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Last active September 5, 2022 23:52
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  • Save marc2k3/1d449cc5bbb2fcfdb51157e49d679ad6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// @name "Spinny Album Art Nonsense"
// @author "marc2003"
// @import "%fb2k_component_path%helpers.txt"
var angle = 0;
window.SetInterval(function () {
if (!fb.IsPlaying || fb.IsPaused) return;
angle +=5;
}, 20);
var g_img = null;
var g_metadb = null;
var g_tooltip = window.CreateTooltip('Segoe UI', 16);
g_tooltip.Text = '';
var g_info = '';
var ww = 0, wh = 0;
var temp_gr;
var circular_mask = utils.CreateImage(512, 512);
temp_gr = circular_mask.GetGraphics();
temp_gr.FillEllipse(256, 256, 256, 256, RGB(0, 0, 0));
temp_gr = null;
function update_album_art() {
angle = 0;
if (g_img) g_img.Dispose();
g_img = null;
g_info = '';
g_metadb = fb.IsPlaying ? fb.GetNowPlaying() : fb.GetFocusItem();
if (g_metadb) {
var tmp = g_metadb.GetAlbumArt(2) // type 2 = disc art
if (!tmp) tmp = g_metadb.GetAlbumArt(0); // if disc art not found, use front cover
if (tmp) {
var path = tmp.Path;
g_info = 'Original dimensions: ' + tmp.Width + 'x' + tmp.Height;
if (path.length) g_info += '\nPath: ' + path;
var size = Math.min(tmp.Width, tmp.Height);
g_img = utils.CreateImage(size, size);
temp_gr = g_img.GetGraphics();
temp_gr.DrawImageWithMask(make_square(tmp, size), circular_mask, 0, 0, size, size);
temp_gr = null;
function make_square(img, size) {
if (!img) return null;
if (img.Width < img.Height) {
var src_x = 0;
var src_w = img.Width;
var src_h = img.Width;
var src_y = Math.round((img.Height - src_h) / 4);
} else {
var src_y = 0;
var src_w = img.Height;
var src_h = img.Height;
var src_x = Math.round((img.Width - src_w) / 2);
var square = utils.CreateImage(size, size);
var temp_gr = square.GetGraphics();
temp_gr.DrawImage(img, 0, 0, size, size, src_x, src_y, src_w, src_h);
return square;
function on_colours_changed() {
function on_item_focus_change() {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) update_album_art();
function on_mouse_move(x, y) {
if (g_info.length && g_tooltip.Text != g_info) {
g_tooltip.Text = g_info;
function on_paint(gr) {
var bg = window.IsDefaultUI ? window.GetColourDUI(1) : window.GetColourCUI(3);
gr.FillRectangle(0, 0, ww, wh, bg);
if (g_img) {
var scale_w = ww / g_img.Width;
var scale_h = wh / g_img.Height;
var scale = Math.min(scale_w, scale_h);
var pos_x = 0, pos_y = 0;
if (scale_w < scale_h)
pos_y = (wh - g_img.height * scale) / 2;
else if (scale_w > scale_h)
pos_x = (ww - g_img.Width * scale) / 2;
gr.DrawImage(g_img, pos_x, pos_y, g_img.Width * scale, g_img.Height * scale, 0, 0, g_img.Width, g_img.Height, 1, angle);
function on_size() {
ww = window.Width;
wh = window.Height;
function on_playback_dynamic_info_track(type) {
if (type == 1) update_album_art();
function on_playback_new_track() {
function on_playback_stop(reason) {
if (reason != 2) {
function on_playlist_switch() {
if (!fb.IsPlaying) update_album_art();
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