Make sure
is up to date -
Make sure Contributors have their ranks
Make sure all reports in the security tracker are closed or invalid
Go through Issues fixed in 3.2.3 and correct any unreadable descriptions
Check the feature hightlights wiki page for completeness
Branch of
from 3.2.x:git checkout 3.2.x git checkout -b prep-release-3.2.3
Update version number in prep-release-3.2.3 to
in these files:- build/build.xml
- phpBB/includes/constants.php
- phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- phpBB/install/phpbbcli.php
Update version number in prep-release-3.2.3 to
in these files:- phpBB/install/convertors/convert_phpbb20.php
- phpBB/styles/prosilver/style.cfg
Generate the
filephp phpBB/develop/create_schema_files.php
Update language help files
cd phpBB/develop/; php lang_migrate_help_lang.php; cd ../../
Create Migration
depending on all migrations added after v320php phpBB/bin/phpbbcli.php dev:migration-tips
Commit Changelog generated from Tracker:
php build/build_changelog.php 3.2.3-RC1
Update list of events in the Wiki: https://wiki.phpbb.com/Event_List
php phpBB/develop/export_events_for_wiki.php all
Update list of changed events in the release highlights: https://wiki.phpbb.com/Release_Highlights/3.2.3
php phpBB/develop/export_events_for_wiki.php diff 3.2.3-RC1
Build packages
cd build ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing
Test install of 3.2.3-RC1 package
Test install of 3.2.3-RC1 package using CLI
Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.3-RC1
Test update from 3.0.14 to 3.2.3-RC1
Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.3-RC1 using CLI
Test update from 3.0.14 to 3.2.3-RC1 using CLI
Test convert from 2.x to 3.2.3-RC1
Tag prep-release-3.2.3 as
git tag -a release-3.2.3-RC1 -m "Tagging the 3.2.3-RC1 release."
Upload packages
Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading
Update area51 downloads page:
Set release date for version 3.2.3-RC1 on the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers
Move all bug reports assigned to fix version "3.2.3-RC1" to "3.2.4-RC1" in the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers
Post language changes for translators
git diff release-3.2.2 release-3.2.3-RC1 phpBB/language/ > language_changes_3.2.2_to_3.2.3-RC1.diff
Post style changes for style authors
git diff release-3.2.2..release-3.2.3-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/*.css > prosilver_changes_3.2.2_to_3.2.3-RC1-css.diff git diff release-3.2.2..release-3.2.3-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/*.html > prosilver_changes_3.2.2_to_3.2.3-RC1-html.diff git diff release-3.2.2..release-3.2.3-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/template/*.js > prosilver_changes_3.2.2_to_3.2.3-RC1-js.diff git diff release-3.2.2..release-3.2.3-RC1 -w -- phpBB/styles/prosilver/theme/images/ > prosilver_changes_3.2.2_to_3.2.3-RC1-imgs.diff
Post announcement on Area51 and Teams forum: including the language and style changes
Update versioncheck unstable version
Merge prep-release-3.2.3 into 3.2.x
git checkout 3.2.x git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.2.3
Update version number in 3.2.x to
in these files:- build/build.xml
- phpBB/includes/constants.php
- phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
Merge 3.2.x into master
git checkout master git merge --no-ff 3.2.x
Push changes
git push upstream prep-release-3.2.3 git push upstream release-3.2.3-RC1 git push upstream 3.2.x git push upstream master
Update version number in prep-release-3.2.3 to
in these files:- build/build.xml
- phpBB/includes/constants.php
- phpBB/install/schemas/schema_data.sql
- phpBB/install/phpbbcli.php
Create Migration
depending on all migrations added afterv323rc1
itselfphp phpBB/bin/phpbbcli.php dev:migration-tips
Build packages
cd build ../phpBB/vendor/bin/phing
Test install of 3.2.3 package
Test update from 3.2.3-RC1 to 3.2.3
Test update from 3.2.3-RC2 to 3.2.3
Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.3
Test update from 3.1.12 to 3.2.3
Test update from 3.0.14 to 3.2.3
Test update from 3.0.0 to 3.2.3
Test conversion from 2.0.x to 3.2.3
Tag prep-release-3.2.3 as
git tag -a release-3.2.3 -m "Tagging the 3.2.3 release."
Upload packages
Make sure packages have correct permissions for downloading
Set release date for version 3.2.3 on the PHPBB3 and SECURITY trackers
Make sure the version "3.2.3" is in the version constraint of the issue filter
Close the milestone on the github repository
Post language changes for translators No changes, see above
Post style changes for style authors No changes, see above
Merge prep-release-3.2.3 into 3.2.x
git checkout 3.2.x git merge --no-ff prep-release-3.2.3
Merge 3.2.x into master
git checkout master git merge --no-ff 3.2.x
Push changes
git push phpbb release-3.2.3 git push phpbb prep-release-3.2.3 git push phpbb 3.2.x master
Update website downloads page
Prepare an announcement in BBCode and E-Mail form:
git shortlog -sn release-3.2.3-RC1...release-3.2.3 git diff --stat release-3.2.3-RC1...release-3.2.3
Post announcement on phpBB.com