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Last active September 15, 2016 01:24
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  • Save mapsam/a2d7c86697c4703d08d8280c606aa61b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mapsam/a2d7c86697c4703d08d8280c606aa61b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unpacker Tagging Party

There's a bug in npm that doesn't dedup Git URLs in package.json dependencies: npm/npm#3081

Node Mapnik dependents

  • happytiff
    • mapnik-omnivore
  • mapbox-geostats
  • mapbox-map-metadata
    • tilelive-omnivore
    • tilelive-vector
  • mapbox-tile-copy
    • tilelive-omnivore
    • tilelive-vector
  • mapbox-upload-validate
    • mapnik-omnivore
    • tilelive-omnivore
    • tilelive-vector
  • preprocessorcerer
    • mapnik-omnivore
  • tilelive-omnivore
    • mapnik-omnivore
    • tilelive-bridge

Node GDAL dependents

  • mapnik-omnivore
    • wmtiff
    • srs
    • wmshp
    • bytetiff
  • happytiff
    • mapnik-omnivore
  • preprocessorcerer
    • mapnik-omnivore
    • srs
    • wmshp
    • wmtiff
  • mapbox-upload-validate
    • tilelive-omnivore
  • tilelive-omnivore
    • mapnik-omnivore
  • mapbox-tile-copy
    • tilelive-omnivore
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