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Last active February 28, 2024 05:37
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import { useSlugify } from "./useSlugify";
const slugify = useSlugify();
console.log(slugify("São Paulo"));
export const useSlugify = (text: string) => {
const accentsMap = new Map([
["-", "\\s|\\.|/|_"],
["a", "á|à|ã|â|ä"],
["e", "é|è|ê|ë"],
["i", "í|ì|î|ï"],
["o", "ó|ò|ô|õ|ö"],
["u", "ú|ù|û|ü"],
["c", "ç"],
["n", "ñ"]
const reducer = (text, [key]) => {
return text.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap.get(key), "gi"), key);
const slugify = (text) => {
return [...accentsMap].reduce(reducer, text.toLowerCase());
return slugify;
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