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Created February 1, 2015 21:10
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how to install oro crm on ubuntu
# Install ORO CRM
cd /var/www/html/OroCrm # go to your install OroCrm folder
git clone # clone packages to be installer
# git clone # optional
# git clone -b 1.4.1 # clone specific version from github
git clone # clone packages to be installer
# You may find useful some info from composer during installation
cd crm # go on new cloned folders
curl -sS | php # get composer
# sudo apt-get update # if curl not installed, then install it
# sudo apt-get install php5-curl # php php-curl not installed, then install it
# php composer.phar install # because this way brings errors on dependency i use "required"
# php composer.phar install --prefer-dist --no-dev # recomandaton from oro git
php composer.phar update # update composer
php composer.phar require besimple/soap-client "~0.2" --prefer-dist # intall dependencies
# Set on composer installation driver "mysqli".
# In case case of providing wrong Doctrine driver by intall, repeat install operation:
rm -rf crm-application/ # delete folder
git clone # clone again
cd crm-application # go to install folder
curl -s | php # get composer
php composer.phar require besimple/soap-client "~0.2" --prefer-dist # intall again
# Set on composer installation driver "mysqli".
# Install mcrypt
sudo apt-get install php5-mcrypt # get php5-mcrypt
sudo php5enmod mcrypt # enable module mcrypt
sudo service apache2 restart # restart apache
php --ini # check php extensions config files
env # check envoirement
# Add your timezone in php.ini (both) and memory limit to 512Mb :
find / -type f -iname 'php.ini' -exec grep -i 'timezone' {} + # check data.timezone in php.ini(s)
sudo nano /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini # to modify data.timezone
sudo nano /etc/php5/cli/php.ini # to modify data.timezone
#Add ORO_PHP_PATH in env:
export ORO_PHP_PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/php # set path
echo $ORO_PHP_PATH # check path
php app/console cache:clear # clear symfony cache
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