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Last active May 29, 2016 15:01
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Save maranomynet/9972930 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sort an array
array.sortISL.js -- (c) 2014 Hugsmiðjan ehf. - MIT/GPL
Written by Már Örlygsson -
Original at:
Install via npm:
npm install gist:9972930
Use with CommonJS:
Use with ES6 imports:
import 'array_sortISL';
Sorts arrays in Icelandic alphabetical order.
Accepts an optional function for extracting the property/text to sort by.
Example usage:
var arr = ['1','Á','ö','bá','be','$ff','af','að','ad','ý','y'];
alert( arr.join('\n') );
// use jQuery to select <tr> elements to sort
// and convert them to an Array
var tRows = jQuery('tbody tr').toArray();
var getSortProp = function(cellElm){
return $(cellElm).find('td:eq(1)').text()
// sort the array in Icelandic alphabetical order
// by the text-value of each row's second <td> cell.
tRows.sortISL( getSortProp );
// or for reverse sorting
getProp: getSortProp,
reverse: true
// or for custom sorting
getProp: getSortProp,
sortFn: function (a,b) { a===b ? 0 : a>b ? 1 : -1; }
// re-inject the sorted rows into table.
.append( tRows );
var abcIdx = {};
var abc = '| -0123456789aáàâäåbcdðeéèêëfghiíîïjklmnoóôpqrstuúùüvwxyýÿzþæö'; // prepend list with '|' to guarantee that abc.indexOf(chr) never returns 0 (falsy)
var getAbcText = function(text){
if ( typeof text === 'string' )
var idxStr = '';
text = (text.trim ? text.trim() : text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,''))
.replace(/[\/.,()]/g, '') // remove punctutation
.replace(/\s*-\s*/g,'-') // normalize spacing around dashes
.replace(/(_|\s)+/g,' ') // normalize/collapse space-characters
.toLowerCase(); // lowercase
var len = text.length;
var i = 0;
while ( i < len )
var chr = text.charAt(i);
var chrCode = abcIdx[chr];
if ( !chrCode )
var idx = abc.indexOf(chr);
idx = idx>-1 ? 32+idx : 99+chr.charCodeAt(0);
chrCode = abcIdx[chr] = String.fromCharCode( idx );
idxStr += chrCode;
return idxStr;
return text;
Array.prototype.sortISL = function( opts ){
opts = !opts ? {} : (opts.apply && ? { getProp:opts } : opts;
var getProp = opts.getProp || function (item) { return ''+item; };
var sortFn = opts.sortFn || function (a,b) { return a[0]===b[0] ? 0 : a[0]>b[0] ? 1 : -1; };
var arr = this;
var tempArr = [];
var len = arr.length;
var i = 0;
while ( i<len )
tempArr[i] = [ getAbcText(getProp( arr[i] )), arr[i] ];
opts.reverse ?
function (a,b) { return -1 * sortFn(a,b); }:
i = 0;
while ( i<len )
arr[i] = tempArr[i][1];
return arr;
"name": "array_sortISL",
"main": "array.sortISL.js",
"version": "1.0.0",
"author": "Már Örlygsson ("
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