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Forked from liamgriffiths/
Created November 6, 2018 17:01
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How CORS works

Guide to CORS

CORS (cross origin resource sharing) is a mechanism to allow client web applications make HTTP requests to other domains. For example if you load a site from and want to make a request (via xhr or img src, etc) to without using CORS your web browser will try to protect you by blocking the response from the other server. This is because browsers restrict responses coming from other domains via the Same-Origin-Policy.

CORS allows the browser to use reponses from other domains. This is done by including a Access-Control headers in the server responses telling the browser that requests it is making is OK and safe to use the response.

Header Description
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin> Allow requests from <origin> to access the resource
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: <headers> Whitelist custom headers the browser can access
Access-Control-Max-Age: <seconds> How long to cache the results from a preflight OPTIONS request
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: <boolean> Allow the browser to use the rsp when the req was made with credientials
Access-Control-Allow-Methods: <method> Included in preflight rsp to tell the browser which methods it can use
Access-Control-Allow-Headers: <headers> Included in preflight rsp to tell the browser what headers it can send

Use cases

Simple case: making a GET request to another domain

In order for your browser to use the reponse from the other domain the server must include a reponse header Access-Control-Allow-Origin: Where is the requesting domain. When the response comes back the browser checks for that header and if it is sure the request was make from, then it will use the reponse.

Using other HTTP methods (POST, PUT, DELETE), preflighting

These requests work in a slightly different way. They first make a "preflight" request to the server using an HTTP OPTIONS request. The response contains the HTTP methods the server will accept along with the Access-Control headers. If the response allows the requesting origin to use the reponse a subsequent request will be made with the original POST/PUT/DELETE.

Making a "Credentialed" request

Normall xhr requests do not send cookies, but when you specify withCredentials on the xhr object it will send cookies. In order for the browser to use the response from a credentialed request, the browser must in include the header Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true.

NOTE*: You can set the header to allow credentials and not send them - and the request will work fine (unless the server expected those credentials). However if you send cookies (withCredentials) but do not have the header, the browser will prevent the reponse from being used and may throw an error.


  • Make sure any resource with a Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * does not contain any sensitive information - public resources only

  • Don't rely on the origin whitelist to provide authentication because a client can easily fake it

  • Potentially verify the HTTP_ORIGIN agains the provided origin in the request header to verify a request

  • Preflight caching can help request performace by lettting the browser not have to make a new preflight request each time it does a non GET/HEAD request - but too long of a cache might conflict with changes to the headers - google recomends keeping in relatively short < 30mins

  • OWASP: cors

  • Google CORS Security


Public resources using Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

Usually you would set the <origin> intentionally to limit the access of the resource by domain, however it is also posible specify a wildcard for origins * to allow any origin to access the domain.

NOTE: This only works with non-credentialed requests. So if the resource authenticates via cookie - then you will need to set the <origin> to be more specific.

Useful links

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