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Last active December 26, 2015 02:59
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-- Abordagem tradicional (vetor/vetor):
SELECT foo.value, ST_area(foo.geom::geography)/10000 AS area_ha
FROM ( SELECT c.value,
ST_Union(ST_Intersection(f.geom, c.geom)) as geom
FROM fazendas f, capacidade_vect c
WHERE ST_Intersects(f.geom, c.geom)
AND f.gid = 6
GROUP BY c.value
) as foo
ORDER BY foo.value;
-- PostGIS Raster (raster/vetor):
SELECT tmp.pixel_value, ST_area(Geography(ST_Union(ST_Intersection(f.geom, tmp.geom))))/10000 AS area_ha
FROM fazendas f,(
SELECT (ST_DumpAsPolygons(ST_Clip(c.rast, ST_Buffer(f.geom, 0.01), TRUE))).val AS pixel_value,
(ST_DumpAsPolygons(ST_Clip(c.rast, ST_Buffer(f.geom, 0.01), TRUE))).geom AS geom
FROM fazendas f, capacidade_rast c
WHERE ST_Intersects(ST_Buffer(f.geom, 0.01), c.rast)
AND f.gid = 6
) AS tmp
WHERE ST_Intersects(f.geom, tmp.geom)
GROUP BY tmp.pixel_value
ORDER BY tmp.pixel_value;
conversão: raster2pgsql -s 4326 -I -C -M capacidade_agricola.tif -F -t 90x90 capacidade_rast > capacidade_rast.sql
value = classe de capacidade na tabela vetorial
pixel_value = classe de capacidade na tabela raster
-- outros testes
CREATE TABLE vector_srtm AS
SELECT row_number() OVER (ORDER BY (gv).val) AS gid, ST_Union((gv).geom) AS geom, (gv).val
SELECT rid, ST_Intersection(rast, geom) AS gv
FROM srtm, fazendas
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, geom) AND fazendas.gid =1
) AS tmp
GROUP BY (gv).val
ORDER BY (gv).val;
CREATE TABLE vector_srtm_inter AS
SELECT rid as gid, (gv).geom AS geom, (gv).val
SELECT rid, ST_Intersection(rast, geom) AS gv
FROM srtm, fazendas
WHERE ST_Intersects(rast, geom) AND fazendas.gid =1
) inter;
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