data": {},
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        "display_name": "Bernie Sanders",
        "profession": "Elected Official",
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        "priority1": "",
        "priority2": "",
        "priority3": "",
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            "percentage_itemized": "33.67",
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    "updated": "April 17, 2016, 3:24 pm"
  • Empty Response:
  • Sample Call:
  • Notes:


Use this endpoint to fetch a single measure object

  • URL


  • Method:


  • URL Params


    `id=[integer] example:id=5

    language=(es|en) example:language=en

  • Success Response:

    • Code: 200
      Content: : An example object using measure_id = 1876
    "election_authority_data": [],
    "election_data": {},
    "contest_data": {},
    "measure": {
        "measure_id": "298",
        "official_identifier": "Prop. 48",
        "topic": "Indian Gaming",
        "official_title": "Indian Gaming Compacts",
        "official_short_summary": "<p>In June 2013, the Legislature passed AB 277, which approves gaming compacts between the&nbsp;state and the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe. Under the State&nbsp;Constitution, enacted legislation can generally be placed before voters as a referendum to&nbsp;determine whether it can go into effect. This proposition is a referendum on AB 277. If voters&nbsp;approve Proposition 48, the gaming compacts between the state and the two tribes would go into&nbsp;effect, allowing North Fork to construct a casino in Madera County.</p>",
        "official_summary": "\n<p>Annual payments over a 20-year period averaging around $10&nbsp;million from the North Fork tribe to the state and local governments in the Madera County area to address costs related to the operation of a new casino.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>Increased revenue from economic growth in the Madera County area generally offset by revenue losses from decreased economic activity in surrounding areas.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>",
        "official_summary_author": "Legislative Analyst's Office",
        "official_yes_vote_means": "<p><span>A&nbsp;</span><strong>YES</strong><span>&nbsp;vote on this measure means: The state&rsquo;s compacts with the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe would go into effect. As a result, North Fork would be able to construct and operate a new casino in Madera County and would be required to make various payments to state and local governments, Wiyot, and other tribes.</span></p>",
        "official_no_vote_means": "<p><span>A&nbsp;</span><strong>NO</strong><span>&nbsp;vote on this measure means: The state&rsquo;s compacts with North Fork and Wiyot would not go into effect. As a result, neither tribe could begin gaming unless new compacts were approved by the state and federal governments.</span></p>",
        "official_vote_means_source": "",
        "official_financial_effect": "<p>The fiscal effects of the compacts and associated MOUs on the state and local governments would depend on several factors, including:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p>The size and type of casino opened in Madera County.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>The extent to which the new casino impacts other California tribal and non-tribal businesses&mdash;including other gaming facilities.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p>The way certain requirements in the compact and MOUs are implemented.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Thus, there is some uncertainty regarding the fiscal effects on the state and local governments discussed below.</p>\n<h3>State and Local Government Impacts</h3>\n<p>As described earlier, North Fork would make various payments to the state and specified local governments. These revenues generally would be used to address costs related to the operation of the new casino in Madera County.</p>\n<p><strong><em>State Impacts.</em></strong>&nbsp;Under the North Fork compact, the tribe would make annual payments into the SDF that are expected to cover its share of actual state regulatory, problem gambling, and other costs. In addition, North Fork would pay Caltrans for any transportation-related services provided under agreement with the tribe. These payments would average about $1.5&nbsp;million annually over the life of the compact.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Local Government Impacts.</em></strong>&nbsp;After adjusting for inflation, we estimate that Madera County and the City of Madera would likely receive between $16&nbsp;million and $35&nbsp;million in one-time payments from North Fork for specified services. Similarly, Madera County, the City of Madera, and the Madera Irrigation District would receive about $5&nbsp;million in annual payments once the casino opens through the end of the compact. In addition, other local governments could receive $3.5&nbsp;million annually over the life of the compact.</p>\n<h3>State and Local Government Revenues</h3>\n<p><strong><em>Impact on Revenues.</em></strong>&nbsp;The spending on gaming at a new casino generally comes at the expense of: (1) other spending on gaming (for example, at nearby casinos or cardrooms or on the state lottery) or (2) other discretionary sources of spending (such as on movies and eating out). These shifts in spending can result in reduced revenues received by the state and local governments.</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>Reduced Gaming-Related Revenues.</em></strong>&nbsp;The state and local governments currently receive revenues from other forms of gaming&mdash;such as the California Lottery, horse racing, and cardrooms. Expanded gaming on tribal lands could reduce these other sources of state and local revenues. In addition, the new North Fork casino would attract customers who otherwise would go to other California tribal casinos. These other tribes would receive fewer revenues from their casinos and could pay less to the state under the terms of their compacts.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>Effects on Taxable Economic Activity.</em></strong>&nbsp;Californians would spend more of their income at tribal facilities, which are exempt from most types of state and local taxes. This means Californians would spend less at other businesses that&nbsp;<em>are</em>&nbsp;subject to state and local taxes&mdash;for example, hotel, restaurant, and entertainment businesses off tribal lands. This would result in reduced tax revenues for the state and local governments.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>These potential revenue reductions would not be significant.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Local Economic Effects.</em></strong>&nbsp;The opening of North Fork&rsquo;s new casino would result in people coming to Madera County from outside the area to gamble and purchase goods and services. This spending would occur both on tribal lands and in surrounding communities. Additionally, the tribe would likely hire employees for the facility who would also purchase goods and services within the county. As a result, local governments in Madera County would likely experience a growth in revenues from increased economic activity. These increased revenues would generally be offset by revenue losses from decreased economic activity in surrounding counties.</p>",
        "official_financial_effect_author": "Legislative Analyst's Office",
        "official_impartial_analysis": "<p>If approved, this proposition would allow AB 277, the tribal-state compacts with North Fork and Wiyot and the MOUs between the tribe and various governmental agencies, to go into effect. This would allow North Fork to move forward with the construction and operation of a new casino. Wiyot would also be prohibited from conducting gaming on their tribal lands. Additionally, any state or local governmental agency that assists in the construction of the North Fork casino (such as through the construction of a road to the casino) would be exempt from certain state environmental regulations.</p>\n<p>If this proposition is rejected by voters, North Fork would not be able to move forward with the construction and operation of a new casino unless a new compact was approved by the state and federal governments. Wiyot would be free to negotiate a new compact with the state for gaming activities on its tribal lands.</p>\n<p>Below, we discuss the major provisions of the specific compacts and the related MOUs.</p>\n<p><strong><em>North Fork Tribe May Build and Operate Casino.</em></strong>&nbsp;The North Fork compact allows the tribe to build and operate a casino with up to 2,000 slot machines on the land that was accepted into federal trust for gaming. The casino would be located west of State Highway 99 in Madera County, as shown in Figure&nbsp;1. There are a number of other tribal casinos and non-tribal cardrooms near the proposed site. Of the nearby tribal casinos, three of them operate a similar number of slot machines as planned for the North Fork casino. If in the future the state allows another Indian tribe within a 60-mile radius of the North Fork site to operate more than 2,000&nbsp;slot machines, the North Fork tribe would be permitted to operate this higher number of slot machines.</p>\n<p><img src=\"\" alt=\"Location of Proposed North Fork Casino and Wiyot Tribal Land\" /></p>\n<p><strong><em>Wiyot Tribe May Not Build a Casino.</em></strong>&nbsp;Wiyot owns land near the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge. The state expressed concern in the Wiyot compact that a casino on this land would have a negative environmental impact. Accordingly, the compact prohibits gaming activities on the tribe&rsquo;s land. In exchange, Wiyot would receive 2.5&nbsp;percent to 3.5&nbsp;percent of annual slot machine net revenue from the North Fork casino. (The actual percentage would depend on the amount of slot machine net revenue created by the casino.) North Fork estimates that it would pay Wiyot on average around $6&nbsp;million annually over the 20 years of the compact. The Wiyot compact also includes various administrative and legal provisions related to payments made to the tribe.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Payments to the State.</em></strong>&nbsp;The North Fork compact requires the tribe to make annual payments to the RSTF. The actual payments would depend on the casino&rsquo;s annual slot machine net revenue and the total amount of payments made by North Fork to other state entities, local governments, and tribes. North Fork estimates that total payments to the RSTF would average about $15&nbsp;million annually over the life of the compact. All of this funding would be allocated directly to other California tribes. The compact also requires North Fork to make payments to the SDF, primarily to cover increased state regulatory and problem gambling costs. In addition, upon the negotiation of an agreement with North Fork, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) would also receive payment for any transportation-related services provided. North Fork estimates that payments to the SDF and Caltrans would average about $1.5&nbsp;million a year over the life of the compact.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Payments to Local Governments.</em></strong>&nbsp;The compact and the associated MOUs require North Fork to make one-time and annual payments to local governments in the Madera County area to offset potential impacts of the casino on the local community. (For more detailed information regarding these payments, please see the nearby box.)</p>\n<div class=\"text-box\">\n<h3>Local Government Payments</h3>\n<p>The North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians negotiated and signed memorandum of understanding (MOUs) with three local governmental entities. These MOUs require the tribe to make payments after construction of the casino to (1)&nbsp;offset potential impacts from the casino on the community (such as increased costs for additional law enforcement or for transportation improvements) and (2)&nbsp;support various services or programs (such as the maintenance of parks or job training programs). These agreements are with:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>County of Madera.</em></strong>&nbsp;This MOU requires one-time payments to the county ranging between $6.9&nbsp;million and $17.9&nbsp;million and annual payments over the life of the compact of $3.8&nbsp;million once the casino opens. These payments would be adjusted each year for inflation until paid. The MOU also includes a goal for the tribe of hiring 50&nbsp;percent of casino employees from residents of the county.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>City of Madera.</em></strong>&nbsp;This MOU requires one-time payments to the city ranging between $6.3&nbsp;million and $10.3&nbsp;million and annual payments over the life of the compact of $1.1&nbsp;million once the casino opens. Similar to the county MOU, the one-time and ongoing payments would be adjusted for inflation. The MOU also includes a goal for the tribe to hire 33&nbsp;percent of casino employees from residents of the city.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>Madera Irrigation District.&nbsp;</em></strong>This MOU requires annual payments of $47,500. The MOU also includes provisions for additional payment if more water is used by the casino than expected.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<p>In addition, the North Fork compact requires the tribe to either (1)&nbsp;make annual payments to other local governments within 25&nbsp;miles of the North Fork casino that are negatively impacted or (2)&nbsp;deposit these funds into the Revenue Sharing Trust Fund. North Fork estimates that these payments would average about $3.5&nbsp;million a year over the life of the compact.</p>\n</div>\n<p><strong><em>Payments to Other Tribes.&nbsp;</em></strong>As discussed above, the North Fork compact specifies that Wiyot would receive a portion of North Fork&rsquo;s net slot machine revenue. In addition, in recognition of a potential economic impact of the new casino upon the nearby Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino, the compact requires (1) payments to the Picayune Rancheria of the Chukchansi Indians through June 30, 2020 (estimated by North Fork to total around $25&nbsp;million), and (2) North Fork to delay the opening of any hotel at the casino until after July 1, 2018. However, North Fork would only have to comply with these requirements if Chukchansi does not challenge (such as through lobbying or through the courts) North Fork&rsquo;s ability to open a casino on the proposed site. Given that Chukchansi has challenged the compact in various ways, it appears that these requirements will not apply.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Other Requirements.</em></strong>&nbsp;The North Fork compact includes numerous requirements concerning casino operations. For example, there are requirements for licensing employees and suppliers, testing gaming devices, and having programs that help individuals gamble responsibly. In addition, the compact allows the tribe to take one of two actions if the state authorizes non-tribal entities to operate slot machines. Specifically, the tribe could (1) stop gaming and making the specific payments discussed above or (2) continue gaming and negotiate reduced payments.</p>",
        "official_impartial_analysis_author": "Legislative Analyst's Office",
        "official_background": "<p>In June 2013, the Legislature passed AB 277, which approves gaming compacts between the state and the North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians and the Wiyot Tribe. Under the State Constitution, enacted legislation can generally be placed before voters as a referendum to determine whether it can go into effect. This proposition is a referendum on AB 277. If voters approve Proposition&nbsp;48, the gaming compacts between the state and the two tribes would go into effect.</p>\n<h3>Indian Gaming in California</h3>\n<p><strong><em>Federal Authorization.</em></strong>&nbsp;Indian tribes possess special status under federal law. Specifically, tribes have certain rights to govern themselves without interference from states. As a result, state regulation of tribal casinos and other activities is generally limited to what is authorized under (1) federal law and (2) federally approved agreements between tribes and a state. For example, federal law permits federally recognized tribes to operate casinos that offer certain types of games (such as slot machines) on Indian land in states that allow such games. The federal government generally defines Indian lands as reservation lands or lands held in trust by the U.S. for the benefit of an Indian tribe. However, federal law generally prohibits gaming on land that was obtained and put into trust for an Indian tribe after October 17, 1988. There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, gaming on newly obtained land is allowed if the federal government determines that gaming on the land is in the best interest of the tribe and would not be harmful to the surrounding community. The Governor of the state where the land is located must formally agree with the federal government&rsquo;s decision.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;When a tribe wants to offer gaming on its land, federal law requires that the state negotiate a contract (known as a &ldquo;tribal-state compact&rdquo;) with the tribe that specifies how gaming will be conducted and regulated. This compact must be approved by the federal government.</p>\n<p><strong><em>State Authorization and Regulation.&nbsp;</em></strong>Proposition&nbsp;1A, approved by California voters in 2000, amended the State Constitution to allow Indian tribes to offer slot machines, lottery games, and certain types of card games on Indian land. Under Proposition&nbsp;1A, a tribe can open a casino that offers these games if (1) the Governor and the tribe reach agreement on a compact, (2) the Legislature approves the compact, and (3) the federal government approves the compact. To date, the Governor, Legislature, and federal government have approved compacts with 72 of the state&rsquo;s 109 federally recognized tribes. Currently, 58 tribes operate 59 casinos.</p>\n<p>Compacts between the state and tribes specify how the state may regulate tribal casinos. For example, compacts typically allow state officials to visit casino facilities, inspect casino records, and verify that tribes are meeting the requirements of their compacts. In addition, the compacts generally require tribes to make certain payments to the state for specific purposes. These payments are primarily made to two state government funds:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>Revenue Sharing Trust Fund (RSTF).</em></strong>&nbsp;Funds deposited into the RSTF do not support any state programs. Rather, the funds are currently distributed to the 73 federally recognized Indian tribes in the state that either do not operate casinos or operate casinos with less than 350 slot machines. Each of these tribes can receive $1.1&nbsp;million annually from the fund.</p>\n</li>\n<li>\n<p><strong><em>Special Distribution Fund (SDF).&nbsp;</em></strong>Funds deposited into the SDF are used for various purposes related to gaming, including: (1) ensuring that the required payments from the RSTF are made, (2) funding programs to assist people with gambling problems, (3) paying the state&rsquo;s costs to regulate tribal casinos, and (4) making grants to local governments affected by tribal casinos.</p>\n</li>\n</ul>\n<h3>Recent North Fork and Wiyot Compacts</h3>\n<p>The state recently negotiated compacts with two tribes. The compact with North Fork allows them to begin gaming in Madera County. The compact with Wiyot prevents gaming on their tribal land in Humboldt County, but allows the tribe to receive a portion of the revenue generated by North Fork&rsquo;s casino.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Approval of Gaming on North Fork Site.&nbsp;</em></strong>In 2005, North Fork submitted a request to the federal government to acquire and put into trust approximately 305 acres of land in Madera County for the purpose of gaming. (This land is located approximately 38 miles from the tribe&rsquo;s reservation.) In 2011, the federal government determined that gaming on this proposed site would be in the best interest of the tribe and would not be harmful to the surrounding community. The Governor formally agreed with the decision of the federal government in August of 2012. The land was placed into federal trust later that year.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Governor and Legislature Approved Compacts.</em></strong>&nbsp;As required under federal law, the Governor negotiated and signed tribal-state compacts with (1) North Fork on August 31, 2012 and (2)&nbsp;Wiyot on March&nbsp;20, 2013. Each compact would be in effect for 20 years&mdash;until December 31, 2033. In June 2013, the Legislature passed AB 277, which approves both compacts as well as various memoranda of understanding (MOUs) between North Fork and the state and local governments. The Governor signed the bill in July 2013.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Federal Government Approved Compacts.&nbsp;</em></strong>Upon approval of AB 277, the federal government issued final approval of the North Fork compact on October 22, 2013 and the Wiyot compact on September 6, 2013.</p>\n<p><strong><em>Compacts and MOUs Put on Hold by Referendum.&nbsp;</em></strong>Assembly Bill 277 would have taken effect on January 1, 2014. However, because of this proposition, a referendum on AB 277, the bill was put &ldquo;on hold&rdquo; prior to becoming effective. If voters approve Proposition&nbsp;48, the gaming compacts between the state and the two tribes would go into effect.</p>",
        "official_background_author": "Legislative Analyst's Office",
        "official_tax_rate": "",
        "official_tax_rate_author": "",
        "official_short_arguments_yes": "<p><strong>Summary of Arguments FOR Proposition 48:</strong>Supported by GOVERNOR JERRY BROWN, a YES vote on 48 will create THOUSANDS OF JOBS, generate ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITIES in one of the state's poorest regions, retain LOCAL CONTROL of a strongly-supported project, provide REVENUE TO STATE and LOCAL GOVERNMENTS, promote tribal self-sufficiency, and avoid development in environmentally sensitive regions.</p>",
        "official_short_arguments_no": "<p><strong>Summary of Arguments AGAINST Proposition 48:</strong><em>Opens floodgate for off- reservation gaming. Bad deal for California.</em>&nbsp;Breaks promise that Indian casinos would be on original tribal land. Authorizes massive off- reservation casino bringing more crime and pollution to Central Valley. No new money to the state general fund or schools. Vote NO on Prop. 48.</p>",
        "official_short_arguments_source": "",
        "official_arguments_yes": "<p><strong>Argument in Favor of Proposition 48<br /></strong>&nbsp; VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 48 - HELP CREATE THOUSANDS OF JOBS, GENERATE STATE AND LOCAL REVENUES, RESPECT LOCAL CONTROL, AND PROTECT SCENIC WILDLIFE AREAS - AT NO COST TO STATE TAXPAYERS.<br />&nbsp; Proposition 48 affirms two Compacts negotiated by the Governor, ratified by a bipartisan majority of the State Legislature, and supported by loca, state, and federal officials that allow the North Fork Tribe near Yosemite and the Wiyot Tribe near Humboldt Bay to create a single project on Indian land in the Central Valley that will:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Create thousands of jobs</li>\n<li>Generate business opportunities and economic growth in high unemployment areas</li>\n<li>Retain local control for a strongly-supported community project</li>\n<li>Share revenues with state and local governments and non-gaming tribes</li>\n<li>Promote tribal self-sufficiency</li>\n<li>Avoid potential development in environmentally sensitive areas</li>\n<li>Be located on North Fork Tribe&rsquo;s federally-held historical land</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp; VOTE YES - HELP CREATE THOUSANDS OF GOOD-PAYING JOBS<br />&nbsp; The project will create over 4,000 jobs as the result of hundreds of millions of dollars in private investment, boosting state and local economies.<br /><em>&nbsp; &ldquo;Voting YES guarantees good jobs for Californians and new economic opportunities for one of our state&rsquo;s poorest regions.&rdquo; -</em>&nbsp;Robbie Hunter, President, California State Building &amp; Construction Trades Council<br /><em>&nbsp; &ldquo;We support the North Fork gaming compact to help bring jobs and business to Madera, Fresno, and the entire San Joaquin Valley.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;- Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce<br />&nbsp; VOTE YES - SUPPORT LOCAL CONTROL, PUBLIC SAFTEY, AND OPPORTUNITY FOR THE CENTRAL VALLEY<br />&nbsp; Voting YES provides crucial funding for public safety, schools, parks, roads and other public services.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;This project will fund local sheriff, police, fire, and other first responders.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;- Sheriff John Anderson, Madera County<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;Our region will benefit economically from this project. We can&rsquo;t allow New York hedge-fund operators with financial ties to a competing casino to determine our economic future. Vote YES to protect local control.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;- Tom Wheeler, Chairman, Madera County Board of Supervisors<br />&nbsp; VOTE YES - PROMOTE TRIBAL SELF-SUFFICIENCY<br />&nbsp; Vote YES helps California&rsquo;s tribes help themselves - without costing state taxpayers anything. It strengthens the State&rsquo;s budget by providing hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue sharing funds for non-gaming tribes, thereby reducing the State&rsquo;s potential financial liability.<br />&nbsp;<em>&nbsp;&ldquo;Tribes throughout California support these agreements. They provide the state with much-needed revenues and provide smaller, non-gaming tribes funding to help Native people become self-reliant.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;- Will Micklin, Executive Director, California Association of Tribal Governments<br />&nbsp; VOTE YES - PROTECT CALIFORNIA&rsquo;S MOST SCENIC WILDLIFE AREAS<br />&nbsp; A YES vote avoids potential casino contraction in the Sierra foothills near Yosemite and near the Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge.<br />&nbsp; &ldquo;A yes vote on Proposition 48 protects two of California&rsquo;s most environmentally precious areas.&rdquo; - Dan Cunning, Yosemite Sierra Visitors Bureau.<br />&nbsp; THE PROPOSITION 48 COMPACTS ARE SUPPORTED BY A BROAD STATEWIDE COALITION, INCLUDING:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Governor Edmund G. Brown, Jr.</li>\n<li>California State Building &amp; Construction Trades Council</li>\n<li>Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce</li>\n<li>City of Madera Police Officers Association</li>\n<li>California Association of Tribal Governments</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp; For a complete list of supporters visit<a href=\"\"><em></em></a></p>\n<p>&nbsp; CREATE JOBS. GROW THE ECONOMY. RESPECT LOCAL CONTROL. GENERATE STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT REVENUES. SAFEGUARD CALIFORNIA'S ENVIRONMENT. VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 48.&nbsp;</p>\n<p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=\"\">;</a></em></p>\n<p>Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor<br />State of California</p>\n<p>Tom Wheeler, Chairman<br />Board of Supervisors, Madera County</p>\n<p>Robbie Hunter, President<br />State Building &amp; Construction Trades Council of California</p>",
        "official_arguments_no": "<p><strong>Argument Against Proposition 48</strong></p>\n<p>&nbsp; VOTE NO ON PROP. 48. Keep Indian gaming on tribal reservation&nbsp;land only.<br />&nbsp; Years ago, California Indian Tribes asked voters to approve limited&nbsp;casino gaming on Indian reservation land. They promised Indian&nbsp;casinos would ONLY be located on the tribes&rsquo; original reservation land.&nbsp;PROP. 48 BREAKS THIS PROMISE.<br />&nbsp; While most tribes played by the rules, building on their original&nbsp;reservation land and respecting the voters&rsquo; wishes, other tribes are&nbsp;looking to break these rules and build casino projects in urban&nbsp;areas across California. VOTE NO ON PROP. 48 TO STOP&nbsp;RESERVATION SHOPPING. Prop. 48 would approve a controversial&nbsp;tribal gaming compact that would allow the North Fork Tribe to build&nbsp;an off-reservation, Vegas-style 2,000 slot-machine casino more than an&nbsp;hour&rsquo;s drive from the tribe&rsquo;s established reservation land, closer to major&nbsp;freeways and Central Valley communities.<br />&nbsp; PROP. 48 WILL START A NEW AVALANCHE OF OFF-RESERVATION CASINO PROJECTS.&nbsp;There are already over&nbsp;60 casinos in California. Enough is enough. Vote No on Prop. 48.&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; Newspapers called for the rejection of this controversial Indian&nbsp;gaming compact:<br />&nbsp; &ldquo;While most casinos are still in remote locations, a new push&nbsp;by tribes to purchase additional land at lucrative freeway locations&nbsp;threatens to kick off a whole new casino boom.&rdquo;&nbsp;<em>Fresno Bee</em>, 4/21/13<br />&nbsp; &ldquo;This year, it&rsquo;s the North Fork tribe. Others are lined up in the&nbsp;wings to make their bids to build casinos in urban areas.&rdquo;<em>Bakersfield&nbsp;</em><em>Californian</em>, 9/4/13&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &ldquo;Voters were assured (their approval of gaming) wouldn&rsquo;t trigger a&nbsp;casino boom and that casinos would only be built on recognized Indian&nbsp;territory.&rdquo;&nbsp;<em>San Diego Union-Tribune,</em>&nbsp;8/11/13&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; &ldquo;Now, two casino proposals could open the door to a new era of&nbsp;Indian gaming in the state . . . which would make these the state&rsquo;s&nbsp;first Indian casinos located off existing reservations.&rdquo;&nbsp;<em>Los Angeles Times</em>,&nbsp;8/19/12<br />&nbsp; PROP. 48 IS A BAD DEAL FOR CALIFORNIA. Unlike prior&nbsp;Indian gaming compacts this deal provides NO money for California&rsquo;s&nbsp;schools and NO additional money for our state general fund.<br />&nbsp; PROP. 48 DOESN&rsquo;T CREATE NEW JOBS. The proposed new&nbsp;casino will simply take resources and jobs from nearby casinos and&nbsp;businesses.<br />&nbsp; Prop. 48 is a bad deal for California, but a great deal for the wealthy&nbsp;Las Vegas casino operator who will run the casino. It hired high-priced&nbsp;lobbyists and spent heavily on trying to build off-reservation casinos in&nbsp;California. It has been accused of unfair labor practices and fined by the&nbsp;Nevada Gaming Commission and the Missouri Gaming Commission.&nbsp;<br />&nbsp; PROP. 48 DOESN&rsquo;T PROTECT THE ENVIRONMENT. It is&nbsp;opposed by Central Valley businesses, farmers, and community leaders&nbsp;because it means MORE air pollution, MORE traffic, and the loss of&nbsp;open space. It also creates a greater burden on an already limited water&nbsp;supply.<br />&nbsp; Vote No on Prop. 48. STOP Vegas-style casinos in our&nbsp;neighborhoods and STOP the avalanche of new off-reservation&nbsp;casinos. Join us and Vote NO on Prop. 48. Read more at&nbsp;<a href=\"\"><em></em></a></p>\n<p>Henry Perea, Fresno County Supervisor</p>\n<p>Manuel Cunha, Jr., President<br />Nisei Farmers League</p>\n<p>Gary Archuleta, Tribal Chairman<br />Mooretown Rancheria&nbsp;</p>",
        "official_arguments_source": "",
        "official_rebuttal_yes": "<p><strong>Rebuttal to Argument in Favor of Proposition 48<br /></strong>&nbsp; VOTE NO ON PROP. 48. It would allow the North Fork Tribe to&nbsp;build a massive off-reservation, Vegas-style casino in Madera County.<br />&nbsp; As a Madera County Supervisor, I oppose this casino in my&nbsp;community.<br />&nbsp; North Fork&rsquo;s reservation land is over an hour&rsquo;s drive from the&nbsp;proposed location, but they want to build a casino with 2,000 slot&nbsp;machines here because it is closer to major freeways and Central Valley&nbsp;communities. It won&rsquo;t create jobs; it will only siphon them from area&nbsp;businesses and existing casinos.\\<br />&nbsp; Years ago when Californians approved Indian gaming, we were told&nbsp;there would be a limited number of casinos built on original reservation&nbsp;land.<br />&nbsp; Prop. 48 breaks that promise.<br />&nbsp; Until now, dozens of tribes have played by these rules, but Prop. 48&nbsp;would allow the first off-reservation casino and would start a wave of&nbsp;casino projects across California.<br />&nbsp;United State Senator&nbsp;Dianne Feinstein opposed this proposed off-reservation casino. In an opposition letter sent to Governor Jerry Brown she said:&nbsp;<br /><em>&nbsp; &ldquo;. . . with the market already saturated, tribes from rural areas are&nbsp;&lsquo;reservation shopping&rsquo; for casinos in more densely populated areas to obtain&nbsp;a better share of the market. This cannot be allowed to happen; enough is&nbsp;enough.&rdquo;&nbsp;<br /></em>&nbsp; I agree with Senator Feinstein. VOTE NO ON PROP. 48.<br />&nbsp; I love my community and building a mega-casino that will bring&nbsp;more traffic, pollution and crime is just wrong.<br />&nbsp; VOTE NO ON PROP. 48 to STOP off-reservation, Vegas-style&nbsp;casinos in all of our neighborhoods.</p>\n<p>David Rogers, Madera County Supervisor&nbsp;</p>",
        "official_rebuttal_no": "<p><strong>Rebuttal to Argument Against Proposition 48<br />&nbsp;</strong>DON&rsquo;T BE MISLED BY OPPONENTS OF PROPOSITION 48!&nbsp;NO ON 48 WAS PAID FOR BY WALL STREET HEDGE FUNDS&nbsp;AND RICH GAMING TRIBES TRYING TO STOP LEGITIMATE&nbsp;COMPETITION.<br />&nbsp; Even Cheryl Schmit, who filed this referendum and now leads the&nbsp;NO ON 48 campaign, recognized the merits of this project site&mdash;BEFORE SHE STARTED WORKING FOR THE OPPONENTS:<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;This is not reservation shopping . . . This is the state exercising its&nbsp;</em><em>authority to locate gaming where it is wanted.&rdquo;</em>&mdash;Cheryl Schmit, Stand&nbsp;Up For California!, San Diego Union-Tribune, 2/4/06.<br />&nbsp; VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 48&mdash;UPHOLD TWO&nbsp;COMPACTS THAT PROVIDE SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS AND&nbsp;PROTECTIONS FOR CALIFORNIANS BY AUTHORIZING A&nbsp;SINGLE PROJECT ON FEDERALLY-HELD INDIAN LAND THAT&nbsp;WILL:&nbsp;</p>\n<ul>\n<li>CREATE THOUSANDS OF GOOD-PAYING JOBS</li>\n<li>GENERATE&nbsp;ECONOMIC GROWTH FOR ONE OF CALIFORNIA&rsquo;S POOREST&nbsp;REGIONS</li>\n<li>RETAIN LOCAL CONTROL FOR A PROJECT WIDELY&nbsp;SUPPORTED BY THE COMMUNITY&nbsp;</li>\n<li>PROMOTE TRIBAL SELF-RELIANCE FOR TWO OF CALIFORNIA'S LARGEST TRIBES</li>\n<li>HELP PROTECT TWO ENVIRONMENTALLY SENSITIVE AREAS</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp; Governor Brown, a supporter of Yes on 48, agrees that the North&nbsp;Fork Tribe has a<em>&ldquo;significant historical connection with the land&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;and that&nbsp;the approval process which<em>&ldquo;lasted more than seven years&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;was &ldquo;<em>extremely&nbsp;</em><em>thorough</em>.&rdquo;<br />&nbsp; Governor Brown called the &ldquo;No on 48&rdquo; effort to overturn his&nbsp;compacts&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;unfortunate&rdquo;</em>&nbsp;and about&nbsp;<em>&ldquo;money and competition.&rdquo;</em>&nbsp; JOIN OTHERS SUPPORTING PROPOSITION 48&nbsp;COMPACTS:&nbsp;</p>\n<ul>\n<li>California Democratic Party</li>\n<li>Assemblyman Frank Bigelow,&nbsp;former President, California State Association of Counties</li>\n<li>California&nbsp;Association of Tribal Governments</li>\n<li>City of Madera Police Officers&nbsp;Association</li>\n<li>UNITE HERE!, representing more than 49,000&nbsp;California workers&nbsp;</li>\n</ul>\n<p>VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION 48.<br /><a href=\"\"><em></em></a></p>\n<p><br />Robbie Hunter, PresidentState Building &amp; Construction Trades Council of California<br />John Anderson, SheriffMadera County Sheriff&rsquo;s Office<br />Debi Bray, PresidentMadera Chamber of Commerce&nbsp;</p>",
        "measure_type": "Referendum",
        "passage_requirements": "Majority Approval Required",
        "fulltext_link": "",
        "full_text": "<p>Proposition 48 This law proposed by Assembly Bill 277 of the 2013&ndash;2014 Regular Session (Chapter 51, Statutes of 2013) is submitted to the people of California as a referendum in accordance with the provisions of Section 9 of Article II of the California Constitution. This proposed law adds a section to the Government Code; therefore, new provisions proposed to be added are printed in italic type to indicate that they are new. Proposed Law SECTION 1. Section 12012.59 is added to the Government Code, to read: 12012.59. (a) (1) The tribal?state gaming compact entered into in accordance with the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (18 U.S.C. Secs. 1166 to 1168, inclusive, and 25 U.S.C. Sec. 2701 et seq.) between the State of California and the North Fork Rancheria Band of Mono Indians, executed on August 31, 2012, is hereby ratified. 48 Text of Proposed Laws | 75 Text of Proposed Laws Proposition 48 Continued (2) The tribal?state gaming compact entered into in accordance with the federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988 (18 U.S.C. Secs. 1166 to 1168, inclusive, and 25 U.S.C. Sec. 2701 et seq.) between the State of California and the Wiyot Tribe, executed on March 20, 2013, is hereby ratified. (b) (1) In deference to tribal sovereignty, none of the following shall be deemed a project for purposes of the California Environmental Quality Act (Division 13 (commencing with Section 21000) of the Public Resources Code): (A) The execution of an amendment to the tribal?state gaming compacts ratified by this section. (B) The execution of the tribal?state gaming compacts ratified by this section. (C) The execution of an intergovernmental agreement between a tribe and a county or city government negotiated pursuant to the express authority of, or as expressly referenced in, the tribal?state gaming compacts ratified by this section. (D) The execution of an intergovernmental agreement between a tribe and the Department of Transportation negotiated pursuant to the express authority of, or as expressly referenced in, the tribal?state gaming compacts ratified by this section. (E) The on?reservation impacts of compliance with the terms of the tribal?state gaming compacts ratified by this section. (F) The sale of compact assets, as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 63048.6, or the creation of the special purpose trust established pursuant to Section 63048.65. (2) Except as expressly provided herein, this subdivision does not exempt a city, county, or city and county, or the Department of Transportation, from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act.</p>",
        "simplified_title": "Indian Gaming Agreements",
        "way_it_is": "<p>State law allows Indian tribes to operate casinos on Indian lands if the tribe, state, and federal government agree. Currently 58 tribes conduct casino-style gambling which is not legal elsewhere in California.</p><p>New agreements (&ldquo;compacts&rdquo;) have been negotiated with two tribes, the North Fork Rancheria and the Wiyot Tribe. The North Fork would be able to open a casino and hotel in Madera County on property not connected to their reservation. The Wiyot would agree not to open a casino in Humboldt County in return for a share of the North Fork casino&rsquo;s profits. Some Californians are concerned about these agreements and gathered enough signatures to put them to a vote.</p>",
        "what_if_pass": "<p>A YES vote would allow the North Fork to proceed with the casino in Madera County and also prohibits the Wiyot from opening a<br />casino in Humboldt County.</p><p>A NO vote rejects these compacts and both tribes would need to seek new agreements if they wanted to construct or operate casinos.</p>",
        "budget_effect": "$10 million per year would go to state and local governments over 20 years. Local governments near the new casino would receive one time payments totaling $16 million to $35 million.",
        "people_for_say": "The North Fork casino has local support and would create over 4,000 jobs to give a much needed boost to the local economy.",
        "people_against_say": "These agreements change the rules about where tribes can operate casinos and will open the door to more gambling.",
        "evg_source": "",
        "lwv_question": "Should the tribal gaming compacts negotiated by Governor Brown with the North Fork and Wiyot Tribes and ratified by legislative statute be allowed to go into effect?",
        "lwv_situation": "<p>In 2000, voters amended the state Constitution to allow Indian tribes to open casinos on Indian land, if the tribe and the Governor agree on a compact, and the Legislature and the federal government approve the compact.<span>&nbsp;</span></p><p>In 2012, Governor Brown negotiated an agreement with the North Fork Rancheria of the Mono Tribe. The state Legislature approved, and the federal government accepted, this compact, which allows the tribe to acquire tribal land in Madera County, approximately 38 miles from the tribe&rsquo;s reservation, and to build a casino and hotel on it.&nbsp;</p><p>Federal law usually prohibits tribes from building casinos on tribal land acquired after 1988; however, an exception can be approved if the acquisition of new land can be shown to be in the tribe&rsquo;s best interest and not harmful to the surrounding community. The Bureau of Indian Affairs affirmed that this was the case for the North Fork casino plan, as the tribe&rsquo;s preexisting holdings are not sufficiently large to allow for a casino and hotel, and they are located in a remote area in the Sierra National Forest.&nbsp;</p><p>The compact with the Wiyot Tribe, also covered by this statute, prohibits the tribe from opening a casino on tribal lands in Humboldt County, instead providing them a share of the North Fork casino&rsquo;s profits.</p>",
        "lwv_proposal": "Prop. 48 is a referendum that asks the voters to approve or reject the gaming compacts with the North Fork and Wiyot tribes. A YES vote approves the legislative statute that ratifies the compacts, and allows the compacts to go into effect; a NO vote rejects the statute and voids the compacts.",
        "lwv_fiscal_effects": "<p>The tribe would make annual payments to the state and local governments to offset their costs arising from the existence of the new casino, which would probably average about $1.5 million annually over the 20-year period of the compact.</p><p>Madera County and city would likely receive between $16 million and $35 million in one-time payments from the tribe for specified services, and would receive about $5 million in annual payments over the life of the compact, once the casino opens. Other local governments in the area could receive $3.5 million annually over the life of the compact.</p><p>There may be increased revenue from economic growth in the Madera County area, generally offset by revenue losses from decreased economic activity in surrounding counties.</p>",
        "lwv_supporters_say": "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<ul>\n<li>The North Fork casino has local support and would create over 4,000 jobs.</li>\n<li>The casino would bring revenue to Madera County and to the state of California.</li>\n<li>The location of the casino is supported by local, state, and federal officials.</li>\n</ul>",
        "lwv_opponents_say": "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<ul>\n<li>These compacts break the promise that Indian casinos would only be located on original reservation land.</li>\n<li>Rather than creating jobs, the casino would take jobs and resources from nearby areas.</li>\n<li>The door would be opened to an avalanche of new off-reservation casinos.</li>\n</ul>",
        "lwv_source": "",
        "status": "",
        "votes_for": "0",
        "votes_against": "0",
        "weight": "0",
        "published": "1",
        "disable_finance_data": "0",
        "deleted": "0",
        "entity_type": "11",
        "measure_timestamp": "2015-12-04 14:22:21",
        "measure_contests": [{
            "measure_contest_id": "912",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "contest_id": "8571",
            "measure_contest_timestamp": "2015-12-04 10:08:07"
        "measure_endorsements": [{
            "endorsement_id": "51",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "California Democratic Party",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "52",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "California Labor Federation",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "53",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "City of Madera Police Officers Association",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "54",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "Central California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "55",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "California State Building & Construction Trades Council",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "56",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "California Association of Tribal Governments",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "57",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "Los Angeles County Democratic Party",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
            "endorsement_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
        }, {
            "endorsement_id": "58",
            "measure_id": "298",
            "position": "Yes",
            "endorser": "Los Angeles Times",
            "type": "Organization",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "weight": "0",
            "entity_type": "21",
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            "source": "League of Women Voters",
            "description": "Even more detail!!",
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            "link_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
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            "description": "10/10. KPCC's Take Two looks at how a vote to approve or reject Prop 48 would affect Indian gaming in the Central Valley.",
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            "description": "See a summary, statement of what the proposition does, and the \"inside scoop\" by correspondent John Myers for each proposition",
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            "video_id": "7",
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            "type": "Neutral",
            "title": "Proposition 48: Indian Gaming Compacts",
            "source": "League of Women Voters",
            "description": "Produced by the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund. (3 minutes)",
            "date_posted": "2014-10-20",
            "link": "",
            "published": "1",
            "entity_type": "28",
            "video_timestamp": "2015-12-04 15:54:23"
    "updated": "April 17, 2016, 3:26 pm"
  • Empty Response:
  • Sample Call:
  • Notes:

    <_This is where all uncertainties, commentary, discussion etc. can go. _>

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chrislkeller commented Aug 24, 2016

Curious about the measure data...

  • For contributors, are contributors provided or only the top contributors?
  • Under the measure_finance objects it appears you're updating the finance_id incrementally instead of overriding? Is there an key that simply provides the latest total or am I having to find the latest support entry by timestamp?
  • Same goes for the measure_finance_top objects. Has 11West Partners made two $100,000 donations in support of Prop 63 - finance_top_id 399785 and finance_top_id 424409 - or are they same and a new ID is being created for the same donation?
  • The timestamps on all attributes - are they Pacific timezone?
  • Do you have a schema listing the different entity types?
  • For the measure-finance-top values, the top-type of "D" must be individual donor while "S" must be state?

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