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Created January 2, 2019 11:21
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const TwitterPackage = require("twitter");
const DEBUG = process.env.debug;
const secret = {
consumer_key: process.env.consumer_key,
consumer_secret: process.env.consumer_secret,
access_token_key: process.env.access_token_key,
access_token_secret: process.env.access_token_secret
function init() {
function bot() {
const Twitter = new TwitterPackage(secret);
console.log("Twitter Bot: Helperbird Running");
// Call the stream function and pass in 'statuses/filter'
// our filter object, and our callback
track: "#dyslexia,#dyslexic,#opendyslexic"
function(stream) {
var pastUsername = "";
// ... when we get tweet data...
stream.on("data", function(tweet) {
if (DEBUG) {
const messages = [
"Hi @" +
tweet.user.screen_name +
", I saw you brought up '#dyslexia'. You should check out . Free dyslexia and accessibility app for Google Chrome. Making it easier to read online. #dyslexia #dyslexic",
"Hey @" +
tweet.user.screen_name +
". I`m Helpebird. A free dyslexia and accessibility app for Google Chrome. Making it easier to read online and help you out. Learn more at . #dyslexia #dyslexic",
"Hey @" +
tweet.user.screen_name +
". I`m Helpebird. A free dyslexia and accessibility app for Google Chrome. I saw you brought up '#dyslexia'. I can change the font, colours and more on any webpage. Making it easier for you to read. Learn more at . #dyslexia #dyslexic"
// build our reply object
let statusObj = {
status: messages[Math.floor(Math.random() * messages.length)],
in_reply_to_status_id: tweet.id_str
if (
tweet.favorited === true ||
tweet.retweeted === true ||
tweet.user.screen_name === "helperbird_" ||
tweet.user.screen_name === "Antijingoist" ||
pastUsername === tweet.user.screen_name
) {
return false;
pastUsername = tweet.user.screen_name; // call the post function to tweet something"statuses/update", statusObj, function(
) {
// if we get an error print it out
if (error) {
return false;
// print the text of the tweet we sent out
if (DEBUG) {
// ... when we get an error...
stream.on("error", function(error) {
// print out the error
exports.init = init; = bot;
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