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Created June 1, 2018 19:10
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PowerShell Script to Set Lync Personal Message Based on Day of Week
# Script Name: Set-LyncPersonalMessage.ps1
# Author: David Frazer
# Date Created: June 1st, 2018
# I wrote this to be cute. My daughter is 3 and has special names for each day of the week.
# I thought it would be fun to have my Lync personal message be updated automatically based
# on the day of the week.
# This script requires that the Lync 2013 SDK be installed.
# For me, I have Skype for Business 2016, but the 2013 SDK works fine for it.
# Modify the $DLLPath variable based on the location of your DLLs.
# Usage:
# I use a VBScript wrapper to run this file at startup with a hidden window.
# Here is an example of that VBScript:
# CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run "PowerShell.exe -WindowStyle Hidden -File C:\Tools\Set-LyncPersonalMessage.ps1", 0, True
# Credit:
# I got the bits about Lync from here:
# The rest is my own work.
# Note on Security:
# I sign my scripts, and use AllSigned as my execution policy. Therefore, if someone changed the hashes in this file, I'd know.
# I do validation on the DLL file checksums in an effort to prevent loading something other than what is expected.
$Messages = @{
"Sunday" = "Happy sun day!";
"Monday" = "Happy moonday!";
"Tuesday" = "Happy number two day!";
"Wednesday" = "Happy wind day!";
"Thursday" = "Happy hammer day!";
"Friday" = "Happy french fry day!";
"Saturday" = "Happy caturday!";
$DayOfWeek = (Get-Date).DayOfWeek
$Message = $Messages.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq $DayOfWeek } | Select -Expand Value
$DLLObject = @()
$DLLObject += [PSCustomObject] @{
"Name" = "Microsoft.Lync.Controls.Dll";
"Hash" = "F130EFF34A58E2D7EA65BC626DD2099A"
$DLLObject += [PSCustomObject] @{
"Name" = "Microsoft.Lync.Model.Dll";
"Hash" = "0DB348A2A4AF1CD673382FD559F5E81A"
$DLLPath = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office 2013\LyncSDK\Assemblies\Desktop'
Foreach($DLL in $DLLObject) {
$ThisPath = "$DLLPath\$($DLL.Name)"
Try {
$Hash = Get-FileHash -Algorithm MD5 $ThisPath
} Catch {
Throw "Unable to get the file checksum of $ThisPath"
If($Hash.Hash -ne $DLL.Hash) {
Throw "Cannot validate the integrity of $ThisPath. File checksum not as expected: [Expected: $($DLL.Hash), Actual: $($Hash.Hash)]"
Try {
Import-Module $ThisPath
} Catch {
Throw "Unable to import the assembly: $ThisPath"
$Client = [Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient]::GetClient()
$Self = $Client.Self
$ContactInfo = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary[Microsoft.Lync.Model.PublishableContactInformationType, object]'
$ContactInfo.Add([Microsoft.Lync.Model.PublishableContactInformationType]::PersonalNote, $Message)
$SetMessage = $Self.BeginPublishContactInformation($ContactInfo, $Null, $Null)
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