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Created July 14, 2010 11:28
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" APIdock search for word under cursor
let g:browser = 'open -a /Applications/Google\ '
" On OSX - let g:browser = 'open -a /Applications/'
" Open the Ruby ApiDock page for the word under cursor, in a new Firefox tab
function! OpenRubyDoc(keyword)
let url = ''.a:keyword
exec '!'.g:browser.' '.url.' &'
noremap RB :call OpenRubyDoc(expand('<cword>'))<CR>
" Open the Rails ApiDock page for the word under cursor, in a new Firefox tab
function! OpenRailsDoc(keyword)
let url = ''.a:keyword
exec '!'.g:browser.' '.url.' &'
noremap RR :call OpenRailsDoc(expand('<cword>'))<CR>
" Open the Rspec ApiDock page for the word under cursor, in a new Firefox tab
function! OpenRspecDoc(keyword)
let url = ''.a:keyword
exec '!'.g:browser.' '.url.' &'
noremap RS :call OpenRspecDoc(expand('<cword>'))<CR>
function! RemoveTrailingWhiteSpaces()
" Remove ALL trailing whitespaces
noremap WW :call RemoveTrailingWhiteSpaces()<CR>
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