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Last active September 30, 2020 22:32
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"$schema": "",
"meta": { "theme": "spartan" },
"basics": {
"name": "Marcello de Sales",
"label": "The brick walls are there to give us the chance to show how badly we want something.",
"image": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "",
"url": "",
"summary": "* Focus on Distributed Cloud Platforms with Kubernetes, Linux Containers, Micro-services, Redesign for 12Factor Apps, Highly-Scalable and Available Cloud Services and Architectures;\n\n* Software Engineer passionate about Computer Science, with multidisciplinary abilities ranging from Programming Languages, Database Systems, Operating Systems, Network Systems, Communication Protocols, Compilers and Software Engineering;\n\n* Expert knowledge in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, experienced in cross-platform development using strongly-typed and dynamic languages;\n\n* Well-versed Data Modeling using NoSQL along with the Relational Model, supporting efficient mechanisms of high scalability, ACID transactions;\n\n* Agile Engineer adaptable to any global and distributed software development process on small or large cross-functional teams using Agile/Scrum methodologies;\n\n* Dedicated to code standards using Design-Patterns, Code Reviews along with built-in unit, integration and functional tests as additional documentation;\n\n* Clearly adopt continuous build and integration with Gradle, Nexus Maven, Hudson/Jenkins, supported by Test-Driven Development, Automation;\n\n* Strong experience with integrating large-scale enterprise systems architecture, exposing local APIs through the design of remote RESTful Web Services APIs and Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA);\n\n* US Permanent Resident.\n\n*** Specialties ***\n* Docker and Microservices: Host Discovery, Configuration, Load Balancer\n* Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA): RESTful Web Services;\n* Frameworks: Java 8, Node.js, SpringBoot, Groovy on Grails, LAMP;\n* Version-Control: Migration of Subversion or Perforce to Git, Git Flow;\n* Relational Data Design, Information Retrieval, Data Transformation, Normalization;\n* Schema-less Data Model: Database Partitioning Strategies, HA, Sharding, Replication;\n* Programming Paradigms: OOP, Functional and Parallel;\n* Modules and Libraries: Shared Node.js NPM Modules, Java Maven Modules.",
"location": {
"address": "San Diego, CA",
"postalCode": "",
"city": "",
"countryCode": "US",
"region": ""
"profiles": [
"network": "LinkedIn",
"username": "ACoAAAFHWWMBPbqk3seGqDo50FvkXRPlWXyFwl4",
"url": ""
"network": "Twitter",
"username": "marcellodesales",
"url": ""
"work": [
"name": "Intuit",
"endDate": "2020-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Staff Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2017-08-31",
"summary": "* Working on Large-scale gRPC-based Service Development, Golang tools, gRPC Development Process, Protos management, and distribution.\n* Design/Implementation of CLIs to bootstrap AWS Cloud Infrastructure patterns for Kubernetes and Docker Swarm Clusters using KOPS, Kubectl, Terraform, Packer, Docker, AWS APIs to support isolated development of Kubernetes Helm applications.\n* Design/Implementation of distributed Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition (CRD) for Internal Applications for Kubernetes Clusters, Tested in Minikube, Deployed in AWS-based Clusters.\n* Design/Implementation of Dynamic Configuration Management Service with Github Enterprise for Intuit based on Open-source Tools such as Spring Cloud Config.\n* Design/Implementation of Docker Solutions with a focus on migration from Monoliths running in the private Data Center to Distributed Systems/Services in the Cloud.\n* Design/Implementation of Full-stack services using SpringBoot-based / Java 8 and Reach / Node.js with Semantic UI, using CORS and using Oauth Client Web Flow using Amazon APIs, Github APIs, Splunk APIs.\n* Lead Intuit Engineer responsible for System Design and Architecture for the Centralized NPM Registry and Node-Service-Kit for developers, working directly with NPM, Inc. Solution Engineers to deliver for Intuit.\n* Interfacing with different Vendors for various technologies for internal adoption of the Research/Development group.\n* Mentor for new Intuit Interns and teaching them the way to develop proper Backend/Frontend/APIs, alongside with good documentation and great testing through the creation of a new Intuit Service.\n* Improving Intuit's brand by Open-sourcing different projects implemented internally.\n* Official Docker Mentor and Host for the Docker San Diego Meetup at the San Diego Intuit office, supported by directory / VP. See less",
"url": ""
"name": "Intuit",
"endDate": "2017-07-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Sr. Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2016-01-31",
"summary": "* Developing SpringBoot Applications using Java 8, Spring Cloud Config, Gradle, deploying using Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Registry;\n\n* Managing Docker Containers in Production, using Google cAdvisor, Grafana, different Logging Drivers, Splunk Logs, Syslog, Docker Compose V2, monitoring with DataDog;\n\n* Publishing a couple of Open-source Docker Images that are used internal\n\n* Deploying applications to the Internal Cloud and AWS, using different services.",
"url": ""
"name": "Intuit",
"endDate": "2015-12-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Sr. Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2014-05-31",
"summary": "* Built Node Service Kit (NSK) and Deployed Intuit-wide NPM Registry in Production for all Node.js developers using Docker;\n\n* Manage Intuit-wide Docker Registry for POCs around Docker, designing base images, Data Images and Runtime images for other teams to use using different patterns;\n\n* Running different POCs in Docker running Docker Compose, Network, Machine along with monitoring with Google's cAdvisor and logging with drivers for Splunk, for apps to be deployed in Dev, QA and Prod using Docker with manual orchestration, in addition to using design patterns for different Runtime languages such as Java and Node.js to take advantage of Docker's Cache.\n\n* Responsible for the design, implementation and maintenance of Services Platform for Node.JS across Intuit, creating shared production-ready, reusable NPM Node.js modules used by multiple teams across Intuit, supporting enterprise Cloud capabilities such as logging in Splunk and monitoring in New Relic;\n\n* Open-sourced projects at Intuit's GitHub Org;\n\n* Researching the migration to Amazon EC2 infrastructure, Linux LXC Linux containers, and Docker Containers, PaaS.\n\n* Participating in a Node.js Cloud POC with 5 different teams to create innovative Cloud solutions;\n\n* Researching Java 8, JAX-RS 2.0, using common Design Patterns for RESTFul APIs using swagger, Hystrix, Circuit Breaker for Java and Node.js; \n\t\n* Research and Development, part of a team that investigates the use of Docker for Intuit, to solve problems for Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution in the Cloud, collaborating with Chief Architects and Engineers from different Business Units; \n\n* Partnerships with RedHat OpenShift, Atomic, working with CoreOS for Enterprise Docker Registry, Building Docker Images for the Services Platform in Mule ESB, Tomcat, Node.js, among others.",
"url": ""
"name": "Intuit",
"endDate": "2014-04-30",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Sr. Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2013-04-30",
"summary": "* Contributing to Requirements and Design of an SOA Aggregation Services in Mule ESB, implementing Restful Web Services using Jersey's JAX-RS, inter-services communication using XSLT/XML, Tested with REST-Assured DSL, TestNG documented with Swagger.\n\n* Applying various algorithms for helping Tax Analysts solving problems: Sift3 to detect possible human typing mistakes, in-memory Data Normalization and Diff using Java Concurrent APIs and Fork/Join, Bloom Filters to speed up local caching of Google Drive objects.\n\n* Responsible for the Design and Architecture of a Generic Reverse Proxy for RESTful services to support Desktop and Mobile clients to connect to Mule ESB stack through JSON using Apache Tomcat 7, authenticating requests using OAuth and JKS Certificates.\n\n* Automating code generation from content extracted from Google Drive API and Google Spreadsheets API using Gradle and Git, implemented using the Java 7's \"MapReduce\" Framework, Fork/Join.\n\n* Innovating and bringing new technologies to the current stack, responsible for supporting users moving from Perforce to GIT using Git Flow and Git-p4, replacing Maven with Gradle Builds, support Jenkins adoption, among others.\n\n* Manipulating PDF binaries metadata using the Java iText library to support PDF rendering in HTML 5 canvas.\n\n* Team member of 2 Scrum Teams using Jira, interacting with Sr. Architects, Sr. Engineers and QA Engineers to support different groups, as well as assisting Junior Engineers and other team members.\n\n* Daily user of OpenGrok Code Search, Splunk Logs Search, Atlessian Git Stash, as well as publishing components to the corporate Nexus/Maven server.\n\n* Monitoring Production servers for the developed system by writing Splunk Queries, Dashboards and Wily (Application Performance Management).",
"url": ""
"name": "Zynga",
"endDate": "2013-03-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2012-07-31",
"summary": "* Core Server-Side Engineering for Texas HoldEm Poker Game using Object-Oriented PHP, Javascript/jQuery, AJAX, RESTful Webservices, JSON, Memcache, MySQL, using Vertica Advanced In-Database Analytics for Big Data;\n\n* Part of a Scrum team working on delivering new features using Continuous Daily Releases, interfacing with Program Managers, Data Analysts, Flash Developers, QA and Artists using JIRA, Code Review in CodeCollab;\n\n* Using the greatness of GIT and GitHub with the nicest branching strategy, promoting system automation alongside with PHP on our EC2 servers;\n\n* Contributed with continuous delivery of production code to Facebook App in a weekly basis, writing Facebook Apps and related APIs, using the Facebook Graph API and SDK Batch processing support for App Feeds and App Notifications.\n\n* Client/Server interfacing APIs for Flash using Javascript, JQuery, ActionScript 3, PHP, Web Services.",
"url": ""
"name": "CollabNet",
"endDate": "2012-07-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2010-02-28",
"summary": "* Responsible for taking on some technical debt such as EJB 2.1 -> EJB 3.1 migration, XDoctlet -> Java 6 Custom Annotations & Processors for the CollabNet TeamForge;\n\n* Migration of ANT's build.xml + Maven pom.xml artifacts to Gradle build.gradle, along the modularization of components deployed in local Sonatype Nexus Maven Repository Server.\n\n* Designed and implemented the Subversion Edge Discovery API, an Observer Design-Pattern implementation that proxies events captured by the RFC 6762 Multicast DNS Listeners in jmDNS;\n\n* Designed and implemented full-stack of MVC artifacts for the TeamForge Server using normalized Object-relational persistent data Models written in EJB3, persisted on PostgreSQL through Hibernate, controlled by Struts, and View in JSP and Tiles;\n\n* Designed and implemented infrastructural RPC-SOAP WS APIs for the JBoss Application Server, tested using soapUI and debugged using Wireshark;\n\n* Designed and implemented the build/packages update system Oracle pkg(5) Update Center toolkit and Groovy GANT, as well as the Web Interface using the HTTP-based Event Routing Bus (Cometd Push) using DOJO Javascript, allowing users apply software updates using the browser;\n\n* Designed and implemented full-stack of Spring artifacts on Grails for the Subversion Edge server using Grails plug-ins, extensive use of Java, Groovy Closures, GSP, statically analyzed with Codenarc to maintain code quality and providing Facade clients to the Web Services API;\n\n* Agile team member of the open-source Subversion Edge following different Agile/Scrum methodologies such as Remote Code Reviews, Test-Driven Development (TDD);\n\n* Contributed with the Subversion Edge implementing the infrastructure for support of Internationalization (i18n), automated Unit, Integration and Functional Tests APIs using JUnit and HTMLUnit.",
"url": ""
"name": "San Francisco State University (SFSU)",
"endDate": "2009-12-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "MS Graduate Student Researcher",
"startDate": "2008-01-31",
"summary": "* MS Thesis: \"A Key-Value-based Persistence Model for Sensor Networks\", a novel approach to data persistence in sensor networks using Key-Value-Pair Databases for a centralized and Data-Centric network sink;\n\n* Design and implementation of different denormalized data partitioning using mongoDB distributed data shards using a VirtualBox cluster as a horizontal partitioning strategy, using the MapReduce API to produce reports;\n\n* Development of the Data Sensor Platform (DSP) using Knopflerfish OSGi in both desktop and embedded systems, implementing various Bundles using HTTP Piggybacking, XML Messages over HTTP on Gumstix-based sensor nodes;\n\n* Development of the Network Logical Layer on the Micro Kernel of the the T.OS. using Messages passing, implementing the ARP and the UDP protocols;\n\n* Research in Collaborative and Distributed Software Engineering to support Agile/Scrum teams in academic and industrial environments, acting as ScrumMaster, team leader, and system/application architect using test-driven development process (InfinityMetrics's team members distributed in California and Florida used UserStories and Product Backlog Management on;\n\n* System design and architecture of a virtualization “LAMP box” using VirtualBox to support a test-driven development using PHP 5, PHP Phing build system, Subversion, PHP Propel ORM, PHPUnit, PHP GOF Design-Patterns, MySQL 5;\n\n* Developed Internet Crawlers based on Information Retrieval and Screen Scraping, collecting user’s profile using PHP 5, HTML Parsers, persisting data into a MySQL Data Warehouse;\n\n* XML Data transformation of Gamin’s Bicycle GPS, data integration in MySQL using Java EE 5, Struts and Hibernate), AJAX, Google Maps, Flash FreeCharts;\n\n* Design and Implementation V-Octopus Web Server using Java 5 Concurrent API supporting the HTTP 1.1 features, CGI execution, using Aspect-Oriented Design with AspectJ 5 to implement cross-cutting concerns such as Loggin and server Cache;",
"url": ""
"name": "CollabNet, Inc.",
"endDate": "2009-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Engineer Intern",
"startDate": "2009-06-30",
"summary": "* Helped research and improve the performance of large-scale and heavy-loaded Subversion version-control systems on a cross-functional position;\n\n* Designed and Implemented an in-memory proxied-cache system for enterprise Subversion repositories spread across the globe using XML-RPC and SOAP Web Services to support Subversion Repositories Data Replication;\n\n* Implemented solutions in Java-EE, Spring WebFlow, iBATIS, Groovy on Grails;\n\n* Designed and Implemented various Web Services Interfaces using XML Schema and WSDL to support deployment in Apache Axis, CXF and GroovyWS;\n\n* Designed and implemented a Distributed Command Executor using Apache AXIS Web Services, iBATIS, GroovyWS, Groovy on Grails; \n\n* Used Google Maps 3.0 APIs as a use case to display machine's Geo-location;\n\n* Reported directly to the Program Manager responsible for the new solution, contributing with different cross-functional activities with other developers across the US and India.",
"url": ""
"name": "CollabNet",
"endDate": "2007-12-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Engineer",
"startDate": "2007-01-31",
"summary": "* Design and Implementation of Web Services APIs for the CollabNet Enterprise Edition, running in Development Portals like;\n\n* Design-Patterns for WSDL to support Web Services interoperability;\n\n* J2EE Java developer working with different APIs from the Apache Organization, also developing in Perl and Python;\n\n* Patched Issuezilla with an XML connector in a project together with the Eclipse MyLyn team to it possible to use Eclipse together with portal;\n\n* Agile/Scrum Software Development Team Member, working in the development of the CollabNet SourceForge Enterprise Edition, using J2EE, Test-Driven Development.",
"url": ""
"name": "Shopila Corporation",
"endDate": "2006-12-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Architect",
"startDate": "2006-11-30",
"summary": "* Designed and implemented an ETL E-Commerce automation process using PHP 5 and Java using Microsoft Access and MySQL;\n\n* Built an internal Data Warehouse based on Data Transformation from 5 distributors using different clients implemented in Java Web Services, FTP API and JDBC Batches;\n\n* Deployed in production using osCommerce LAMP, using personal contributions made to the open-source project (,4117/page,83).\n\n* Developed Internet Crawlers in Java using HTML Parsers to do Screen Scraping of competitor’s data from Amazon, Shopizilla, PriceGrabber, among other Market Places.",
"url": ""
"name": "Motorola Brazil and CIn - Center for Informatics",
"endDate": "2005-05-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "M.S. Graduate Student Researcher and Software Test Engineer",
"startDate": "2004-01-31",
"summary": "* M.S. research in Test Coverage on GSM code-base;\n\n* Research in Software Test Design-Patterns;\n\n* Helped the implementation of the Six-Sigma Motorola training in the CIn/Motorola Recife-Pernambuco-Brazil Test Center;\n\n* Implemented TAFPlus, a Test Automation Framework in JAVA to help Software Test Engineers with Semi-automated tests of the Motorola Cellphones. Technology is being used at the Brazil Test Center and at Motorola QA sites around the world;\n\n* Mobile Software Test Engineer testing the GSM Messaging applications, such as the IM, during Internship.\n\n* Participated of Test Plan Reviews and Document Inspection Sessions.",
"url": ""
"name": "Universidade Federal de Alagoas",
"endDate": "2003-03-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "B.S. Researcher Assistant (CNPq, Brazil)",
"startDate": "2001-06-30",
"summary": "* Member of the Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering group, doing research with a Scholarship sponsored by the Brazilian Government (CNPq)\n\n* Development of J2EE-based portal to support undergraduate courses online, integrating with other LAMP systems using RedHat Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP 3;\n\n* Research with different Object-Relational Mapping frameworks, developing internally for the Computer Science research project.",
"url": ""
"name": "Classi-A (E-Ads, Brazil)",
"endDate": "2001-07-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Software Systems Architect",
"startDate": "2000-02-28",
"summary": "* Designed and implemented a complete LAMP-based website for advertisements using Redhat Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP 3;\n\n* Contribution with the PHP community to the usage of Object-Oriented principles with the language;\n\n* Directly reported to the owner of the company, holding Executing meetings, planning the Website infrastructure, assessment of key risks, Engineering, etc.",
"url": ""
"name": "Secretaria da Fazenda - AL",
"endDate": "1998-08-31",
"highlights": [],
"position": "Engineering Intern",
"startDate": "1998-06-30",
"summary": "* Developing HTML Content for the Government office.\n* Installing software and helping maintain the local network.",
"url": ""
"volunteer": [
"organization": "Zynga",
"position": "Making toys for children",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2012-10-31",
"endDate": "2012-10-31",
"summary": "Made toys for children to be donated",
"highlights": []
"organization": "Intuit",
"position": "Companion Dogs",
"url": "",
"startDate": "2019-02-03",
"endDate": "2012-02-03",
"summary": "Played with companion dogs that needed attention.",
"highlights": []
"education": [
"institution": "Universidade Federal de Alagoas",
"area": "Computer Science",
"studyType": "Bachelor of Science (BS)",
"startDate": "1999-12-31",
"endDate": "2003-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "Universidade Federal de Campina Grande",
"area": "Software Engineering - Formal Methods",
"studyType": "Masters in Computer Science (Incomplete)",
"startDate": "2003-12-31",
"endDate": "2003-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "Universidade Federal de Pernambuco",
"area": "Software Test Engineering",
"studyType": "Masters in Science in Computer Science (Incomplete)",
"startDate": "2005-12-31",
"endDate": "2005-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "Infoserve Technologies Institute",
"area": "Programming Languages and Databases",
"studyType": "Certificate",
"startDate": "2005-12-31",
"endDate": "2006-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "San Francisco State University",
"area": "Computer Science",
"studyType": "Master of Science",
"startDate": "2008-12-31",
"endDate": "2009-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "",
"area": "Software Test Engineering",
"studyType": "Specialist",
"startDate": "2004-12-31",
"endDate": "2004-12-31",
"gpa": "",
"courses": []
"institution": "Centro Universitário CESMAC",
"area": "Information Technology",
"studyType": "Bachelor's degree",
"startDate": "2008-12-31",
"endDate": "2008-12-31",
"gpa": "-",
"courses": []
"awards": [
"title": "Engineer of the Year (US/EU) 2nd Runner-Up 2011. CollabNet, Inc.",
"date": "2011-12-31",
"awarder": "Engineering Department",
"summary": ""
"publications": [
"name": "ASAP-V: A privacy-preserving authentication and sybil detection protocol for VANETs",
"publisher": "Information Sciences",
"releaseDate": "2016-08-23",
"website": "",
"summary": "TO APPEAR (Volume 372, 1 December 2016, Pages 208–224)\n\nNode authentication, non-repudiation and anonymous communication are key roles to provide security in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs). On the other hand, the trade-off between authentication/non-repudiation and anonymous communication may lead to a harmful type of network attack called sybil attack. In such an attack, a malicious node behaves as if it is a large number of nodes. In this paper, we propose an anonymous authentication and sybil attack detection protocol for VANETs called ASAP-V. Experimental results suggest that ASAP-V is more robust against sybil attacks, with lower average detection time than the state-of-art works, also without false-positive and false-negative detections.\n\nKeywords: VANET; Security; Authentication; Privacy; Sybil attack"
"name": "Docker",
"publisher": "2014 TechForum v5: Intuit Annual Engineering Conference",
"releaseDate": "2014-11-05",
"website": "",
"summary": "Invited/Voted Co-Speaker at Intuit Annual Engineering Conference, speaking about the history of Containerization, what problem Docker solves well for Large Scale Enterprises. In short, how Docker bridges the gabs that take Engineers ideas from their laptops to the any deployment infrastructure, may it be private and public cloud, among others. In addition, it described Intuit's future directions towards an internal Platform as a Service (PaaS) model that allows all Engineers to build apps following a Micro-services approach."
"name": "Enterprise Open-Source Software",
"publisher": "2013 TechForum v4: Intuit Annual Engineering Conference",
"releaseDate": "2013-11-03",
"website": "",
"summary": "Invited/Voted Co-Speaker at Intuit Annual Engineering Conference, presenting about how to use the lessons learned from the Open-source movement and community at a Large scale Enterprise."
"name": "Multilevel Security in UPnP Networks for Pervasive Environments",
"publisher": "IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics",
"releaseDate": "2013-02-28",
"website": "",
"summary": "Security has become a critical concern in pervasive environments, since personal information can be available to malicious users. In this context, some of the major drawbacks in UPnP architecture are the user authentication and service access control, which are not suitable for pervasive environments. Moreover, the inherited heterogeneity of pervasive environments brings different security and privacy requirement concerns depending on the environment and the services provided. This paper introduces a UPnP extension that not only allows multilevel user authentication for pervasive UPnP services, but also provides a flexible security approach that adapts to the network. What is more, it offers a seamless security level negotiation protocol."
"name": "A Key-Value-based Persistence Model for Sensor Networks",
"publisher": "M.S. in Computer Science Thesis / San Francisco State University Graduate Studies",
"releaseDate": "2009-12-17",
"website": "",
"summary": "Sensor Networks are becoming important to different scientific and industrial communities because of what they produce: the raw data of diverse domains. In order to make use of the collected data, researchers may have to dissect the characteristics of the sensor network in question, regarding different properties such as the purpose and location of the observed data, as well as how the data is described. For this reason, this work's first contribution is a set of data persistence taxonomies based on the state of the art of Data Persistence for Sensor Networks, which can be used to classify the properties of the produced raw data. In order to evaluate the proposed taxonomies, a data persistence component for NetBEAMS was designed and implemented. NetBEAMS is a component-based sensor network infrastructure developed to improve the operation of the SF-BEAMS environmental sensor network. SF-BEAMS is deployed in Tiburon, California, and managed by the Romberg Tiburon Center (RTC). Based on an empirical analysis regarding proposed taxonomies, a Key-Value Data Model is proposed as an alternative to the Relational Data Model traditionally used. Furthermore, the mongoDB database, a schema-less document-oriented database, was selected for evaluation. Results based on the experiments suggest a novel approach to provide External or Data-Centric persistence for networks. Similarly, the literature supports programming languages as a better abstraction when it comes to data access and modification by non-technical users such as biologists. Finally, this report lends itself to future work in the area of data persistence in sensor networks."
"name": "NetBEAMS: A component-based sensor network for environmental monitoring",
"publisher": "SNA-2009: 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks and Applications / International Society for Computers and Their Applications (ISCA)",
"releaseDate": "2009-11-30",
"website": "",
"summary": "In this paper we describe a sensor network for environmental monitoring based on highly specialized, off-the-shelf sensing devices. Environmental monitoring depends on the reliable collection of measurements from remotely deployed sensors and the rapid transfer of those measurements to data centers. Typically, sensors are deployed in out-of-the-way locations, where physical access is limited and connections for telemetry are poor or nonexistent. Maintaining the data stream from these sensors places demands on human resources, requiring site visits to service the sensors and to download data stored on internal memory. The work described in this paper is a collaborative effort between the Computer Science Department at San Francisco State University and the Romberg Tiburon Center. The result of this collaboration is an environmental sensor network deployed in the San Francisco Bay. It provides means to program and interrogate sensors at the remote field locations and to transmit collected measurements to a remote database. Appeared at SNA-2009: 1st International Conference on Sensor Networks and Applications, pages 54–60, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2009."
"name": "Towards the UPnP-UP: Enabling User Profile to Support Customized Services in UPnP Networks",
"publisher": "UBICOMM '08 Proceedings of the 2008 The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies.",
"releaseDate": "2008-10-31",
"website": "",
"summary": "In a nutshell, UPnP aims to enable simple and robust connectivity among consumer electronics, intelligent appliances and mobile devices from many different vendors. Nowadays, it is getting an increasing popularity due to its robust way of connecting devices and the massive number of already developed applications, complementing the useful new era of pervasive computing. Although UPnP is an easy-to-use solution for discovery, which allows controlled devices to share and access users contents, it does neither provide user authentication nor authorization mechanisms, requirements that would require user's data on personal profiles. As a consequence, we propose an extension of the UPnP protocol called UPnP-UP, which allows user authentication and authorization for UPnP devices and applications. The primary goal of our proposed extension is to modify the current UPnP specification as less as possible, maintaining backwards compatibility with previous versions of the protocol. Furthermore, we present our efforts on the development of a UPnP framework for publishing and accessing multimedia contents in order to support this extension as a case of study.\nProceeding UBICOMM '08 Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies. ISBN: 978-0-7695-3367-4"
"name": "An Open-Source Component-Based Toolkit to Support E-learning Multimedia Environments",
"publisher": "ICSNC 2007: the Second International Conference on Systems and Networks Communications, IEEE Computer Society",
"releaseDate": "2007-08-27",
"website": "",
"summary": "In the Distributed Systems area, the number of Multimedia Applications has increased due to fact that it provides a better integration among their users, as well as being recognized as an essential distinctive feature for e-learning environments. However, most of the existing e-learning solutions are not open-source and are not designed with extensibility in mind, making integration with other systems difficult. In this way, this paper proposes an open-source component-based toolkit to support e-learning multimedia environments called ArCoLIVE, which offers real time multimedia services for e-learning systems."
"name": "Set Your Multimedia Application Free with ArCoLIVE: An Open Source Component-based Toolkit to Support E-Learning Environments",
"publisher": "WBE'06 Proceedings of the 5th IASTED international conference on Web-based education / ACTA Press.",
"releaseDate": "2006-01-25",
"website": "",
"summary": "Some e-learning environment infrastructures have become complex to support multimedia mechanisms. As a con sequence, many distance learning systems are developed without extensible features, which make them unchange able. In spite of existing well-known e-learning solutions, many of them are generally proprietary and thus users must pay for them. For this reason, we then propose an open source component based multimedia environment to sup port e-learning systems called ArCoLIVE. It provides a feasible and effective method that leverages the Internet to deliver anytime/anywhere multimedia services."
"name": "Automated Tests and Process with Motorola Phone Test Framework Add-on",
"publisher": "CIn Informatics Center - Computer Science - Universidade Federal de Pernambuco",
"releaseDate": "2004-08-31",
"website": "",
"summary": "Software Test Engineering Monograph, Awarded the Software Test Engineer Specialist title by Motorola and CIn UFPE: Most of times, schedule and minimal resources takes software project managers and developers to face the challenge of doing the project within an ever-shrinking schedule and with minimal resources. As part of their attempt to do more with less, organizations want to test software adequately, but as quickly and thoroughly as possible. Motorola has used the Phone Test Framework (PTF) in order to automate its test cases as an attempt to overcome such challenge. Nevertheless, the PTF use involves a lot of complex configuration steps, a poor user interface and the most important, the lack of management of its results, which makes the testing process difficult and delayed. For these reasons, a new version of PTF Add-on, one of the CIn-STP monograph results, was designed to accomplish and improve the automated test process together with PTF. PTF Add-on V3.0 manages the configuration steps and the execution results with a wizard-like design, allowing the tester to save important time during the testing process."
"skills": [
"name": "Docker",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Spring Boot",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Spring Cloud",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "12-Factor Apps",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Normalization",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Spring Framework",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "High Availability Architecture",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Java",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Apache",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "AOP",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "SQL",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Data Transformation",
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"name": "Amazon Web Services (AWS)",
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"keywords": []
"name": "Scrum",
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"keywords": []
"name": "Cloud Computing",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Private Clouds",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Software Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "Test Driven Development",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "jQuery UI",
"level": "",
"keywords": []
"name": "API Development",
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"keywords": []
"name": "MongoDB",
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"keywords": []
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"keywords": []
"name": "MySQL",
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"name": "JavaScript",
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"name": "Splunk",
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"name": "Spring",
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"keywords": []
"name": "Groovy",
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"name": "Agile Methodologies",
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"keywords": []
"name": "Concurrent Programming",
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"name": "jQuery",
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"name": "SOAP",
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"name": "Information Retrieval",
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"name": "Software Architecture",
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"name": "PHP",
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"name": "Mule ESB",
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"languages": [
"language": "en",
"fluency": "Native Speaker"
"interests": [],
"references": [
"name": "Leandro Melo de Sales",
"reference": "Marcello and I worked together on this project as our first paid software implementation. We worked very hard, during days and nights while going to school and taking free time from a strike at our University. \r\n\r\nDuring that time, we managed to learn PHP and MySQL to build our first LAMP stack (Connectiva Linux, today Mandriva; Apache Web Server, MySQL 3 and PHP 3). Since he was taking OOP classes, he did the Object-Oriented Model and Design when PHP had a fairly limited support to OOP. \r\n\r\nHe basically knows how to articulate about a problem well in a very dynamic way... I wish he were here in Brazil, so that he would play an important role at my technological endeavors currently under development...\r\n\r\nMiss working with my brother!"
"name": "Adam Ambrose",
"reference": "Marcello has quite a rare combination of talents: a keen intellect, a super-strong work ethic, deep technical knowledge, coupled with a permanent good mood and an infectious humor. Truly a fantastic member to have on any technical team."
"name": "Jack Repenning",
"reference": "Marcello is bright, quick, unfailingly genial, and very trustworthy. We would never have let him leave, except for some immigration paperwork stuff that forced our hand. And, frankly, I'm a little hesitant to recommend him to anyone else, because I want him back!"
"name": "Clelio De Souza (Leo)",
"reference": "There are several aspects I could highlight of Marcello and that is a tough task, but summarizing them I could say: First, his technical skills are outstanding. He really knows how to apply excellent approaches in real problems, not matter which problem he has to face. Second, he keeps the focus on researches always trying to improve his skills with the latest on Computer Science. Third, he really likes to do what he does and, certainly, that makes him a better professional. His courage and audacity to reach his dreams always motivate me to track mines. All those three points Marcello has demonstrated on several achievements on Motorola project where I had the great opportunity to be present. I would be very grateful to have another opportunity to work with him again."
"projects": []
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