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Created April 19, 2016 04:11
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Open Refine Stuff

Some Google Refine snippets and resources to help with cleaning PVA data

Google Refine recipes

Re-add the leading 0 to the 7-digit property numbers

  1. Numeric facet on propertyand filter for 7-digit values only
  2. Run a transform on the faceted property data. Concatenate a 0 to the front of the 7-digit values
    • '0' + value
  3. Remove the facet.

Get rid of dollar signs ($) and commas (,)


Get rid of tilde-A (Ã)


Concatenating across columns. This can be useful for creating unique IDs when there are multiple records for a property

cells['column name'].value + cells['other column name'].value

Find and delete duplicates

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