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Created January 23, 2012 21:44
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A wrapper for PHP's MySqli class.
** MySQL Abstraction Class
** Allows object creation for DB interaction on more advanced level.
** Objective of this class: Bring exceptions into MySQL errors to provide
** Better error verification and diagnosis.
** PHP5 with MySQLi support compiled and configured
** MySQL 4.1 for MySQLi interaction.
** Function to provide more success in variables passed to Class.
** Properly escapes all strings going to the MySQLi functions.
function add_single_quotes($arg)
/* Single quote and escape single quotes and backslashes */
return "'" . addcslashes($arg, "'\\") . "'";
** Function to provide more success in variables passed to class.
** Properly looks at the scalar type of var.
** Returns char type for mysqli_prepare.
function getVarType() {
$type = "";
$args = func_get_args();
for ($x = 0; $x < count($args); $x++) {
// If integer, return i
if (is_int($args[$x])) {
$type .= "i";
// If string, return s
elseif (is_string($args[$x])) {
$type .= "s";
// If numerical double, return d
elseif (is_double($args[$x])){
$type .= "d";
// Mysqli->prepare will not allow anything but the above three, except for blob. For blob, manually set.
else {
die ("Invalid non-scalar value");
return $type;
** Main Class. Child to main MySQLi class from PHP.
** Usage:
** $var = new DB('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'db');
** All functions are the same as original MySQLi class.
** Reminder: To make use of the exceptions, you must connect/query in a TRY block
** and CATCH the type of error.
** Connection Example:
** $test = new DB('hostname','username','password','dbname');
** Query Example:
** $query = "select * from users";
** Data Example:
** $result = $test->query($query);
** print_r($result->fetch_assoc());
class DB extends mysqli {
function __construct() {
/* Try to connect, throw exception on error */
try {
/* Pass all arguments sent to constructor to the parent constructor */
$args = func_get_args();
eval("parent::__construct(" . join(',',array_map('add_single_quotes', $args)) . ");");
/* Throw an error if the connection fails */
if(mysqli_connect_error()) {
throw new ConnException(mysqli_connect_error(),mysqli_connect_errno());
/*Catch a connection error.*/
catch (ConnException $exception) {
printf("Connection Error Occurred.\n");
/*Catch any other error*/
catch (Exception $exception) {
printf("Other Error Occurred.\n");
function query($query) {
/*Attempt the query. Throw exception on error or failure.*/
try {
/*Perform a SQL Query utilizing the parent Query function*/
$result = parent::query($query);
/*Throw an error if the query fails.*/
if(mysqli_error($this)) {
throw new QueryException(mysqli_error($this),mysqli_errno($this));
/*Catch any query exception*/
catch (QueryException $exception) {
printf("Query Error Occurred.\n");
/*Catch any other exception*/
catch (Exception $exception) {
printf("Other Error Occurred.\n");
return $result;
function prepare($query) {
$this->stmt = new DBStmt($this, $query);
return $this->stmt;
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sbrbot commented Jul 29, 2016

What's the point of this MySQLi wrapper? MySQLi already can throw excceptions for errors, you just have to turn this on with mysql_report(MSQL_REPORT_ALL).

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