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An Javascript function to remove accents and others characters from an input string.
// Example:
const accentsMap = new Map([
["A", "Á|À|Ã|Â|Ä"],
["a", "á|à|ã|â|ä"],
["E", "É|È|Ê|Ë"],
["e", "é|è|ê|ë"],
["I", "Í|Ì|Î|Ï"],
["i", "í|ì|î|ï"],
["O", "Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ|Ö"],
["o", "ó|ò|ô|õ|ö"],
["U", "Ú|Ù|Û|Ü"],
["u", "ú|ù|û|ü"],
["C", "Ç"],
["c", "ç"],
["N", "Ñ"],
["n", "ñ"]
const reducer = (acc, [key]) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap.get(key), "g"), key);
export const removeAccents = (text) => [...accentsMap].reduce(reducer, text);
export const slugify = text => text
.replace(/\s|_|\(|\)/g, "-")
.normalize("NFD").replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "")
// Example:
const accentsMap = new Map([
["-", "\\s|\\.|_"],
["a", "á|à|ã|â|ä"],
["e", "é|è|ê|ë"],
["i", "í|ì|î|ï"],
["o", "ó|ò|ô|õ|ö"],
["u", "ú|ù|û|ü"],
["c", "ç"],
["n", "ñ"]
const reducer = (acc, [key]) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap.get(key), "gi"), key);
export const slugify = (text) => [...accentsMap].reduce(reducer, text.toLowerCase());
export const removeAccents = text => text.normalize("NFD").replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "")
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MrVincs commented Dec 20, 2019

Amazing ! thank you

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Bohemme commented Mar 25, 2020

Great! I'm using it in a Isotope sorting function and works like a charm. Thanks!

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torchatlas commented Apr 2, 2020

Just writing another review for this code: it works like a charm! Not sure about performance, but it is working well! Thanks for posting this!

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It's beautiful

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valeu, lindão!

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arenier commented Jul 28, 2020

Thanks a lot for this snippet.
I improved for ES6 use, in case anyone might want it:

const accentsMap = {
  a: 'á|à|ã|â|À|Á|Ã|Â',
  e: 'é|è|ê|É|È|Ê',
  i: 'í|ì|î|Í|Ì|Î',
  o: 'ó|ò|ô|õ|Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ',
  u: 'ú|ù|û|ü|Ú|Ù|Û|Ü',
  c: 'ç|Ç',
  n: 'ñ|Ñ',

export const slugify = text => Object.keys(accentsMap).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap[cur], 'g'), cur), text);

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Valeu por compartilhar!

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Thanks a lot!

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cauefcr commented Sep 24, 2020

salvou meu dia!

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SlyKode commented Nov 18, 2020

Thank you for sharing. Note that ä,Ä,ë,Ë,ï,Ï,ö,Ö are missing in the map.

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Sami69 commented Dec 18, 2020

I have modified the last code, that I find really nice, to remove all none alpha-numeric values. In names and firstname you often have characters such as '(', ')' and other character types. I needed this to make a filter search of similar names and firstname in a database for subscription. It makes t easuer to compasre with other names in the database:

const accentsMap = {
  a: 'á|à|ã|â|À|Á|Ã|Â',
  e: 'é|è|ê|É|È|Ê',
  i: 'í|ì|î|Í|Ì|Î',
  o: 'ó|ò|ô|õ|Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ',
  u: 'ú|ù|û|ü|Ú|Ù|Û|Ü',
  c: 'ç|Ç',
  n: 'ñ|Ñ'
const strEpuree = str => Object.keys(accentsMap).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap[cur], 'g'), cur), str.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', ''))

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Thank you for sharing. Note that ä,Ä,ë,Ë,ï,Ï,ö,Ö are missing in the map.


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a2br commented Apr 8, 2021

Maybe you should check this out! :) Remove accents/diacritics in a string in JavaScript

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Love it thank you so much <3

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gtobar commented May 15, 2021

Excellent work Marcelo, thanks you for sharing.
It didn't replace whitespace well, so I mixed the two lines together and it works like a charm.

const slugify = str => {
const map = {
'-' : ' |_',
'a' : 'á|à|ã|â|ä|À|Á|Ã|Â|Ä',
'e' : 'é|è|ê|ë|É|È|Ê|Ë',
'i' : 'í|ì|î|ï|Í|Ì|Î|Ï',
'o' : 'ó|ò|ô|õ|ö|Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ|Ö',
'u' : 'ú|ù|û|ü|Ú|Ù|Û|Ü',
'c' : 'ç|Ç',
'n' : 'ñ|Ñ'

for (var pattern in map) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(map[pattern], 'g'), pattern);

return str;

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jhegner commented May 16, 2021

Thanks @marcelo,

I found this interesting topic on the stackoverflow using String.prototype.normalize()

Remove Accents in a String

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const accentsMap = {
  a: 'á|à|ã|â|À|Á|Ã|Â',
  e: 'é|è|ê|É|È|Ê',
  i: 'í|ì|î|Í|Ì|Î',
  o: 'ó|ò|ô|õ|Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ',
  u: 'ú|ù|û|ü|Ú|Ù|Û|Ü',
  c: 'ç|Ç',
  n: 'ñ|Ñ',

export const slugify = text => Object.keys(accentsMap).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap[cur], 'g'), cur), text);

thanks! and thanks to the author @marcelo-ribeiro

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New ES6 version! 😎

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marcelo-ribeiro commented Jul 1, 2021

Thanks a lot for this snippet.
I improved for ES6 use, in case anyone might want it:

const accentsMap = {
  a: 'á|à|ã|â|À|Á|Ã|Â',
  e: 'é|è|ê|É|È|Ê',
  i: 'í|ì|î|Í|Ì|Î',
  o: 'ó|ò|ô|õ|Ó|Ò|Ô|Õ',
  u: 'ú|ù|û|ü|Ú|Ù|Û|Ü',
  c: 'ç|Ç',
  n: 'ñ|Ñ',

export const slugify = text => Object.keys(accentsMap).reduce((acc, cur) => acc.replace(new RegExp(accentsMap[cur], 'g'), cur), text);

Thank you for sharing! I used part of the your code to improve the ES6 version.
I hope you enjoy 😃

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