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Last active December 17, 2015 13:29
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  • Save marcboon/5617706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save marcboon/5617706 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Encapsulates MCP23008 and MCP23017 family of I2C i/o expander for use with electric imp. Emulates the standard Pin class, allows easy moving of i/o from native pins to i/o expander pins. After creating one or more MCP23008 and/or MCP23017 class instances, user code should only access member functions of the MCP230xxPin class. See example at the …
// Base class for MCP23008 and MCP23017 family of I2C i/o expanders
class MCP230xx {
BASE_ADDR = 0x20
i2cPort = null
i2cAddr = null
regs = null
constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
this.i2cPort = i2cPort
this.i2cAddr = (BASE_ADDR + deviceAddr) << 1
// Read a byte
function read(reg) {
local data =, format("%c", reg), 1)
if(data == null) {
server.log("I2C Read Failure")
return -1
return data[0]
// Write a byte
function write(reg, data) {
i2cPort.write(i2cAddr, format("%c%c", reg, data))
// Set/clear a bit in a register
function writeBit(reg, bitn, level) {
local value = read(reg)
value = (level == 0) ? (value & ~(1 << bitn)) : (value | (1 << bitn))
write(reg, value)
function setValueForRegister(gpio, reg, value) {
writeBit(regs[reg], gpio & 7, value)
function getValueForRegister(gpio, reg) {
return (read(regs[reg]) & (1 << (gpio & 7))) ? 1 : 0
function setDir(gpio, input) {
setValueForRegister(gpio, "IODIR", input ? 1 : 0)
function setPullUp(gpio, pull_up) {
setValueForRegister(gpio, "GPPU", pull_up ? 1 : 0)
function setPin(gpio, level) {
setValueForRegister(gpio, "GPIO", level ? 1 : 0)
function getPin(gpio) {
return getValueForRegister(gpio, "GPIO")
// This class is compatible with the general Pin class
class MCP230xxPin {
device = null
gpio = null
regs = null
constructor(device, gpio, regs) {
this.device = device
this.gpio = gpio
this.regs = regs
function configure(mode) {
device.regs = regs
switch(mode) {
device.setDir(gpio, 1)
device.setPullUp(gpio, 0)
device.setDir(gpio, 1)
device.setPullUp(gpio, 1)
device.setDir(gpio, 0)
device.setPullUp(gpio, 0)
server.log("MCP230xxPin: Invalid mode")
function read() {
device.regs = regs
return device.getPin(gpio)
function write(level) {
device.regs = regs
device.setPin(gpio, level)
// Encapsulates a MCP23008 I2C i/o expander
class MCP23008 extends MCP230xx {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x00
IOPOL = 0x01
GPINTEN = 0x02
DEFVAL = 0x03
INTCON = 0x04
IOCON = 0x05
GPPU = 0x06
INTF = 0x07
INTCAP = 0x08
GPIO = 0x09
OLAT = 0x0A
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null
constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
base.constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr)
for(local gpio = 1; gpio <= 8; gpio++) {
this["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, REGS)
// Encapsulates a MCP23017 I2C i/o expander
class MCP23017 extends MCP230xx {
A = {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x00
IOPOL = 0x02
GPINTEN = 0x04
DEFVAL = 0x06
INTCON = 0x08
IOCON = 0x0A
GPPU = 0x0C
INTF = 0x0E
INTCAP = 0x10
GPIO = 0x12
OLAT = 0x14
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null
B = {
REGS = {
IODIR = 0x01
IOPOL = 0x03
GPINTEN = 0x05
DEFVAL = 0x07
INTCON = 0x09
IOCON = 0x0B
GPPU = 0x0D
INTF = 0x0F
INTCAP = 0x11
GPIO = 0x13
OLAT = 0x15
pin1 = null
pin2 = null
pin3 = null
pin4 = null
pin5 = null
pin6 = null
pin7 = null
pin8 = null
constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr) {
base.constructor(i2cPort, deviceAddr)
for(local gpio = 1; gpio <= 8; gpio++) {
A["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, A.REGS)
B["pin" + gpio] = MCP230xxPin(this, gpio - 1, B.REGS)
// Example using two MCP23008 and one MCP23017 on the same I2C bus (using pins 8,9)
imp.configure("MCP230xx Demo", [], [])
// Configure I2C bus
// Create i/o port instances (note: each device on the same bus should have a different device address)
port1 <- MCP23008(hardware.i2c89, 0) // pinstrapped to device address 0
port2 <- MCP23008(hardware.i2c89, 1) // pinstrapped to device address 1
port3 <- MCP23017(hardware.i2c89, 2) // pinstrapped to device address 2
// Assign leds to port pins
led1 <- port1.pin1 // MCP23008 has pin1 to pin8
led2 <- port2.pin1 // using same pin on the second MCP23008
led3 <- port3.A.pin1 // port3 is a MCP23017, which has A and B ports, both having pin1 to pin8
led4 <- port3.B.pin1 // using same pin on port B
// Configure pins as output
// Demo: running lights
function run1() {
imp.wakeup(0.1, run2)
led1.write(1 -
function run2() {
imp.wakeup(0.1, run3)
led2.write(1 -
function run3() {
imp.wakeup(0.1, run4)
led3.write(1 -
function run4() {
imp.wakeup(0.1, run1)
led4.write(1 -
// Start
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