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Created February 9, 2013 14:35
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%% run this from the console with the following command:
%% eunit:test({timeout, 60, mnesia_performance_tests}).
-record(state, {}).
mnesia_performance_test_() ->
fun setup/0,
fun teardown/1,
fun insert_logmessages/1
setup() ->
teardown(_Pid) ->
insert_logmessages(State) ->
fun() ->
Number_Of_Messages = 50000,
lists:foreach(fun(Iteration) ->
Log_Message = #log_message{message_id = ?PU:unique_id(),
timestamp = ?NOW,
severity = 128,
message = <<"Test message">>,
topics = [<<"topic1">>, <<"topic2">>],
identities = [<<"user1">>, <<"session1">>],
log_nodename = <<"mnesiatest@localhost">>,
log_product = <<"popcorn">>,
log_version = <<"1.0.32">>,
log_module = <<"mnesia_performance_tests">>,
log_function = <<"insert_logmessages">>,
log_line = 99,
log_pid = self()},
{T, _} = timer:tc(fun() -> mnesia:dirty_write(popcorn_history, Log_Message) end, []),
?POPCORN_DEBUG_MSG("~p, ~p", [Iteration, T])
end, lists:seq(1, Number_Of_Messages))
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