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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Lines intersections in 3D (MATLAB)
% Generate some test data, here 4 points p with directions d
% the position of the offset of the lines
p=[0 0; 1 0; 0 1; 1 1]';
% the direction for the individual lines, not sure if this is the format that is needed or if you have the rotation matrix.
% If the latter then simply multiply take the first row of the rotation matrix as d_i
d=[1 1; -1 1; 1 -1; -1 -1]';
% add some noise to direction to make realistic
% compute length of all d vectors (only for normalisation, not needed for anything really)
d_l = sqrt(d(1,:).^2+d(2,:).^2);
% normalise d (this is just for illustration, the length doesn't matter obviously, but this makes it look like it came from a rotation matrix)
% OK, now we have some good test data to work with
% First make everything using homogeneous coordinates, so it's easier to work with!
% We will represent a line in the most general form: ax + by + c = 0, with a and b being the coefficients that define the line,
% and x and y being the variables. e.g.
l=cross(p, p+d)
% this can also be computed (manually:)
lm(1,:)=p(2,:).*(p(3,:)+d(3,:)) - p(3,:).*(p(2,:)+d(2,:));
% so a is simply -d(2,:):
% so b is simply d(1,:):
lm(2,:)=-p(1,:).*(p(3,:)+d(3,:)) + p(3,:).*(p(1,:)+d(1,:));
% c is a bit complicated as it's the linear combination:
lm(3,:)=p(1,:).*(p(2,:)+d(2,:)) - p(2,:).*(p(1,:)+d(1,:));
lm(3,:)=p(1,:).*p(2,:) + p(1,:).*d(2,:) - p(2,:).*p(1,:) - p(2,:).*d(1,:);
% in the end, l is the same as lm, and a good representation of the lines, as now all we have to do is solve the linear system:
%simple for two lines, simply the cross product of the general lines representation:
% no find the intersection between all possible combinations
combinations = nchoosek(1:size(l,2),2);
for i=1:size(combinations,1)
% alternatively, using the inverse matrix:
alt_intersection(:,i)=inv(l(1:2,combinations(i,:))') * -l(3,combinations(i,:))';
% de-homogenise the coordinates:
% a good approximation is the median!
% using the pseudo inverse we can solve the best least-square fit, that's easy in matlab (and a pain in C++):
best_intersection=pinv(l(1:2,:)') * -l(3,:)'
% This gives us the "distance" of all intersection points from the lines:
ih=[intersection approx_intersection best_intersection];
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