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Last active February 22, 2018 18:00
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Use Swift Package Manager (SPM) with test resources and, if needed, a read/write scratch directory.

004.4'2 SW Dev Swift Package Manager (SPM) With Resources Qref

The Swift Package Manager does not yet provide a mechanism for handling resources. The following is a workable approach for using test resources TestResources/ within a package; and, also provides for a consistent TestScratch/ directory for creating test files if needed.

Setup | File Locations | Resources


  • Add test resources directory TestResources/ in the PackageName/ directory.

  • For Xcode use, add test resources to project "Build Phases" for the test bundle target.

    • Project Editor > TARGETS > CxSQLiteFrameworkTests > Build Phases > Copy Files: Destination Resources, + add files
  • For command line use, set up Bash aliases which include swift-copy-testresources.swift

  • Place an executable version of swift-copy-testresources.swift on an appropriate path which is included $PATH.

    • Ubuntu: nano ~/bin/ swift-copy-testresources.swift

Bash Aliases

macOS: edit .bash_profile

alias swiftbuild='swift-copy-testresources.swift $PWD; swift build -Xswiftc "-target" -Xswiftc "x86_64-apple-macosx10.13";'
alias swifttest='swift-copy-testresources.swift $PWD; swift test -Xswiftc "-target" -Xswiftc "x86_64-apple-macosx10.13";'
alias swiftxcode='swift package generate-xcodeproj --xcconfig-overrides Package.xcconfig; echo "REMINDER: set Xcode build system."'

Ubuntu: nano ~/.profile. Apppend to end. Change /opt/swift/current to where Swift is installed for a given system.

### SWIFT ###
if [ -d "/opt/swift/current/usr/bin" ] ; then

alias swiftbuild='swift-copy-testresources.swift $PWD; swift build;'
alias swifttest='swift-copy-testresources.swift $PWD; swift test;'

Script: chmod +x


// FILE:
// verify swift path with "which -a swift"
// macOS: /usr/bin/swift 
// Ubuntu: /opt/swift/current/usr/bin/swift 
import Foundation

func copyTestResources() {
    let argv = ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments
    // for i in 0..<argv.count {
    //     print("argv[\(i)] = \(argv[i])")
    // }
    let pwd = argv[argv.count-1]
    print("Executing swift-copy-testresources")
    print("  PWD=\(pwd)")
    let fm = FileManager.default
    let pwdUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: pwd, isDirectory: true)
    let srcUrl = pwdUrl
        .appendingPathComponent("TestResources", isDirectory: true)
    let buildUrl = pwdUrl
        .appendingPathComponent(".build", isDirectory: true)
    let dstUrl = buildUrl
        .appendingPathComponent("Contents", isDirectory: true)
        .appendingPathComponent("Resources", isDirectory: true)
    do {
        let contents = try fm.contentsOfDirectory(at: srcUrl, includingPropertiesForKeys: [])
        do { try fm.removeItem(at: dstUrl) } catch { }
        try fm.createDirectory(at: dstUrl, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
        for fromUrl in contents {
            try fm.copyItem(
                at: fromUrl, 
                to: dstUrl.appendingPathComponent(fromUrl.lastPathComponent)
    } catch {
        print("  SKIP TestResources not copied. ")
    print("  SUCCESS TestResources copy completed.\n  FROM \(srcUrl)\n  TO \(dstUrl)")


Test Utility Code

// MARK: - Linux
#if os(Linux)

// /PATH_TO_PACKAGE/PackageName/.build/TestResources
func getTestResourcesUrl() -> URL? {
    guard let packagePath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["PWD"]
        else { return nil }
    let packageUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: packagePath)
    let testResourcesUrl = packageUrl
        .appendingPathComponent(".build", isDirectory: true)
        .appendingPathComponent("TestResources", isDirectory: true)
    return testResourcesUrl

// /PATH_TO_PACKAGE/PackageName/.build/TestScratch
func getTestScratchUrl() -> URL? {
    guard let packagePath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["PWD"]
        else { return nil }
    let packageUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: packagePath)
    let testScratchUrl = packageUrl
    return testScratchUrl

// /PATH_TO_PACKAGE/PackageName/.build/TestScratch
func resetTestScratch() throws {
    if let testScratchUrl = getTestScratchUrl() {
        let fm = FileManager.default
        do {_ = try fm.removeItem(at: testScratchUrl)} catch {}
        _ = try fm.createDirectory(at: testScratchUrl, withIntermediateDirectories: true)

// MARK: - macOS
#elseif os(macOS)

func isXcodeTestEnvironment() -> Bool {
    let arg0 = ProcessInfo.processInfo.arguments[0]
    // Use arg0.hasSuffix("/usr/bin/xctest") for command line environment
    return arg0.hasSuffix("/Xcode/Agents/xctest")

// /PATH_TO/PackageName/TestResources
func getTestResourcesUrl() -> URL? {
    let testBundle = Bundle(for: CxSQLiteFrameworkTests.self)
    let testBundleUrl = testBundle.bundleURL
    if isXcodeTestEnvironment() { // test via Xcode 
        let testResourcesUrl = testBundleUrl
            .appendingPathComponent("Contents", isDirectory: true)
            .appendingPathComponent("Resources", isDirectory: true)
        return testResourcesUrl            
    else { // test via command line
        guard let packagePath = ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment["PWD"]
            else { return nil }
        let packageUrl = URL(fileURLWithPath: packagePath)
        let testResourcesUrl = packageUrl
            .appendingPathComponent(".build", isDirectory: true)
            .appendingPathComponent("TestResources", isDirectory: true)
        return testResourcesUrl

func getTestScratchUrl() -> URL? {
    let testBundle = Bundle(for: CxSQLiteFrameworkTests.self)
    let testBundleUrl = testBundle.bundleURL
    if isXcodeTestEnvironment() {
        return testBundleUrl
    else {
        return testBundleUrl

func resetTestScratch() throws {
    if let testScratchUrl = getTestScratchUrl() {
        let fm = FileManager.default
        do {_ = try fm.removeItem(at: testScratchUrl)} catch {}
        _ = try fm.createDirectory(at: testScratchUrl, withIntermediateDirectories: true)


File Locations


During the swift build and swift test the process environment variable PWD provides a path the package root …/PackageName. The PackageName/TestResources/ files are copied to $PWD/.buid/TestResources. The TestScratch/ directory, if used during test runtime, is created in $PWD/.buid/TestScratch.

├── debug -> x86_64-unknown-linux/debug
├── TestResources
│   └── SomeTestResource.sql      <-- (copied from TestResources/)
├── TestScratch
│   └── SomeTestProduct.sqlitedb  <-- (created by running tests)
└── x86_64-unknown-linux
    └── debug
        │   └── ...
        │   └── ...
        ├── PackageNamePackageTests.swiftdoc
        ├── PackageNamePackageTests.swiftmodule
        ├── PackageNamePackageTests.xctest  <-- executable, not Bundle
        ├── PackageName.swiftdoc
        ├── PackageName.swiftmodule
        │   └── ...
        ├── PackageNameTests.swiftdoc
        ├── PackageNameTests.swiftmodule
        └── ModuleCache ...


|-- TestResources/
|   `-- SomeTestResource.sql      <-- (copied from TestResources/)
|-- TestScratch/
|   `-- SomeTestProduct.sqlitedb  <-- (created by running tests)
|-- debug -> x86_64-apple-macosx10.10/debug
`-- x86_64-apple-macosx10.10
    `-- debug
        |-- PackageName.swiftdoc
        |-- PackageName.swiftmodule
        |-- PackageNamePackageTests.xctest
        |   `-- Contents
        |       `-- MacOS
        |           |-- PackageNamePackageTests
        |           `-- PackageNamePackageTests.dSYM
        `-- libPackageName.a

macOS Xcode

PackageName/TestResources/ files are copied into the test bundle Contents/Resources folder as part of the Build Phases. If used during tests, TestScratch/ is placed alongside the *xctest bundle.

|-- PackageNameTests.xctest/
|   `-- Contents/
|       |-- Frameworks/
|       |   |-- ...
|       |   `-- libswift*.dylib
|       |-- Info.plist
|       |-- MacOS/
|       |   `-- PackageNameTests
|       `-- Resources/               <-- (aka TestResources/)
|           |-- SomeTestResource.sql <-- (copied from TestResources/)
|           `-- libswiftRemoteMirror.dylib
`-- TestScratch/
    `-- SomeTestProduct.sqlitedb     <-- (created by running tests)


StackOverflow: URL to file path in test bundle with XCTest

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